When We Were Very Young
http://dbpedia.org/resource/When_We_Were_Very_Young an entity of type: Thing
When We Were Very Young is een gedichtenboek geschreven door Alan Alexander Milne. Het werd voor het eerst gepubliceerd, met illustraties van Ernest Shepard, in 1924.
『ぼくたちがとてもちいさかったころ』(英:When We Were Very Young)は、A.A.ミルンが1924年に刊行した童謡集。ミルンが自身の息子である当時3歳ののために作った童謡44編を集めたもので、ミルンのはじめての子供向けの著作である。日本では『クリストファー・ロビンのうた』として刊行されている。ミルンの第二童謡集『ぼくたちは六歳』( Now We Are Six、日本語版は『クマのプーさんとぼく』)についても本項で扱う。
When We Were Very Young é um livro de poesias de autoria de A. A. Milne cujos versos apresentam o notório personagem Winnie the Pooh. Os versos foram ilustrado por E. H. Shepard.
When We Were Very Young is a best-selling book of poetry by A. A. Milne. It was first published in 1924, and it was illustrated by E. H. Shepard. Several of the verses were set to music by Harold Fraser-Simson. The book begins with an introduction entitled "Just Before We Begin", which, in part, tells readers to imagine for themselves who the narrator is, and that it might be Christopher Robin. The 38th poem in the book, "Teddy Bear", that originally appeared in Punch magazine in February 1924, was the first appearance of the famous character Winnie-the-Pooh, first named "Mr. Edward Bear" by Christopher Robin Milne. In one of the illustrations of "Teddy Bear", Winnie-the-Pooh is shown wearing a shirt which was later coloured red when reproduced on a recording produced by Stephen Slesinger.
Winnie the Pooh. Quando eravamo davvero giovani (When We Were Very Young) è un libro di poesie dello scrittore britannico A. A. Milne, illustrato da E. H. Shepard. Quando fu pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1924 divenne immediatamente un best seller. Contiene 45 poesie nelle quali solo occasionalmente si fa uso del vocabolario infantile tipico delle poesie per bambini dei primi anni '20. Diverse di queste poesie vennero messe in musica da e pubblicate in diversi songbook.
When We Were Very Young
Winnie the Pooh. Quando eravamo davvero giovani
When We Were Very Young
When We Were Very Young
When We Were Very Young
When We Were Very Young
Methuen & Co. Ltd.(London)
First edition
United Kingdom
When We Were Very Young
When We Were Very Young
When We Were Very Young is a best-selling book of poetry by A. A. Milne. It was first published in 1924, and it was illustrated by E. H. Shepard. Several of the verses were set to music by Harold Fraser-Simson. The book begins with an introduction entitled "Just Before We Begin", which, in part, tells readers to imagine for themselves who the narrator is, and that it might be Christopher Robin. The 38th poem in the book, "Teddy Bear", that originally appeared in Punch magazine in February 1924, was the first appearance of the famous character Winnie-the-Pooh, first named "Mr. Edward Bear" by Christopher Robin Milne. In one of the illustrations of "Teddy Bear", Winnie-the-Pooh is shown wearing a shirt which was later coloured red when reproduced on a recording produced by Stephen Slesinger. This has become his standard appearance in the Disney adaptations. On 1 January 2020, When We Were Very Young entered the public domain in the United States, but remains protected in other countries, including the UK.
When We Were Very Young is een gedichtenboek geschreven door Alan Alexander Milne. Het werd voor het eerst gepubliceerd, met illustraties van Ernest Shepard, in 1924.
Winnie the Pooh. Quando eravamo davvero giovani (When We Were Very Young) è un libro di poesie dello scrittore britannico A. A. Milne, illustrato da E. H. Shepard. Quando fu pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1924 divenne immediatamente un best seller. Contiene 45 poesie nelle quali solo occasionalmente si fa uso del vocabolario infantile tipico delle poesie per bambini dei primi anni '20. Diverse di queste poesie vennero messe in musica da e pubblicate in diversi songbook. Il libro inizia con un'introduzione intitolata "Prima di iniziare", nella quale viene suggerito ai lettori che il narratore di queste poesie potrebbe essere Christopher Robin, il figlio dell'autore. Nella trentottesima poesia del libro, intitolata "Teddy Bear", che venne pubblicata inizialmente sulla rivista Punch nel febbraio 1924, fece la sua prima apparizione il famoso personaggio Winnie-the-Pooh, inizialmente chiamato "Mr. Edward Bear" da Christopher Robin Milne. In una delle illustrazioni di "Teddy Bear", Winnie-the-Pooh viene mostrato con in dosso una maglietta che fu in seguito colorata di rosso quando l'immagine fu riprodotta sulla copertina dell'album Winnie The Pooh, 17 Songs from the Pooh Song Book (1952). Questa immagine divenne lo standard su cui si basarono i vari adattamenti della Disney. L'edizione a colori (colorata da Mark Burgess) del libro fu pubblicata per la prima volta nel 1989. Di When We Were Very Young fu scritta una parodia qualche anno dopo, nel 1926, intitolata When We Were Rather Older (Quando eravamo piuttosto vecchi).
『ぼくたちがとてもちいさかったころ』(英:When We Were Very Young)は、A.A.ミルンが1924年に刊行した童謡集。ミルンが自身の息子である当時3歳ののために作った童謡44編を集めたもので、ミルンのはじめての子供向けの著作である。日本では『クリストファー・ロビンのうた』として刊行されている。ミルンの第二童謡集『ぼくたちは六歳』( Now We Are Six、日本語版は『クマのプーさんとぼく』)についても本項で扱う。
When We Were Very Young é um livro de poesias de autoria de A. A. Milne cujos versos apresentam o notório personagem Winnie the Pooh. Os versos foram ilustrado por E. H. Shepard.