Welsh Football League
http://dbpedia.org/resource/Welsh_Football_League an entity of type: Thing
La Welsh Football League (conosciuta anche come MacWhirter Welsh Football League per ragioni di sponsor), è una lega calcistica per club gallese.La prima divisione della lega si trova al secondo livello del sistema calcistico del Galles, immediatamente sotto alla Welsh Premier League. La lega consta di 3 divisioni:
* Welsh Football League Division One - Livello 2
* Welsh Football League Division Two - Livello 3
* - Livello 4
The Welsh Football League (also known as the Nathaniel Car Sales Welsh Football League for sponsorship reasons) was a club football league in Wales. For its final season in 2019–20 season it operated at levels 3 and 4 of the Welsh football league system. Level 3 – the Welsh Football League Division One and level 4 Welsh Football League Division Two. It folded in 2020 after the Football Association of Wales took over the running of tier 3 leagues and the responsibility for tier 4 passed to regional football associations.
De Welsh Football League is een voetbalcompetitie in Wales, die beter bekend is als de Nathaniel Car Sales Welsh Football League, vanwege de huidige sponsor. De competitie wordt vertegenwoordigd door clubs uit het zuiden van het land. Van 1904 tot 1992 was het het hoogste niveau en van 1992 tot 2019 het tweede niveau.
Welsh Football League
Welsh Football League
Welsh Football League
Welsh football league logo.png
The Welsh Football League (also known as the Nathaniel Car Sales Welsh Football League for sponsorship reasons) was a club football league in Wales. For its final season in 2019–20 season it operated at levels 3 and 4 of the Welsh football league system. Level 3 – the Welsh Football League Division One and level 4 Welsh Football League Division Two. It folded in 2020 after the Football Association of Wales took over the running of tier 3 leagues and the responsibility for tier 4 passed to regional football associations. The Welsh Football League's history stretches back to 1904 when the competition was first formed and Aberdare were crowned first champions of a seven-team First Division. Abergavenny were champions of Division 2 and Trelewis the winners of Division 3.
La Welsh Football League (conosciuta anche come MacWhirter Welsh Football League per ragioni di sponsor), è una lega calcistica per club gallese.La prima divisione della lega si trova al secondo livello del sistema calcistico del Galles, immediatamente sotto alla Welsh Premier League. La lega consta di 3 divisioni:
* Welsh Football League Division One - Livello 2
* Welsh Football League Division Two - Livello 3
* - Livello 4 Nonostante il nome faccia pensare ad una lega nazionale, la Welsh Football League gestisce solo i campionati del Sud del Galles (il campionato di seconda divisione del nord e centro è la Cymru Alliance).Le squadre vincitrici della Division One non vengono automaticamente promosse al livello superiore, la promozione avviene solamente se le società sono in regola con i parametri stabiliti dalla federazione per la partecipazione alla Welsh Premier League, in particolar modo quelli relativi alle condizioni degli stadi.Allo stesso modo, le squadre che si piazzano negli ultimi tre posti nella Division Three non retrocedono automaticamente nelle rispettive divisioni regionali; è infatti necessario che le squadre che vogliono essere ammesse in quanto vincitrici dei tornei regionali rispettino i parametri stabiliti dalla lega.La Welsh Football League, fondata nel 1904, ha anche una sua coppa, la .
De Welsh Football League is een voetbalcompetitie in Wales, die beter bekend is als de Nathaniel Car Sales Welsh Football League, vanwege de huidige sponsor. De competitie wordt vertegenwoordigd door clubs uit het zuiden van het land. Van 1904 tot 1992 was het het hoogste niveau en van 1992 tot 2019 het tweede niveau. De competitie is een onderdeel van het competitievoetbal in Wales en bestaat uit twee divisies (Division One en Division Two), waarvan iedere divisie 16 clubs telt. Tussen de verschillende divisies vindt promotie en degradatie plaats. De beste drie teams van iedere divisie promoveren een divisie hoger en de laatste drie degraderen. De kampioen van Division One promoveert naar de Cymru North of Cymru South, afhankelijk van de geografische ligging. Voorwaarde hiervoor is wel dat de faciliteiten voldoen aan de eisen voor die competitie. Mocht dit niet het geval zijn dan wordt de nummer twee in aanmerking gesteld voor promotie.
2019–20 Welsh Football League Division One