Ulmus minor 'Viminalis Betulaefolia'
http://dbpedia.org/resource/Ulmus_minor_'Viminalis_Betulaefolia' an entity of type: Thing
The Field Elm cultivar Ulmus minor 'Viminalis Betulaefolia' (:'birch-leaved') is an elm tree of uncertain origin. An U. betulaefolia was listed by Loddiges of Hackney, London, in the catalogue of 1836, an U. campestris var. betulaefolia by Loudon in Arboretum et Fruticetum Britannicum (1838), and an U. betulifolia Booth by the Lawson nursery of Edinburgh (from 1838). Henry described an U. campestris var. betulaefolia at Kew in 1913, obtained from Fulham nurseryman Osborne in 1879, as "scarcely different from var. viminalis " (U. minor 'Viminalis'). Melville considered the tree so named at Kew a form of his U. × viminalis, while Bean (1988), describing U. 'Betulaefolia', likewise placed it under U. 'Viminalis' as an apparently allied tree. Loudon and Browne had noted that some forms of 'Vim
Ulmus minor 'Viminalis Betulaefolia'
Ulmus minor 'Viminalis Betulaefolia'
Ulmus minor 'Viminalis Betulaefolia'
Ulmus minor
The Field Elm cultivar Ulmus minor 'Viminalis Betulaefolia' (:'birch-leaved') is an elm tree of uncertain origin. An U. betulaefolia was listed by Loddiges of Hackney, London, in the catalogue of 1836, an U. campestris var. betulaefolia by Loudon in Arboretum et Fruticetum Britannicum (1838), and an U. betulifolia Booth by the Lawson nursery of Edinburgh (from 1838). Henry described an U. campestris var. betulaefolia at Kew in 1913, obtained from Fulham nurseryman Osborne in 1879, as "scarcely different from var. viminalis " (U. minor 'Viminalis'). Melville considered the tree so named at Kew a form of his U. × viminalis, while Bean (1988), describing U. 'Betulaefolia', likewise placed it under U. 'Viminalis' as an apparently allied tree. Loudon and Browne had noted that some forms of 'Viminalis' can be mistaken for a variety of birch. An U. campestris betulaefolia was distributed by Hesse's Nurseries, Weener, Germany, in the 1930s. Henry (1913) also described an U. nitens var. betulaefolia , a cultivar with long, narrow un-birchlike leaves, a herbarium specimen of which from Audley End, Suffolk, is preserved at Kew (see External links below). Henry did not include this cultivar, represented by a specimen in the Cambridge University Botanic Garden, as a form of 'Viminalis', but both he and Green took it to be a synonym of Loudon's 'Betulaefolia'. Melville determined this tree a triple hybrid, U. carpinifolia gled. × U. plotii Druce × U. glabra Huds..