Transport in Delhi an entity of type: Thing

Jako čtrnáctimilionové velkoměsto má Dillí vlastní síť dopravní infrastruktury, byť v porovnání se západními standardy poněkud chudou. Dopravní ruch je zde velmi čilý; funguje zde mnoho druhů dopravy, a to jak osobní (automobilová), tak i veřejné (autobusy, , taxi, metro). rdf:langString
Cet article présente diverses informations sur les moyens de transport à Delhi. rdf:langString
Delhi has significant reliance on its transport infrastructure. The city seeks to develop a highly efficient public transport system with the introduction of the Delhi Metro, which is undergoing a rapid modernization and expansion as of 2006. There are 16.6 million registered vehicles in the city as of 30 June 2014, which is the highest in the world among all cities, most of which do not follow any pollution emission norm (within municipal limits), while the Delhi metropolitan region (NCR Delhi) has 11.2 million vehicles. Delhi and NCR lose nearly 42 crore (420 million) man-hours every month while commuting between home and office through public transport, due to the traffic congestion. Therefore, serious efforts, including a number of transport infrastructure projects, are under way to en rdf:langString
rdf:langString Transport in Delhi
rdf:langString Doprava v Dillí
rdf:langString Transports à Delhi
xsd:integer 4939865
xsd:integer 1122695393
rdf:langString Jako čtrnáctimilionové velkoměsto má Dillí vlastní síť dopravní infrastruktury, byť v porovnání se západními standardy poněkud chudou. Dopravní ruch je zde velmi čilý; funguje zde mnoho druhů dopravy, a to jak osobní (automobilová), tak i veřejné (autobusy, , taxi, metro).
rdf:langString Cet article présente diverses informations sur les moyens de transport à Delhi.
rdf:langString Delhi has significant reliance on its transport infrastructure. The city seeks to develop a highly efficient public transport system with the introduction of the Delhi Metro, which is undergoing a rapid modernization and expansion as of 2006. There are 16.6 million registered vehicles in the city as of 30 June 2014, which is the highest in the world among all cities, most of which do not follow any pollution emission norm (within municipal limits), while the Delhi metropolitan region (NCR Delhi) has 11.2 million vehicles. Delhi and NCR lose nearly 42 crore (420 million) man-hours every month while commuting between home and office through public transport, due to the traffic congestion. Therefore, serious efforts, including a number of transport infrastructure projects, are under way to encourage usage of public transport in the city.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 44176

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