Treaty of Berwick (1560) an entity of type: Thing

Le traité de Berwick est signé le 27 février 1560 à Berwick-upon-Tweed entre des représentants de la reine Élisabeth Ire d'Angleterre et les , un groupe de seigneurs écossais protestants. L'accord porte sur l'intervention de l'armée anglaise sur le sol écossais pour en expulser les troupes françaises qui soutiennent la régente Marie de Guise. * Portail de l’Angleterre * Portail de l’Écosse * Portail de l’histoire militaire * Portail du droit * Portail des relations internationales rdf:langString
The Treaty of Berwick was negotiated on 27 February 1560 at Berwick-upon-Tweed. It was an agreement made by the representative of Queen Elizabeth I of England, the Duke of Norfolk, and the group of Scottish nobles known as the Scottish Lords of the Congregation. The purpose was to agree the terms under which an English fleet and army would come to Scotland to expel the French troops who were defending the Regency of Mary of Guise. The Lords were trying both to expel the French and to effect the Scottish Reformation, and this led to rioting and armed conflict. rdf:langString
Il trattato di Berwick fu negoziato il 27 febbraio 1560 a Berwick-upon-Tweed. Era un accordo fatto tra il rappresentante della regina Elisabetta I d'Inghilterra, il Duca di Norfolk, e il gruppo di nobili ribelli noti come i Lord scozzesi della Congregazione. Lo scopo era quello di concordare i termini in base ai quali una flotta e un esercito inglesi sarebbero andati in Scozia per espellere le truppe francesi che stavano difendendo la Reggenza di Maria di Guisa. I Lord stavano cercando sia di espellere i francesi che di attuare la Riforma, e questo portò a rivolte e conflitti armati. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Traité de Berwick (1560)
rdf:langString Trattato di Berwick (1560)
rdf:langString Treaty of Berwick (1560)
xsd:integer 17423592
xsd:integer 1102982553
rdf:langString Le traité de Berwick est signé le 27 février 1560 à Berwick-upon-Tweed entre des représentants de la reine Élisabeth Ire d'Angleterre et les , un groupe de seigneurs écossais protestants. L'accord porte sur l'intervention de l'armée anglaise sur le sol écossais pour en expulser les troupes françaises qui soutiennent la régente Marie de Guise. * Portail de l’Angleterre * Portail de l’Écosse * Portail de l’histoire militaire * Portail du droit * Portail des relations internationales
rdf:langString The Treaty of Berwick was negotiated on 27 February 1560 at Berwick-upon-Tweed. It was an agreement made by the representative of Queen Elizabeth I of England, the Duke of Norfolk, and the group of Scottish nobles known as the Scottish Lords of the Congregation. The purpose was to agree the terms under which an English fleet and army would come to Scotland to expel the French troops who were defending the Regency of Mary of Guise. The Lords were trying both to expel the French and to effect the Scottish Reformation, and this led to rioting and armed conflict.
rdf:langString Il trattato di Berwick fu negoziato il 27 febbraio 1560 a Berwick-upon-Tweed. Era un accordo fatto tra il rappresentante della regina Elisabetta I d'Inghilterra, il Duca di Norfolk, e il gruppo di nobili ribelli noti come i Lord scozzesi della Congregazione. Lo scopo era quello di concordare i termini in base ai quali una flotta e un esercito inglesi sarebbero andati in Scozia per espellere le truppe francesi che stavano difendendo la Reggenza di Maria di Guisa. I Lord stavano cercando sia di espellere i francesi che di attuare la Riforma, e questo portò a rivolte e conflitti armati.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 13304

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