William Martin (Royal Navy officer)
http://dbpedia.org/resource/William_Martin_(Royal_Navy_officer) an entity of type: Thing
Sir Laurence Woodward Martin (* 30. Juli 1928 in St Austell; † 24. April 2022) war ein britischer Militärpilot und Politikwissenschaftler.
William Martin (v. 1696 - 17 septembre 1756) est un officier de marine britannique. Il sert au sein de la Royal Navy pendant la guerre de Succession d'Espagne et la guerre de Succession d'Autriche.
William Martin (c. 1696 – 17 September 1756) was an officer of the Royal Navy who saw service during the War of the Spanish Succession and the War of the Austrian Succession. He rose from obscure origins to see service during the War of the Spanish Succession. He was promoted to command several ships, seeing service in home waters and in the Mediterranean during the years of peace, and shortly after the outbreak of the War of the Austrian Succession, was rewarded for his good service with a posting as commodore, and command of a squadron. He served under several of the Mediterranean Fleet's commanders, Nicholas Haddock, Richard Lestock, and most significantly Thomas Mathews. Mathews was engaged in promoting British interests in the Mediterranean during the war, and policing the neutrality
William Martin (1696 circa – Twickenham, 17 settembre 1756) è stato un ammiraglio britannico. Di oscure origini, iniziò la carriera militare durante la guerra di successione spagnola. Fu nominato comandante di diverse navi prestando servizio nelle acque nazionali e nel Mediterraneo durante gli anni di pace, ottenendo il grado di commodoro e la nomina a comandante di una squadriglia poco prima che scoppiasse la guerra di successione austriaca. Durante il conflitto fu agli ordini degli ammiragli della Mediterranean Fleet , e . Quest'ultimo in particolare lo inviò in diverse spedizioni contro i nemici di Maria Teresa d'Austria, alleata della Gran Bretagna, per costringerli ad interrompere le ostilità.
Laurence Martin
William Martin (amiral)
William Martin
William Martin (Royal Navy officer)
William Martin
William Martin
Sir Laurence Woodward Martin (* 30. Juli 1928 in St Austell; † 24. April 2022) war ein britischer Militärpilot und Politikwissenschaftler.
William Martin (v. 1696 - 17 septembre 1756) est un officier de marine britannique. Il sert au sein de la Royal Navy pendant la guerre de Succession d'Espagne et la guerre de Succession d'Autriche.
William Martin (c. 1696 – 17 September 1756) was an officer of the Royal Navy who saw service during the War of the Spanish Succession and the War of the Austrian Succession. He rose from obscure origins to see service during the War of the Spanish Succession. He was promoted to command several ships, seeing service in home waters and in the Mediterranean during the years of peace, and shortly after the outbreak of the War of the Austrian Succession, was rewarded for his good service with a posting as commodore, and command of a squadron. He served under several of the Mediterranean Fleet's commanders, Nicholas Haddock, Richard Lestock, and most significantly Thomas Mathews. Mathews was engaged in promoting British interests in the Mediterranean during the war, and policing the neutrality of the Mediterranean kingdoms, trying to prevent them joining the war in support of Britain's enemies. Several times Martin was sent with squadrons to rival nation's ports, to threaten them with naval retaliation if they did not comply with British demands, and was uniformly successful in convincing local rulers not to resist. Promoted to flag rank during the war, Martin served in a junior role in commanding the principal fleets, mainly in British waters, but also on an expedition to Lisbon. Rising steadily through the ranks, and taking command in his own right eventually, he eventually retired ashore towards the conclusion of the war, and died in 1756 with the rank of admiral of the blue.
William Martin (1696 circa – Twickenham, 17 settembre 1756) è stato un ammiraglio britannico. Di oscure origini, iniziò la carriera militare durante la guerra di successione spagnola. Fu nominato comandante di diverse navi prestando servizio nelle acque nazionali e nel Mediterraneo durante gli anni di pace, ottenendo il grado di commodoro e la nomina a comandante di una squadriglia poco prima che scoppiasse la guerra di successione austriaca. Durante il conflitto fu agli ordini degli ammiragli della Mediterranean Fleet , e . Quest'ultimo in particolare lo inviò in diverse spedizioni contro i nemici di Maria Teresa d'Austria, alleata della Gran Bretagna, per costringerli ad interrompere le ostilità. Diverse volte Martin condusse con successo le sue navi nei porti delle nazioni nemiche, minacciando bombardamenti se queste non avessero accolto le richieste britanniche. Tra queste spedizioni, grande scalpore suscitò quella del 1742 contro il Regno di Napoli, che costrinse il re Carlo di Borbone a ritirare il sostegno alle armate spagnole in guerra contro l'Austria.
Kingdom of Great Britain