Trinitarian Bible Society an entity of type: Thing
트리니테리안 성서 공회는 1831년 "하나님의 영감이 주시는 하나님의 영예와 그리스도에 있는 신앙을 통해 인간을 구원으로 지혜롭게 할 수 있는 성서인 성경에 의지하여 국내외에서 순환함으로써 하나님의 영광과 인간의 구원을 도모하기 위해 설립되었다. 삼위일체 성서협회 회원들은 다음 두 가지 논란으로 1804년에 설립된 영국 해외 성서 선교회로부터 분리되었다:
* 유럽에서 출판된 성경 외경에서 성서 아포크리파의 포함을 둘러싼 아포크리파 논쟁. 학회의 장교로서 유니테리언주의를 신봉하는 사람을 포함시키고, 학회가 모든 회의를 기도로 여는 것을 거부하는 것. 그 주장은 1831년 5월 학회 연차총회에서 공개되었다. 회원들은 6대 1로 에큐메니컬 현상을 유지하도록 투표했다. 1831년 12월 7일 런던 엑서터 홀에 2천명이 넘는 사람들이 모여 트리니테리안 성서 공회를 결성하고, 삼위일체적 입장을 명시적으로 지지하고, 음란한 책들을 배척했다.
Trynitarne Towarzystwo Biblijne (ang. Trinitarian Bible Society) – protestanckie towarzystwo biblijne założone w 1831 roku w wyniku rozłamu w Brytyjskim i Zagranicznym Towarzystwie Biblijnym. Towarzystwo założone zostało przez chrześcijan, którzy nie zgodzili się na włączanie do wydawanych przez Towarzystwo egzemplarzy Biblii ksiąg apokryficznych (określanych w katolicyzmie jako deuterokanoniczne) oraz na zatrudnianie w Towarzystwie osób odrzucających naukę o Trójcy Świętej (stąd nazwa: „Trynitarne”).
Die Trinitarian Bible Society ist eine Bibelgesellschaft, die 1831 aufgrund von theologischen Kontroversen als Abspaltung von der British and Foreign Bible Society gegründet wurde. Die Gesellschaft stellt weltweit Bibeln und christliche Literatur aus einer historischen reformierten Perspektive bereit. Es gibt Landesgruppen (chapters) in vielen Ländern wie Australien, Neuseeland und Brasilien. Die Society veröffentlicht das Magazin The Quarterly Record, und veranstaltet Treffen, in denen die Arbeit der Society sowie Themen zur Übersetzung des Textes.
The Trinitarian Bible Society was founded in 1831 "to promote the Glory of God and the salvation of men by circulating, both at home and abroad, in dependence on the Divine blessing, the Holy Scriptures, which are given by inspiration of God and are able to make men wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." The Trinitarian Bible Society members separated from the British and Foreign Bible Society, itself founded in 1804, due to two controversies:
De Trinitarian Bible Society is een in 1831 opgerichte Brits Bijbelgenootschap met als doel to promote the Glory of God and the salvation of men by circulating, both at home and abroad, in dependence on the Divine blessing, the Holy Scriptures, which are given by inspiration of God and are able to make men wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
Trinitarian Bible Society
트리니테리안 성서 공회
Trinitarian Bible Society
Trynitarne Towarzystwo Biblijne
Trinitarian Bible Society
Trinitarian Bible Society
Trinitarian Bible Society
Die Trinitarian Bible Society ist eine Bibelgesellschaft, die 1831 aufgrund von theologischen Kontroversen als Abspaltung von der British and Foreign Bible Society gegründet wurde. Die Gesellschaft stellt weltweit Bibeln und christliche Literatur aus einer historischen reformierten Perspektive bereit. Es gibt Landesgruppen (chapters) in vielen Ländern wie Australien, Neuseeland und Brasilien. Ziel der Gesellschaft ist es, weltweit Bibeln in die verschiedensten Sprachen zu übersetzen und zu verbreiten. Die Übersetzung von Bibeln in nicht-englische Sprachen basiert jeweils auf dem hebräischen Masoretischen Text und der Ausgabe des Greek New Testament nach dem Textus receptus zusammengestellt von Frederick Henry Ambrose Scrivener und veröffentlicht 1894. Die Society verkauft Exemplare der Bibel in der King James Version der Bibel, sowie Bibeln in anderen Sprachen für die Öffentlichkeit. Diese Bibelausgaben werden von der Society selbst gedruckt. Die Gesellschaft vertreibt darüber hinaus auch christliche Literatur auf Basis der Heiligen Schrift, wie zum Beispiel Traktate und Kinderliteratur in Englisch und in anderen Sprachen. Die Society veröffentlicht das Magazin The Quarterly Record, und veranstaltet Treffen, in denen die Arbeit der Society sowie Themen zur Übersetzung des Textes.
