Underground music

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언더그라운드 음악(영어: underground music)은 주류 문화(mainstream culture)에서 벗어난 음악 장르를 통칭할 때 사용하는 말이다. rdf:langString
地下音樂泛指所有不符合標準類型或未被分類,沒有被商品化,通常不會在主流媒體出現的音樂類型,特色是俱有高比例的原創性和實驗性。地下音樂會刻意不去迎合既有音樂類型、流行趨勢或大眾喜好,因此會被認為是特立獨行的,甚至是反文化的。 地下音樂會依附在、衍生出或建構成一種次文化,地下音樂的愛好者,往往不只是因為喜愛該種音樂風格,並且會喜愛或認同其共生的次文化,當發展到一定程度時,就會被分類命名。 rdf:langString
موسيقى ما تحت الأرض (بالإنجليزية: Underground music)‏ هو مصطلح يمكن استخدامه للإشارة إلى تلك الممارسات التي يُنظر إليها على أنها خارج الثقافة، أو تعارض بطريقة ما الثقافة الموسيقية الشعبية السائدة. ترتبط موسيقى ما تحت الأرض ارتباطًا وثيقًا بثقافة الموسيقى الشعبية ككل، لذلك هناك توترات مهمة تحدث داخل موسيقى ما تحت الأرض لأنه يبدو أنها تستوعب وتقاوم أشكال وعمليات الثقافة الموسيقية الشعبية. rdf:langString
Musik bawah tanah (bahasa Inggris: underground music) adalah istilah umum yang merujuk kepada berbagai macam genre musik di luar budaya arus utama. Lagu apapun yang tidak dikomersilkan secara legal, dianggap sebagai musik bawah tanah. Musik underground mungkin memiliki cenderung mengekspresikan ide-ide umum, seperti penghargaan yang tinggi terhadap ketulusan dan keintiman, kebebasan berekspresi yang bertentangan dengan komposisi musik komersial yang sangat formulaik, dan penghargaan terhadap individualitas artistik yang bertentangan dengan kesesuaian dengan tren mainstream saat ini. rdf:langString
Underground music is music with practices perceived as outside, or somehow opposed to, mainstream popular music culture. Underground music is intimately tied to popular music culture as a whole, so there are important tensions within underground music because it appears to both assimilate and resist the forms and processes of popular music culture. In effect, this means a boy band (for instance) could be influenced by a (formerly) obscure 1960s garage rock, early 1980s post punk, noise rock or composers of avant-garde classical music while maintaining recognizability as a boy band. rdf:langString
Con il termine musica underground, a cui ci si riferisce anche con l'espressione inglese underground music, si intendono tutti quei generi musicali che si pongono programmaticamente in antitesi e/o in alternativa alla cultura di massa o al sistema dell'industria della musica tipico delle multinazionali. Il termine fu utilizzato per la prima volta da Marcel Duchamp, in una famosa conferenza del 1961 tenutasi a Filadelfia, nella quale dichiarò programmaticamente che l'Arte dovesse andare sottoterra ("will go underground"), aprendo la strada all'utilizzo del termine underground rdf:langString
É chamado de música underground ou música alternativa aquela que desenvolveu um número considerável de adeptos, sem no entanto obter sucesso comercial. Este tipo de música de um modo geral possui pouco ou nenhum apelo de massa, visibilidade, presença comercial ou de mídia. O termo também é usado atualmente para descrever música contemporânea de artistas expoentes mas que não pertençam ao mainstream musical, sendo o gênero ou estilo do artista irrelevantes para a determinação do status "underground". rdf:langString
rdf:langString موسيقى ما تحت الأرض
rdf:langString Musik bawah tanah
rdf:langString Musica underground
rdf:langString 언더그라운드 음악
rdf:langString Música underground
rdf:langString Underground music
rdf:langString 地下音樂
xsd:integer 1588483
xsd:integer 1120323656
rdf:langString موسيقى ما تحت الأرض (بالإنجليزية: Underground music)‏ هو مصطلح يمكن استخدامه للإشارة إلى تلك الممارسات التي يُنظر إليها على أنها خارج الثقافة، أو تعارض بطريقة ما الثقافة الموسيقية الشعبية السائدة. ترتبط موسيقى ما تحت الأرض ارتباطًا وثيقًا بثقافة الموسيقى الشعبية ككل، لذلك هناك توترات مهمة تحدث داخل موسيقى ما تحت الأرض لأنه يبدو أنها تستوعب وتقاوم أشكال وعمليات الثقافة الموسيقية الشعبية. قد يُنظر إلى موسيقى ما تحت الأرض على أنها تعبر عن الإخلاص، الحميمية، وحرية التعبير الإبداعي في مواجهة تلك الممارسات التي تعتبر تركيبية أو مدفوعة تجاريًا. كما يتم نشر مفاهيم الاستقلالية - عدم الانسجام بشكل شائع في تمجيد وتفضيل موسيقى ما تحت الأرض. يمكن الوصول بسهولة إلى معظم موسيقى ما تحت الأرض، على الرغم من أنه قد يكون من الصعب العثور على التسجيلات التي لم يتم سماعها.
