Tony Rezko an entity of type: Person
Antoin „Tony“ Rezko (* 1955 in Aleppo, Syrien) ist ein amerikanischer Geschäftsmann, Restaurant- und Immobilienentwickler in Chicago, Illinois, der wegen Korruption verurteilt wurde. Er pflegt enge Kontakte zu vielen Politikern, vor allem im US-Bundesstaat Illinois, wo er häufig Fundraising für Wahlkämpfe betreibt. Zu ihnen zählten Rod Blagojevich und Barack Obama.
Antoin Rezko (born 1955) is an American businessman and convict. He was a fundraiser for Illinois Democratic and Republican politicians. After becoming a major contributor to Rod Blagojevich's successful election for governor, Rezko assisted Blagojevich in setting up the state's first Democratic administration in twenty years and as a result he was able to have business associates appointed onto several state boards. Rezko and several others were indicted on federal charges in October 2006 for using their connections on the state boards to demand kickbacks from businesses that wished to engage in dealings with the state. While the others pleaded guilty, Rezko pleaded not guilty and was tried. He was found guilty of 16 of the 24 charges filed against him and on November 23, 2011, he was sen
Antoin "Tony" Rezko (nascido em julho 1955) é um empresário de Chicago, Illinois. Foi condenado em 2008 por várias acusações de fraude e corrupção. Rezko foi envolvido na angariação de fundos para campanhas de democratas e republicanos no Illinois desde os anos de 1980. Em 23 de novembro de 2011, Rezko foi condenado a 2 anos de prisão.
Tony Rezko
Tony Rezko
Tony Rezko
Antoin „Tony“ Rezko (* 1955 in Aleppo, Syrien) ist ein amerikanischer Geschäftsmann, Restaurant- und Immobilienentwickler in Chicago, Illinois, der wegen Korruption verurteilt wurde. Er pflegt enge Kontakte zu vielen Politikern, vor allem im US-Bundesstaat Illinois, wo er häufig Fundraising für Wahlkämpfe betreibt. Zu ihnen zählten Rod Blagojevich und Barack Obama.
Antoin Rezko (born 1955) is an American businessman and convict. He was a fundraiser for Illinois Democratic and Republican politicians. After becoming a major contributor to Rod Blagojevich's successful election for governor, Rezko assisted Blagojevich in setting up the state's first Democratic administration in twenty years and as a result he was able to have business associates appointed onto several state boards. Rezko and several others were indicted on federal charges in October 2006 for using their connections on the state boards to demand kickbacks from businesses that wished to engage in dealings with the state. While the others pleaded guilty, Rezko pleaded not guilty and was tried. He was found guilty of 16 of the 24 charges filed against him and on November 23, 2011, he was sentenced to 10.5 years in prison.
Antoin "Tony" Rezko (nascido em julho 1955) é um empresário de Chicago, Illinois. Foi condenado em 2008 por várias acusações de fraude e corrupção. Rezko foi envolvido na angariação de fundos para campanhas de democratas e republicanos no Illinois desde os anos de 1980. Em 23 de novembro de 2011, Rezko foi condenado a 2 anos de prisão. Possui várias propriedades em Chicago, e na campanha presidencial de 2008, Obama foi criticado por ter se encontrado durante o período de organização de convenção. Rezko arrecadou 150 mil dólares para a campanha de Obama em nível estadual. Mas depois que Rezko foi indiciado por fraudes, Obama devolveu as doações.