The Trinitarian Bible Society was founded in 1831 "to promote the Glory of God and the salvation of men by circulating, both at home and abroad, in dependence on the Divine blessing, the Holy Scriptures, which are given by inspiration of God and are able to make men wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." The Trinitarian Bible Society members separated from the British and Foreign Bible Society, itself founded in 1804, due to two controversies:
* The Apocrypha Controversy, over inclusion of the Biblical Apocrypha in some Bibles published in Europe.
* Inclusion of an adherent of Unitarianism as an officer in the Society, and refusal of the Society to open every meeting with prayer. The arguments came into the open during the Annual Meeting in May 1831 of the Society. The membership voted six to one to retain the ecumenical status quo. On 7 December 1831, over two thousand people gathered in Exeter Hall in London to form the Trinitarian Bible Society, explicitly endorsing the Trinitarian position, and rejecting the apocryphal books.
트리니테리안 성서 공회는 1831년 "하나님의 영감이 주시는 하나님의 영예와 그리스도에 있는 신앙을 통해 인간을 구원으로 지혜롭게 할 수 있는 성서인 성경에 의지하여 국내외에서 순환함으로써 하나님의 영광과 인간의 구원을 도모하기 위해 설립되었다. 삼위일체 성서협회 회원들은 다음 두 가지 논란으로 1804년에 설립된 영국 해외 성서 선교회로부터 분리되었다:
* 유럽에서 출판된 성경 외경에서 성서 아포크리파의 포함을 둘러싼 아포크리파 논쟁. 학회의 장교로서 유니테리언주의를 신봉하는 사람을 포함시키고, 학회가 모든 회의를 기도로 여는 것을 거부하는 것. 그 주장은 1831년 5월 학회 연차총회에서 공개되었다. 회원들은 6대 1로 에큐메니컬 현상을 유지하도록 투표했다. 1831년 12월 7일 런던 엑서터 홀에 2천명이 넘는 사람들이 모여 트리니테리안 성서 공회를 결성하고, 삼위일체적 입장을 명시적으로 지지하고, 음란한 책들을 배척했다.
Trynitarne Towarzystwo Biblijne (ang. Trinitarian Bible Society) – protestanckie towarzystwo biblijne założone w 1831 roku w wyniku rozłamu w Brytyjskim i Zagranicznym Towarzystwie Biblijnym. Towarzystwo założone zostało przez chrześcijan, którzy nie zgodzili się na włączanie do wydawanych przez Towarzystwo egzemplarzy Biblii ksiąg apokryficznych (określanych w katolicyzmie jako deuterokanoniczne) oraz na zatrudnianie w Towarzystwie osób odrzucających naukę o Trójcy Świętej (stąd nazwa: „Trynitarne”).
De Trinitarian Bible Society is een in 1831 opgerichte Brits Bijbelgenootschap met als doel to promote the Glory of God and the salvation of men by circulating, both at home and abroad, in dependence on the Divine blessing, the Holy Scriptures, which are given by inspiration of God and are able to make men wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. De Trinitarian Bible Society werpt zich op als verdediger van King James Version, een Engelse Bijbelvertaling uit 1611. De stichting verklaart hierover zelf: The Trinitarian Bible Society does not believe the Authorised Version to be a perfect translation, only that it is the best available translation in the English language. De TBS verwerpt ook de inmiddels gereviseerde New King James Version. De TBS heeft veel aanhang onder de leden van de Associated Presbyterian Churches, Free Church of Scotland, Free Church of Scotland (Continuing), Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster, Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland, Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland, Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scotland en de Strict Baptists. De TBS telt ook leden onder de Church of England en de Church of Scotland. In samenwerking met de vergelijkbare Nederlandse Gereformeerde Bijbelstichting worden Bijbels over de gehele wereld verspreid, in gevangenissen, dictaturen, enzovoort. De stichting geeft een maandblad uit onder de naam Quarterly Record.