Ventral ramus of spinal nerve an entity of type: Thing
الفرع البطناني للعصب الشوكي (باللاتينية: ramus anterior nervi spinalis) هو الفرع الأمامي للعصب الشوكي، حيث يُزود هذا الفرع الأجزاء الأمامية الجانبية من الجذع والأطراف. تكون هذه الفروع أكبر من الفرع الظهراني للعصب الشوكي.
앞가지(ventral ramus, 복수형 rami, 라틴어로 가지), 또는 배쪽 가지는 척수신경의 앞쪽 갈래이다. 척수신경 앞가지는 주로 몸통과 팔다리의 앞가측 부분에 분포하며, 뒤가지(dorsal rami)보다 보통 크기가 크다.
脊髄神経前枝(せきずいしんけいぜんし、英: anterior branches of the spinal nerves)は、脊髄神経が椎間孔で2つに分岐したうちの前方に伸びる枝のこと。31対ある脊髄神経すべてにあり、後枝に比べて太い枝である。
The ventral ramus (pl. rami) (Latin for branch) is the anterior division of a spinal nerve. The ventral rami supply the antero-lateral parts of the trunk and the limbs. They are mainly larger than the dorsal rami. Ventral rami, including the sinuvertebral nerve branches, also supply structures anterior to the facet joint, including the vertebral bodies, the discs and their ligaments, and joins other spinal nerves to form the lumbosacral plexus.
الفرع البطناني للعصب الشوكي
척수신경 앞가지
Ventral ramus of spinal nerve
Ventral ramus
ramus anterior nervi spinalis
Ventral ramus
The formation of the spinal nerve from the dorsal and ventral roots.
الفرع البطناني للعصب الشوكي (باللاتينية: ramus anterior nervi spinalis) هو الفرع الأمامي للعصب الشوكي، حيث يُزود هذا الفرع الأجزاء الأمامية الجانبية من الجذع والأطراف. تكون هذه الفروع أكبر من الفرع الظهراني للعصب الشوكي.
The ventral ramus (pl. rami) (Latin for branch) is the anterior division of a spinal nerve. The ventral rami supply the antero-lateral parts of the trunk and the limbs. They are mainly larger than the dorsal rami. Shortly after a spinal nerve exits the intervertebral foramen, it branches into the dorsal ramus, the ventral ramus, and the ramus communicans. Each of these three structures carries both sensory and motor information. Each spinal nerve carries both sensory and motor information, via efferent and afferent nerve fibers - ultimately via the motor cortex in the frontal lobe and to somatosensory cortex in the parietal lobe - but also through the phenomenon of reflex. Spinal nerves are referred to as "mixed nerves". In the thoracic region they remain distinct from each other and each innervates a narrowstrip of muscle and skin along the sides, chest, ribs, and abdominal wall. These rami are called the intercostal nerves. In regions other than the thoracic, ventral rami converge with each other to form networks of nervescalled nerve plexuses. Within each plexus, fibers from the various ventral rami branch andbecome redistributed so that each nerve exiting the plexus has fibers from several different spinal nerves. One advantage to having plexes is that damage to a single spinal nerve will not completely paralyze a limb. There are four main plexuses formed by the ventral rami:the cervical plexus contains ventral rami from spinal nerves C1-C4. Branches of thecervical plexus, which include the phrenic nerve, innervate muscles of the neck, the diaphragm, and the skin of the neck and upper chest.The brachial plexus contains ventral rami from spinal nerves C5-T1. This plexus innervatesthe pectoral girdle and upper limb.The lumbar plexus contains ventral rami from spinal nerves L1-L4. The sacral plexus contains ventralrami from spinal nerves L4-S4. The lumbar and sacral plexuses innervate the pelvic girdle and lower limbs. Ventral rami, including the sinuvertebral nerve branches, also supply structures anterior to the facet joint, including the vertebral bodies, the discs and their ligaments, and joins other spinal nerves to form the lumbosacral plexus.
앞가지(ventral ramus, 복수형 rami, 라틴어로 가지), 또는 배쪽 가지는 척수신경의 앞쪽 갈래이다. 척수신경 앞가지는 주로 몸통과 팔다리의 앞가측 부분에 분포하며, 뒤가지(dorsal rami)보다 보통 크기가 크다.
脊髄神経前枝(せきずいしんけいぜんし、英: anterior branches of the spinal nerves)は、脊髄神経が椎間孔で2つに分岐したうちの前方に伸びる枝のこと。31対ある脊髄神経すべてにあり、後枝に比べて太い枝である。
ramus anterior nervi spinalis