Warworld Saga


"Warworld Saga" is a Superman crossover story arc published by DC Comics on November 21, 2021. The series is co-written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Tom Taylor with artwork by Sami Basri, Adriana Melo, and Miguel Mendoca. First announced in February 2014, the story features a confrontation between Superman and a new version of Mongul. Teased in Future State, the story arc is told in Action Comics and Superman. The event was received with critical acclaim, with critics praised Philip Kennedy Johnson's writing, art, and characters. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Warworld Saga
xsd:integer 69546393
xsd:integer 1116889944
rdf:langString Mike Cotton
rdf:langString Marie Javins
rdf:langString Ricardo Federici
rdf:langString Adriana Melo
rdf:langString Miguel Mendonca
rdf:langString Sami Basri
rdf:langString Superman
rdf:langString Warworld Saga
rdf:langString November
xsd:integer 2021
rdf:langString Action Comics #1029-1046
rdf:langString Superman #29-32
rdf:langString Superman and the Authority #1-4
rdf:langString Superman: Warworld Apocalypse #1
rdf:langString Sean Lewis
rdf:langString Philip Kennedy Johnson
rdf:langString "Warworld Saga" is a Superman crossover story arc published by DC Comics on November 21, 2021. The series is co-written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Tom Taylor with artwork by Sami Basri, Adriana Melo, and Miguel Mendoca. First announced in February 2014, the story features a confrontation between Superman and a new version of Mongul. Teased in Future State, the story arc is told in Action Comics and Superman. The event was received with critical acclaim, with critics praised Philip Kennedy Johnson's writing, art, and characters.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 21991

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