William Dudley Pelley

http://dbpedia.org/resource/William_Dudley_Pelley an entity of type: Thing

윌리엄 더들리 펠리(William Dudley Pelley, 1890년 3월 12일 ~ 1965년 6월 30일)는 미국의 작가, 심령주의자, 파시스트 정치운동가였다. 그는 작가로서 할리우드 영화의 펜싱 각본 그리고 두 번의 오 헨리상을 수상하며 두각을 나타냈다. 그의 1929년 에세이 "영원한 7분"(Seven Minutes in Eternity)은 펠리의 경력에 전환점을 찍었고, 나중에 임사 체험이라고 불릴 만한 것의 인기 있는 예로서 출판된 (The American Magazine)에서 중요한 반응을 얻었다. 신비주의와 오컬트에 대한 그의 경험은 정치 쪽으로 표류했고, 1933년 펠리는 (Silver Legion of America, 파시스트 불법무장연맹)을 창설했다. 1936년 후보로 미국 대통령에 출마했다. 그는 1942년 소요죄로 15년형을 선고받고 1950년 석방되었다. 그가 사망하자 뉴욕 타임스는 그를 "중대한 추종자가 없는 선동가"(an agitator without a significant following)라고 평가했다. rdf:langString
Уильям Дадли Пелли (англ. William Dudley Pelley; 12 марта 1890 — 30 июня 1965) — американский сценарист, политический деятель фашистского толка, основатель Серебряного легиона. Кандидат на пост президента США в 1936 году от созданной им Христианской партии. rdf:langString
William Dudley Pelley (* 12. März 1890 in Lynn, Massachusetts; † 30. Juni 1965 in Noblesville, Hamilton County, Indiana) war ein amerikanischer Antisemit und Gründer der antisemitischen Bewegung Silver Shirts. rdf:langString
William Dudley Pelley (March 12, 1890 – June 30, 1965) was an American writer, occultist, spiritualist and fascist political activist. He came to prominence as a writer, winning two O. Henry Awards and penning screenplays for Hollywood films. His 1929 essay "Seven Minutes in Eternity" marked a turning point in Pelley's career, earning a major response in The American Magazine where it was published as a popular example of what would later be called a near-death experience. His experiences with mysticism and occultism drifted towards the political, and in 1933 Pelley founded the Silver Legion of America, a fascist paramilitary league. He ran for president of the United States in 1936 as the candidate for the Christian Party. rdf:langString
rdf:langString William Dudley Pelley
rdf:langString William Dudley Pelley
rdf:langString 윌리엄 더들리 펠리
rdf:langString Пелли, Уильям Дадли
rdf:langString William Dudley Pelley
rdf:langString William Dudley Pelley
xsd:date 1965-06-30
xsd:date 1890-03-12
xsd:integer 833097
xsd:integer 1124275177
rdf:langString William Dudley Pelley
rdf:langString t
rdf:langString Asheville Police Department
rdf:langString Buncombe County Sheriff's Department
xsd:gMonthDay --01-30
rdf:langString Noblesville, Indiana
rdf:langString Crownsville Cemetery
xsd:date 1890-03-12
rdf:langString Pelley circa 1940
xsd:integer 11
<second> 4.73364E8
<second> 2.524608E8
xsd:date 1965-06-30
rdf:langString Founding the Silver Legion of America and the Christian Party
rdf:langString Political leader
rdf:langString William Dudley Pelley (* 12. März 1890 in Lynn, Massachusetts; † 30. Juni 1965 in Noblesville, Hamilton County, Indiana) war ein amerikanischer Antisemit und Gründer der antisemitischen Bewegung Silver Shirts. Als Sohn eines britischen Methodisten wurde Pelley von dessen Stolz auf seine „reine“ englische Herkunft geprägt. 1917 ging er nach Hollywood, Kalifornien, um als Autor tätig zu werden. Er wirkte an Filmen wie und mit. In der Zeit nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg arbeitete er als Journalist. 1928 schrieb er einen Artikel für das , der ihm nationale Aufmerksamkeit bescherte. 