Vanni chieftaincies an entity of type: Thing
Os Vannimai ou caciques Vanni eram divisões territoriais feudais governadas por caciques, a sul do Reino de Jafanapatão, no norte do atual Sri Lanca. Estes caciques surgiram no século XII, a par da idade de ouro dos reinos medievais tâmeis e na sequência do colapso do reino Rajarata. Estes caciques desenvolveram-se em regiões pouco povoadas e eram governados por . Enquanto prolongamento do território do reino, estes caciques foram, durante a maior parte da sua existência, subordinados do reino, ao qual prestavam tributo. Em 1619, o reino de Jafanapatão foi conquistado pelos portugueses e os caciques passaram a prestar tributo ao Ceilão Português. A colónia portuguesa foi mais tarde conquistada pelos holandeses, domínio a que os vários caciques começaram a resistir.
Vannimai, les « chefferies » Vanni étaient des entités féodales dirigées par des chefs locaux, des roitelets, au sud de la péninsule de Jaffna, dans les actuelles province du Nord, du Centre Nord, et de l'Est de l'État du Sri Lanka.
The Vanni chieftaincies or Vanni principalities was a region between Anuradhapura and Jaffna, but also extending to along the eastern coast to Panama and Yala, during the Transitional and Kandyan periods of Sri Lanka. The heavily forested land was a collection of chieftaincies of principalities that were a collective buffer zone between the Jaffna Kingdom, in the north of Sri Lanka, and the Sinhalese kingdoms in the south. Traditionally the forest regions were ruled by Vedda rulers. Later on, the emergence of these chieftaincies were a direct result of the breakdown of central authority and the collapse of the Kingdom of Polonnaruwa in the 13th century, as well as the establishment of the Jaffna Kingdom in the Jaffna Peninsula. Control of this area was taken over by dispossessed Sinhalese
Ваннимай (или Вождества Ванни) — это бывшее феодальное образование, управляемое вождями к югу от полуострова Джаффна в современной Северной, Северо-Центральной и Восточной провинциях Шри-Ланки. Эти вождества возникла в XII веке, с приходом золотого века средневековых тамильских царств и распада сингальского царства более раннего периода. Вождества создавались в малонаселённых районах и управлялись тамилами, выходцами из нескольких каст, которые называли себя . С расширением территории царства Джафна большинство вождей существовавших тогда ваннимай стали платить Джафне дань. Сильное влияние царства можно увидеть в языке и манере говорить местного населения в части современных провинций. К появлению европейских колонистов территории ваннимай были уже включены в состав различных царств. К нач
Vanni chieftaincies
Vanniyar Rebellion
Sri Lanka geopolitics - after "Spoiling of Vijayabahu".png
Vanni chieftaincies
Kingdom of Polonnaruwa
British Ceylon
Vannimai, les « chefferies » Vanni étaient des entités féodales dirigées par des chefs locaux, des roitelets, au sud de la péninsule de Jaffna, dans les actuelles province du Nord, du Centre Nord, et de l'Est de l'État du Sri Lanka. Ces chefferies apparurent vers le XIIe siècle après l'effondrement du royaume cingalais classique. C'étaient des zones faiblement peuplées, dirigées par des chefs qui se nommaient eux-mêmes Vanniar, dont les origines étaient diverses, tant sur le plan ethnique qu'en ce qui concernait la caste. Leur influence se ressent sur le langage et la façon de parler des populations locales.
The Vanni chieftaincies or Vanni principalities was a region between Anuradhapura and Jaffna, but also extending to along the eastern coast to Panama and Yala, during the Transitional and Kandyan periods of Sri Lanka. The heavily forested land was a collection of chieftaincies of principalities that were a collective buffer zone between the Jaffna Kingdom, in the north of Sri Lanka, and the Sinhalese kingdoms in the south. Traditionally the forest regions were ruled by Vedda rulers. Later on, the emergence of these chieftaincies were a direct result of the breakdown of central authority and the collapse of the Kingdom of Polonnaruwa in the 13th century, as well as the establishment of the Jaffna Kingdom in the Jaffna Peninsula. Control of this area was taken over by dispossessed Sinhalese nobles and chiefs of the South Indian military of Māgha of Kalinga (1215–1236), whose led to the kingdom's downfall. Sinhalese chieftaincies would lay on the northern border of the Sinhalese kingdom while the Tamil chieftaincies would border the Jaffna Kingdom and the remoter areas of the eastern coast, north western coast outside of the control of either kingdom. The chieftains, who were known as Vanniars, would function like feudal lords in their territories. During much of the Transitional period where the island was politically unstable, depending on the situation at the time, the chieftains would owe their allegiance to one or the other kingdom. They offered military protection to those who came under their authority. Vanniars referred to a broad category of people who could have been appointees of the Sinhalese kings, who administered outlying districts or autonomous rulers of large, sparsely populated and undeveloped lands. The Vanniars in general paid tribute to the Kingdom of Kotte and later to the Kingdom of Kandy, apart from Confederation of Northern Tamil Vanniars paid tribute to the Jaffna Kingdom until it’s collapses.
Os Vannimai ou caciques Vanni eram divisões territoriais feudais governadas por caciques, a sul do Reino de Jafanapatão, no norte do atual Sri Lanca. Estes caciques surgiram no século XII, a par da idade de ouro dos reinos medievais tâmeis e na sequência do colapso do reino Rajarata. Estes caciques desenvolveram-se em regiões pouco povoadas e eram governados por . Enquanto prolongamento do território do reino, estes caciques foram, durante a maior parte da sua existência, subordinados do reino, ao qual prestavam tributo. Em 1619, o reino de Jafanapatão foi conquistado pelos portugueses e os caciques passaram a prestar tributo ao Ceilão Português. A colónia portuguesa foi mais tarde conquistada pelos holandeses, domínio a que os vários caciques começaram a resistir.
Ваннимай (или Вождества Ванни) — это бывшее феодальное образование, управляемое вождями к югу от полуострова Джаффна в современной Северной, Северо-Центральной и Восточной провинциях Шри-Ланки. Эти вождества возникла в XII веке, с приходом золотого века средневековых тамильских царств и распада сингальского царства более раннего периода. Вождества создавались в малонаселённых районах и управлялись тамилами, выходцами из нескольких каст, которые называли себя . С расширением территории царства Джафна большинство вождей существовавших тогда ваннимай стали платить Джафне дань. Сильное влияние царства можно увидеть в языке и манере говорить местного населения в части современных провинций. К появлению европейских колонистов территории ваннимай были уже включены в состав различных царств. К началу XVIII века земли Ванни были присоединены к Джафне, для формирования региона Малабар Цейлот Ванни (Malabar Coylot Vanni Country).
Death of last Vanni ruler Pandara Vanniyan
Flag of Ceylon .svg
Vanni chieftaincies