
http://dbpedia.org/resource/Vostok-K an entity of type: Thing

Vostok-K (Rusia: Восток berarti "Timur"), Grau indeks 8K72K adalah roket pembawa expendable (sekali pakai) digunakan oleh Uni Soviet selama tiga belas peluncuran antara tahun 1960 dan 1964, enam di antaranya berawak. Itu berasal dari Vostok-L sebelumnya, namun itu menampilkan mesin uprated untuk meningkatkan kinerja, dan memperbesar kapasitas muatan. Ini adalah anggota dari keluarga roket R-7. rdf:langString
Wostok 8K72K – jedna z pierwszych radzieckich rakiet nośnych. Rakieta była zmodyfikowaną wersją rakiety Łuna 8K72, zbudowanej na bazie rakiety balistycznej R-7. Została użyta do wynoszenia prototypów pierwszego radzieckiego załogowego statku kosmicznego Wostok oraz do wystrzelenia pierwszego w historii człowieka w przestrzeń kosmiczną, Jurija Gagarina. rdf:langString
Le lanceur Vostok-K (Vostok signifiant « oriental »), de nom de code 8K72K, est un lanceur à étages mis en service par l'Union soviétique à l'occasion de treize mises sur orbite entre 1960 et 1964, dont six étaient des vols habités. Quoique dérivé du (en), ce lanceur de la série R-7 était doté de nouveaux moteurs, et emportait ainsi une charge utile bien supérieure. Le dernier vol intervint le 10 juillet 1964, embarquant une paire de satellites Elektron. Ce lanceur fut retiré du service au profit des fusées (en) et Voskhod, plus puissantes. rdf:langString
The Vostok-K (Russian: Восток meaning "East"), GRAU index 8K72K was an expendable carrier rocket used by the Soviet Union for thirteen launches between 1960 and 1964, six of which were manned. It was derived from the earlier Vostok-L; however, it featured uprated engines to improve performance, and enlarge its payload capacity. It was a member of the Vostok family of rockets. rdf:langString
Vostok-K foi um foguete-transportador usado pela União Soviética para realizar treze lançamentos ao espaço, entre 1960 e 1964, seis deles tripulados. Era um foguete derivado do Vostok-L, que realizou os primeiros testes não-tripulados do programa Vostok soviético, mas com motores mais poderosos para melhorar o rendimento e com uma maior capacidade de carga. O último lançamento foi em 10 de julho de 1964, com um par de satélites Elektron. Logo depois ele foi substituído pelos mais potentes Vostok-2 e Voskhod. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Vostok-K
rdf:langString Vostok-K
rdf:langString Vostok-K
rdf:langString Wostok 8K72K
rdf:langString Vostok-K
rdf:langString Vostok-K
rdf:langString Vostok-K
xsd:integer 22421276
xsd:integer 1095541713
xsd:integer 11
rdf:langString Vostok-K rocket
xsd:date 1960-12-22
xsd:date 1964-07-10
rdf:langString Retired
rdf:langString Two
rdf:langString Le lanceur Vostok-K (Vostok signifiant « oriental »), de nom de code 8K72K, est un lanceur à étages mis en service par l'Union soviétique à l'occasion de treize mises sur orbite entre 1960 et 1964, dont six étaient des vols habités. Quoique dérivé du (en), ce lanceur de la série R-7 était doté de nouveaux moteurs, et emportait ainsi une charge utile bien supérieure. Le Vostok-K a accompli son vol inaugural le 22 décembre 1960, trois semaines après l'abandon du Vostok-L. Le moteur du troisième étage s'est éteint seulement 425 secondes après le décollage, et le satellite, un Korabl-Spoutnik 1, ne put atteindre l’orbite prévue, mais on put le récupérer à son atterrissage, et les deux chiens à bord survécurent au vol. Le 12 avril 1961, on utilisa un Vostok-K pour mettre sur orbite le satellite Vostok 1, le premier véhicule spatial habité, qui fit de Youri Gagarine le premier homme dans l'espace. Les six missions habitées du programme Vostok ont été lancées avec des fusées Vostok-K. Outre les missions du Programme Vostok, le Vostok-K a servi à lancer quatre satellites Elektron, ainsi que les deux premiers satellites de reconnaissance Zenit-2 . Le dernier vol intervint le 10 juillet 1964, embarquant une paire de satellites Elektron. Ce lanceur fut retiré du service au profit des fusées (en) et Voskhod, plus puissantes.