1932 zog Pelley nach Asheville, North Carolina, um dort eine Universität zu gründen. Die Schwerpunkte der Universität lagen auf christlicher Volkswirtschaftslehre. Nebenher betrieb er einen Verlag, der die wöchentlich erscheinende Zeitung herausgab. In dieser verbreitete er seine antisemitischen Weltansichten. Als Adolf Hitler im Deutschen Reich an die Macht kam, gründete Pelley die Silver Shirts. 1936 gründete er dazu die , deren Ziel es unter anderem war, Juden den Erwerb von Grund und Boden in den Vereinigten Staaten zu untersagen. Im selben Jahr trat er als Kandidat dieser Partei bei der Präsidentschaftswahl an. Bundesweit erzielte er 1598 Stimmen und landete damit im hinteren Bereich des Bewerberfeldes.1942 wurde er wegen Hochverrats zu 15 Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt. Nach acht Jahren Haft wurde er 1950 entlassen.
rdf:langString William Dudley Pelley (March 12, 1890 – June 30, 1965) was an American writer, occultist, spiritualist and fascist political activist. He came to prominence as a writer, winning two O. Henry Awards and penning screenplays for Hollywood films. His 1929 essay "Seven Minutes in Eternity" marked a turning point in Pelley's career, earning a major response in The American Magazine where it was published as a popular example of what would later be called a near-death experience. His experiences with mysticism and occultism drifted towards the political, and in 1933 Pelley founded the Silver Legion of America, a fascist paramilitary league. He ran for president of the United States in 1936 as the candidate for the Christian Party. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison for sedition in 1942, and released in 1950. Upon his death, The New York Times assessed him as "an agitator without a significant following".
rdf:langString 윌리엄 더들리 펠리(William Dudley Pelley, 1890년 3월 12일 ~ 1965년 6월 30일)는 미국의 작가, 심령주의자, 파시스트 정치운동가였다. 그는 작가로서 할리우드 영화의 펜싱 각본 그리고 두 번의 오 헨리상을 수상하며 두각을 나타냈다. 그의 1929년 에세이 "영원한 7분"(Seven Minutes in Eternity)은 펠리의 경력에 전환점을 찍었고, 나중에 임사 체험이라고 불릴 만한 것의 인기 있는 예로서 출판된 (The American Magazine)에서 중요한 반응을 얻었다. 신비주의와 오컬트에 대한 그의 경험은 정치 쪽으로 표류했고, 1933년 펠리는 (Silver Legion of America, 파시스트 불법무장연맹)을 창설했다. 1936년 후보로 미국 대통령에 출마했다. 그는 1942년 소요죄로 15년형을 선고받고 1950년 석방되었다. 그가 사망하자 뉴욕 타임스는 그를 "중대한 추종자가 없는 선동가"(an agitator without a significant following)라고 평가했다.
rdf:langString Уильям Дадли Пелли (англ. William Dudley Pelley; 12 марта 1890 — 30 июня 1965) — американский сценарист, политический деятель фашистского толка, основатель Серебряного легиона. Кандидат на пост президента США в 1936 году от созданной им Христианской партии.
rdf:langString captured
rdf:langString Conspiring to aid an enemy of the United States
rdf:langString Conspiring to violate federal law
rdf:langString Engaging in High treason
rdf:langString Engaging in Un-American Activities
rdf:langString Fomenting insurrection within the military
rdf:langString Interfering with the operation of the military
rdf:langString Obstructing military recruiting
rdf:langString Obstructing military recruiting during wartime
rdf:langString Violating the Sedition Act of 1918
rdf:langString Interfering with the operation of the military during wartime
rdf:langString Conspiring to overthrow the government of the United States
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 17831
xsd:string 0671163

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