Uthman Taha
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عثمان بن عبده بن حسين بن طه الحلبي، هو خطاط سعودي سوري اشتهر بكتابته لمصحف المدينة النبويّة الذي يصدره مجمع الملك فهد لطباعة المصحف الشريف.
Усма́н ибн А́бдо ибн Хусе́йн ибн Та́ха аль-Халяби́ (араб. عثمان بن عبده بن حسين بن طه الحلبي; род. 1934, Эль-Баб, Алеппо, Сирия) — саудовский каллиграф сирийского происхождения, наиболее известен тем, что написал мединский Коран, который издаётся комплексом имени короля Фахда по изданию Священного Корана.
Uthman ibn Abduh ibn Husayn ibn Taha Alkurdi (or Uthman Taha, arabe : عثمان طه), né en 1934 à Alep en Syrie, est un calligraphe syrien et saoudien. Après avoir obtenu son bachelor en Chari’ah auprès de l'Université de Damas, il étudie la langue arabe, arts décoratifs islamiques, et la peinture. Il obtient sa licence (turc : icazet) en calligraphie du maître Hamid al-Amidi. Il suit aussi l'enseignement de calligraphie de Muhammad Ali al-Mawlawi, Ibrahim al-Rifa’i (Alep), Muhammad Badawi al-Diyrani (Damas) et Hashim al-Baghdadi. Il a obtenu la nationalité saoudienne en décembre 2021.
Uthman ibn Abduh ibn Husayn ibn Taha Alkurdi (or Uthman Taha, Arabic: عثمان طه) is a Syrian-Saudi calligrapher of the Quran in the Arabic language renowned for hand-writing Mushaf al-Madinah issued by the King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Qur'an. He wrote his first Mushaf (written copy of the Qur’an) in 1970. In 1988 he travelled to Saudi Arabia and was assigned a handwriter and calligrapher in the King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Qur'an in Madina. The same year he was made a member of the international jury for the which is held in Istanbul once every three years.
عثمان طه
Uthman Taha
Усман Таха
Uthman Taha
Uthman Taha
Uthman Taha
Uthman Taha.
عثمان طه
Abdou Taha Hussein
عثمان بن عبده بن حسين بن طه الحلبي، هو خطاط سعودي سوري اشتهر بكتابته لمصحف المدينة النبويّة الذي يصدره مجمع الملك فهد لطباعة المصحف الشريف.
Uthman ibn Abduh ibn Husayn ibn Taha Alkurdi (or Uthman Taha, arabe : عثمان طه), né en 1934 à Alep en Syrie, est un calligraphe syrien et saoudien. Après avoir obtenu son bachelor en Chari’ah auprès de l'Université de Damas, il étudie la langue arabe, arts décoratifs islamiques, et la peinture. Il obtient sa licence (turc : icazet) en calligraphie du maître Hamid al-Amidi. Il suit aussi l'enseignement de calligraphie de Muhammad Ali al-Mawlawi, Ibrahim al-Rifa’i (Alep), Muhammad Badawi al-Diyrani (Damas) et Hashim al-Baghdadi. Il a calligraphié son premier exemplaire de « Mus'haf » (copie manuscrite du Coran) en 1970. En 1988 il se rend en Arabie saoudite et est nommé calligraphe au Complexe du roi Fahd pour l'impression du Saint Coran à Médine. La même année il devient membre du jury international du Arabic Calligraphy Award qui se tient tous les trois ans à Istanbul. Durant ses 18 premières années au Complexe du roi Fahd, Uthman a manuscrit quatre « Mus'haf », et plus de 200 millions d'exemplaires ont été distribués dans le monde. Depuis 2000, il a manuscrit 12 « Mus'haf ». Un « Mus'haf » exige d'habitude trois ans de rédaction et une année de révision et correction. Il a obtenu la nationalité saoudienne en décembre 2021.
Uthman ibn Abduh ibn Husayn ibn Taha Alkurdi (or Uthman Taha, Arabic: عثمان طه) is a Syrian-Saudi calligrapher of the Quran in the Arabic language renowned for hand-writing Mushaf al-Madinah issued by the King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Qur'an. He was born in 1934 in a rural area of Aleppo, Syria. Gaining a BA in Shari’ah from the University of Damascus, he also studied Arabic language, Islamic decoration arts, and painting. He gained certification (Turkish ) in calligraphy from Hamid al-Amidi, the so-called master of calligraphers in the Islamic world. He was also taught calligraphy by Muhammad Ali al-Mawlawi, Ibrahim al-Rifa’i (Aleppo), Muhammad Badawi al-Diyrani (Damascus) and Hashim al-Baghdadi. He wrote his first Mushaf (written copy of the Qur’an) in 1970. In 1988 he travelled to Saudi Arabia and was assigned a handwriter and calligrapher in the King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Qur'an in Madina. The same year he was made a member of the international jury for the which is held in Istanbul once every three years. During the first 18 years of his life at the King Fahd Complex, Uthman hand-wrote four https://www.arabnews.com/node/1719556/saudi-arabia, more than 200 million copies of which were distributed worldwide. As of 2020, he has hand-written 12 Maṣāḥif. A Muṣḥaf usually requires more than 3 years in writing and an additional year for proof-reading and reviewing. His beautiful, clear, easy-to-read style used in the Madina Muṣḥaf is also used in a commercial copy known as . He was granted Saudi citizenship in December 2021.
Усма́н ибн А́бдо ибн Хусе́йн ибн Та́ха аль-Халяби́ (араб. عثمان بن عبده بن حسين بن طه الحلبي; род. 1934, Эль-Баб, Алеппо, Сирия) — саудовский каллиграф сирийского происхождения, наиболее известен тем, что написал мединский Коран, который издаётся комплексом имени короля Фахда по изданию Священного Корана.