Triglavka an entity of type: Glacier

Триглавка (словен. Triglavka), также известная в Хорватии как партизанка (хорв. partizanka) — головной убор, пилотка партизан-антифашистов в Словении, Западной Боснии и Хорватии. Считается самым известным элементом униформы партизан. Своё название в Словении получила в честь горы Триглав, что было отражено во внешнем виде шапки (три «зубца»). rdf:langString
The triglavka or Triglav cap (in Slovenia) or the partizanka or Partizan cap (in Croatia) is a side cap that was a part of the Yugoslav Partisan uniform in Croatia, Slovenia and western Bosnia. There, it was the most characteristic part of Partisan clothing. Despite its common name in Slovenia, the cap's design was not inspired by Mount Triglav, but was a copy of a cap design used by soldiers of the Spanish Republican faction. The first Yugoslav models were made in the second half of 1941 in Zagreb by the Communist Party activist Dobrila Jurić for Vladimir Popović and , former fighters in the International Brigades, and organizers of the Croatian Liberation Front. In occupied Yugoslavia, the cap originated in use among Croatian Partisans in western Yugoslavia, but quickly spread through th rdf:langString
rdf:langString Triglavka
rdf:langString Triglavka
rdf:langString Триглавка
xsd:integer 34827578
xsd:integer 997594010
rdf:langString La triglavka o gorra de Triglav (a Eslovènia), o partizanka (a Croàcia), és un casquet de caserna que formava part de l'uniforme partisà iugoslau a Croàcia, Eslovènia i Bòsnia occidental i era la part més característica de la indumentària partisana. Malgrat el seu nom comú a Eslovènia, el disseny de la gorra no estava inspirat en el mont Triglav, sinó que era una còpia d'un disseny de gorra utilitzat pels milicians del bàndol republicà a la Guerra Civil espanyola. Els primers models iugoslaus van ser fabricats a la segona meitat de 1941 a Zagreb pel militant del Partit Comunista Dobrila Jurić per a Vladimir Popović i Otmar Kreačić, antics combatents de les Brigades Internacionals i organitzadors del Front d'Alliberament de Croàcia. A la Iugoslàvia ocupada pel nazisme, la gorra es va generalitzar entre els partisans croats a l'oest de Iugoslàvia, però ràpidament es va estendre a través del moviment partisà, especialment entre els partisans eslovens. Les triglavka eren força diverses. En general, existien quatre versions de la gorra. Inicialment, tenien tres cantells, amb els dos de davant i darrere d'uns 10 cm d'alçada, i el del mig del 14 cm d'alt o una mica més baix. La segona versió tenia uns 6 cm de vora doblegada cap amunt a la part posterior. La tercera versió tenia la mateixa forma que la segona, amb un escut afegit al davant. La quarta versió tenia la vora posterior prou llarga per ser creuada a la part superior i fixada amb un botó a la tapa. Era molt pràctic, ja que permetia enrotllar la vora i fixar-se sota la barbeta, protegint el partisà del vent i del fred. Moltes de les triglavka estaven vorejades amb una cinta vermella. La triglavka era l'element inicial i més característic de l'uniforme dels partisans eslovens. Va ser rebatejada com a triglavka amb motiu del mont Triglav, que literalment significa «tres caps», associat amb els tres déus eslaus principals. Com que l'ascens al Triglav per la seva cara nord estava renyit entre eslovens i alemanys al segle XIX, la triglavka va capturar simbòlicament el principal impuls de la resistència eslovena als exèrcits feixistes i nazis com un alliberament nacional. El juny de 1943 va ser substituït per la després d'un decret sobre vestimenta a l'abril de 1944. Se n'han conservat pocs exemplars i la majoria són del tercer tipus. Els partisans tractaven les seues gorres amb reverència. Segons Savo Zlatić, perdre la gorra es considerava una desgràcia al mateix nivell que perdre l'arma.
rdf:langString The triglavka or Triglav cap (in Slovenia) or the partizanka or Partizan cap (in Croatia) is a side cap that was a part of the Yugoslav Partisan uniform in Croatia, Slovenia and western Bosnia. There, it was the most characteristic part of Partisan clothing. Despite its common name in Slovenia, the cap's design was not inspired by Mount Triglav, but was a copy of a cap design used by soldiers of the Spanish Republican faction. The first Yugoslav models were made in the second half of 1941 in Zagreb by the Communist Party activist Dobrila Jurić for Vladimir Popović and , former fighters in the International Brigades, and organizers of the Croatian Liberation Front. In occupied Yugoslavia, the cap originated in use among Croatian Partisans in western Yugoslavia, but quickly spread through the Partisan movement, particularly among Slovene Partisans. The triglavkas were very diverse. In general, there existed four versions of the cap. Initially, they had three prongs, with the two in front and in the back about 10 centimetres (3.9 in) high, and the middle one 14 centimetres (5.5 in) high or somewhat lower. The second version had an about 6 cm (2.4 in) upward bent edge at the back. The third version had the same form as the second, with a shield added at the front. The third version had the edge at the back long enough to be crossed at the top and pinned with a button to the cap. It was very practical, as it allowed for the edge to be rolled down and pinned under the chin, protecting the Partisan against wind and cold. Many of triglavkas were bordered with a red ribbon. In Slovene Lands, partizankas appeared for the first time in March 1942. They were at first worn by the , where they were prescribed with a decree. Then they spread to the Lower Carniola and the White Carniola. in the Upper Carniola, they appeared in late first half of 1942, and in the Slovene Styria, in July 1942. in the Littoral, they appeared in the second half of 1942. Triglavkas were the initial and the most characteristic element of the uniform of the Slovene Partisans. They were renamed to triglavkas after Mount Triglav, literary meaning "three heads", associated with three major Slavic gods. As the ascent on Triglav via its northern face was connected with the competition between Slovenes and Germans in the 19th century, the triglavka symbolically captured the primary drive for the Slovene resistance to the Fascist and Nazi armies, a national liberation. Since June 1943, it was quickly replaced with the titovka, particularly after a decree about caps in April 1944. Few specimens have been preserved, the majority of them being of the third type. Of the first type, only one specimen has been preserved, and of the second type, none have been preserved. The partisans treated their caps with reverence. According to Savo Zlatić, losing one's cap was considered a disgrace on par with losing one's weapon. Triglavka was used as a cue for the article Triglav from under Triglavka (Slovene: Triglav izpod Triglavke), written by France Avčin, a Partisan and the first post-war president of the Alpine Association of Slovenia. It was published in 1980 in Planinski Vestnik ("Alpine Gazette").
rdf:langString Триглавка (словен. Triglavka), также известная в Хорватии как партизанка (хорв. partizanka) — головной убор, пилотка партизан-антифашистов в Словении, Западной Боснии и Хорватии. Считается самым известным элементом униформы партизан. Своё название в Словении получила в честь горы Триглав, что было отражено во внешнем виде шапки (три «зубца»).
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 7547

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