rdf:langString Vostok-K (Rusia: Восток berarti "Timur"), Grau indeks 8K72K adalah roket pembawa expendable (sekali pakai) digunakan oleh Uni Soviet selama tiga belas peluncuran antara tahun 1960 dan 1964, enam di antaranya berawak. Itu berasal dari Vostok-L sebelumnya, namun itu menampilkan mesin uprated untuk meningkatkan kinerja, dan memperbesar kapasitas muatan. Ini adalah anggota dari keluarga roket R-7.
rdf:langString The Vostok-K (Russian: Восток meaning "East"), GRAU index 8K72K was an expendable carrier rocket used by the Soviet Union for thirteen launches between 1960 and 1964, six of which were manned. It was derived from the earlier Vostok-L; however, it featured uprated engines to improve performance, and enlarge its payload capacity. It was a member of the Vostok family of rockets. The Vostok-K made its maiden flight on 22 December 1960, three weeks after the retirement of the Vostok-L. The third stage engine failed 425 seconds after launch, and the payload, a spacecraft, failed to reach orbit. The spacecraft was recovered after landing, and the two dogs aboard the spacecraft survived the flight. On 12 April 1961, a Vostok-K rocket was used to launch Vostok 1, the first manned spaceflight, which made Yuri Gagarin the first human to fly in space. All six manned missions of the Vostok programme were launched using Vostok-K rockets. The first two Zenit reconnaissance satellites were also launched with the Vostok-K, but it was soon replaced in that capacity with the uprated 8A92 booster. After the conclusion of the Vostok program, there were two remaining 8K72Ks left; these were used to launch four Elektron scientific satellites on 30 January and 10 July 1964.
rdf:langString Vostok-K foi um foguete-transportador usado pela União Soviética para realizar treze lançamentos ao espaço, entre 1960 e 1964, seis deles tripulados. Era um foguete derivado do Vostok-L, que realizou os primeiros testes não-tripulados do programa Vostok soviético, mas com motores mais poderosos para melhorar o rendimento e com uma maior capacidade de carga. O foguete fez seu voo inaugural em 22 de dezembro de 1960, três semanas após a aposentadoria do tipo L. O terceiro estágio do foguete falhou 425 segundos após o lançamento e a carga, um satélite Korabl-Sputnik, não conseguiu atingir a órbita. A sonda foi recuperada após pousar de pára-quedas e os dois cães-cobaia em seu interior foram resgatados intactos. Em 12 de abril de 1961, o foguete foi usado para lançar ao espaço a nave Vostok 1, levando em seu interior o cosmonauta Yuri Gagarin, o primeiro homem a ir ao espaço. Todas as seis missões tripuladas do programa Vostok foram lançadas usando-se o Vostok-K. Além de utilizado para lançar as naves triupladas e não-tripuladas do programa Vostok, o foguete também foi responsável por lançar quatro satélites Elektron e os dois primeiros satélites de reconhecimento Zenit. O último lançamento foi em 10 de julho de 1964, com um par de satélites Elektron. Logo depois ele foi substituído pelos mais potentes Vostok-2 e Voskhod.
rdf:langString Wostok 8K72K – jedna z pierwszych radzieckich rakiet nośnych. Rakieta była zmodyfikowaną wersją rakiety Łuna 8K72, zbudowanej na bazie rakiety balistycznej R-7. Została użyta do wynoszenia prototypów pierwszego radzieckiego załogowego statku kosmicznego Wostok oraz do wystrzelenia pierwszego w historii człowieka w przestrzeń kosmiczną, Jurija Gagarina.
rdf:langString USSR
xsd:integer 2
rdf:langString Carrier rocket
xsd:integer 13
xsd:date 1964-07-10
xsd:date 1960-12-22
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 3521
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 2
xsd:string Retired
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 11
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 13

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