Vulnerable area
Gefährdetes Gebiet (schwedisch Utsatt område) ist eine Bezeichnung der schwedischen Polizei für Gebiete mit hohen Kriminalitätsraten und starker sozialer Ausgrenzung. 2015 deklarierte die Polizei 53 derartige Gebiete. 2017 wurden aufgrund einer besseren Datenlage 61 Gefährdete Gebiete ausgewiesen; 2019 waren es 60.
Vulnerable area (Swedish: Utsatt område) is a term applied by police in Sweden to areas with high crime rates and social exclusion. In the December 2015 report, these areas numbered 53. In the June 2017 report, these totalled 61. The increase is reported to be due to better reporting, not a changing situation. The overall trend is that these areas are improving. Work on improving the areas requires cooperation with several parties like local landlords and organisations, but fear of gentrification may cause problems.
Utsatt område är ett begrepp som polisen i Sverige sedan 2015 använder för att beskriva ett geografiskt avgränsat område eller stadsdel med låg socioekonomisk status och med kriminell påverkan på lokalsamhället.
Gefährdetes Gebiet (Schweden)
Vulnerable area
Utsatt område
Gefährdetes Gebiet (schwedisch Utsatt område) ist eine Bezeichnung der schwedischen Polizei für Gebiete mit hohen Kriminalitätsraten und starker sozialer Ausgrenzung. 2015 deklarierte die Polizei 53 derartige Gebiete. 2017 wurden aufgrund einer besseren Datenlage 61 Gefährdete Gebiete ausgewiesen; 2019 waren es 60. Alle derartigen Wohngebiete liegen im südlichen Schweden (südlich von Gävle), wurden mehrheitlich während des sozialen Wohnungsbauprojektes Millionenprogramm zwischen 1965 und 1974 erbaut und sind durch einen hohen Anteil an arabischen Einwanderern aus Afrika und dem Nahen Osten geprägt.
Vulnerable area (Swedish: Utsatt område) is a term applied by police in Sweden to areas with high crime rates and social exclusion. In the December 2015 report, these areas numbered 53. In the June 2017 report, these totalled 61. The increase is reported to be due to better reporting, not a changing situation. The overall trend is that these areas are improving. All the areas are situated south of the town of Gävle, however only 11,4% of Sweden's total population live in the Norrland region, and most are areas constructed during the Million Programme (MP), although there are towns north of Gävle having MP areas they do not experience the crime rate of some southern MP areas. In April 2019, the publication of the list by police was criticised by municipality politicians as it was stigmatizing and dissuaded investors. Police responded that they saw no reason to make the list a secret and that the list served the purpose of providing a uniform basis of evaluating districts across the country. Interior minister Morgan Johansson stated that the list will continue to be public information. In June 2019, an update was released by police and three vulnerable areas were reclassified risk areas, two vulnerable areas were removed from the list entirely and a previously unclassified area was added as a vulnerable area. Therefore the total number of categorized areas decreased from 61 in the 2017 report to 60 in the 2019 update. Work on improving the areas requires cooperation with several parties like local landlords and organisations, but fear of gentrification may cause problems. In November 2020, Gothenburg municipality announced they would dedicate 11 billion Swedish Krona (about 1 billion euro) towards regenerating the six especially vulnerable areas in the Gothenburg area.
Utsatt område är ett begrepp som polisen i Sverige sedan 2015 använder för att beskriva ett geografiskt avgränsat område eller stadsdel med låg socioekonomisk status och med kriminell påverkan på lokalsamhället. Områdena delas upp i utsatta områden, riskområden och särskilt utsatta områden. I oktober 2021 var det totalt 61 områden (varav 28 "utsatta områden", 14 "riskområden" och 19 "särskilt utsatta områden"). I juni 2019 var det totalt 60 områden (varav 28 "enbart" utsatta). År 2017 bodde totalt 566 000 personer eller 5,4 procent av landets befolkning i något av dessa områden, och 200 000 personer eller 2,0 procent av befolkningen i särskilt utsatta områden.