rdf:langString Musik bawah tanah (bahasa Inggris: underground music) adalah istilah umum yang merujuk kepada berbagai macam genre musik di luar budaya arus utama. Lagu apapun yang tidak dikomersilkan secara legal, dianggap sebagai musik bawah tanah. Musik underground mungkin memiliki cenderung mengekspresikan ide-ide umum, seperti penghargaan yang tinggi terhadap ketulusan dan keintiman, kebebasan berekspresi yang bertentangan dengan komposisi musik komersial yang sangat formulaik, dan penghargaan terhadap individualitas artistik yang bertentangan dengan kesesuaian dengan tren mainstream saat ini. Pelaku musik bawah tanah biasanya melakukan produksi masal melalui produsen musik kecil, dan pengedaran produk secara mandiri atau indie, baik dari mulut ke mulut, ketika mengadakan konser, maupun dijual melalui situs internet.
rdf:langString Con il termine musica underground, a cui ci si riferisce anche con l'espressione inglese underground music, si intendono tutti quei generi musicali che si pongono programmaticamente in antitesi e/o in alternativa alla cultura di massa o al sistema dell'industria della musica tipico delle multinazionali. Il termine fu utilizzato per la prima volta da Marcel Duchamp, in una famosa conferenza del 1961 tenutasi a Filadelfia, nella quale dichiarò programmaticamente che l'Arte dovesse andare sottoterra ("will go underground"), aprendo la strada all'utilizzo del termine underground La musica underground può tendere ad esprimere idee comuni, come l'alto rispetto per la sincerità e l'intimità, la libertà di espressione creativa in contrapposizione alla composizione altamente formulaica della musica commerciale e l'apprezzamento dell'individualità artistica in contrapposizione alla conformità alle attuali tendenze. A parte forse le scene del rock underground nell'Unione Sovietica pre-Michail Gorbačëv o la moderna scena metal anti-islamica degli stati teocratici della Penisola arabica, pochissimi tipi di musica underground sono completamente sotterranei, sebbene performance e registrazioni possano essere di difficile reperibilità per i neofiti.
rdf:langString Underground music is music with practices perceived as outside, or somehow opposed to, mainstream popular music culture. Underground music is intimately tied to popular music culture as a whole, so there are important tensions within underground music because it appears to both assimilate and resist the forms and processes of popular music culture. Underground music may be perceived as expressing sincerity, intimacy, freedom of creative expression in opposition to those practices deemed formulaic or commercially driven. Notions of individuality non-conformity are also commonly deployed in extolling the virtue of underground music. There are examples of underground music that are particularly difficult to encounter, such as the underground rock scenes in the pre-Mikhail Gorbachev Soviet Union, in which has amassed a devoted following over the years (most notably for bands such as Kino). However, most underground music is readily accessible, although performances and recordings may be difficult for the uninitiated to find. Some underground styles eventually became mainstream, commercialized pop styles, such as the underground hip hop style of the early 1980s. In the 2000s, the increasing availability of the Internet and digital music technologies has made underground music easier to distribute using streaming audio and podcasts. Some experts in cultural studies now argue that "there is no underground" because the Internet has made what was underground music accessible to everyone at the click of a mouse. A current example of an underground internet music genre is Vaporwave. One expert, Martin Raymond, of London-based company The Future Laboratory, commented in an article in The Independent, saying trends in music, art, and politics are: ... now transmitted laterally and collaboratively via the internet. You once had a series of gatekeepers in the adoption of a trend: the innovator, the early adopter, the late adopter, the early mainstream, the late mainstream, and finally the conservative. But now it goes straight from the innovator to the mainstream. In effect, this means a boy band (for instance) could be influenced by a (formerly) obscure 1960s garage rock, early 1980s post punk, noise rock or composers of avant-garde classical music while maintaining recognizability as a boy band.
rdf:langString 언더그라운드 음악(영어: underground music)은 주류 문화(mainstream culture)에서 벗어난 음악 장르를 통칭할 때 사용하는 말이다.
rdf:langString É chamado de música underground ou música alternativa aquela que desenvolveu um número considerável de adeptos, sem no entanto obter sucesso comercial. Este tipo de música de um modo geral possui pouco ou nenhum apelo de massa, visibilidade, presença comercial ou de mídia. O termo também é usado atualmente para descrever música contemporânea de artistas expoentes mas que não pertençam ao mainstream musical, sendo o gênero ou estilo do artista irrelevantes para a determinação do status "underground". O termo música underground tem sido aplicado a diversos movimentos artísticos, como a música psicodélica movimento de meados dos anos 1960, punk rock e hardcore, hip-hop, o rock alternativo, indie rock, grunge, algumas formas de heavy metal, música eletrônica, música experimental, entre outros.
rdf:langString 地下音樂泛指所有不符合標準類型或未被分類,沒有被商品化,通常不會在主流媒體出現的音樂類型,特色是俱有高比例的原創性和實驗性。地下音樂會刻意不去迎合既有音樂類型、流行趨勢或大眾喜好,因此會被認為是特立獨行的,甚至是反文化的。 地下音樂會依附在、衍生出或建構成一種次文化,地下音樂的愛好者,往往不只是因為喜愛該種音樂風格,並且會喜愛或認同其共生的次文化,當發展到一定程度時,就會被分類命名。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 8609

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