Tokyo Round
Die Tokio-Runde war eine Welthandelsrunde im Rahmen des Allgemeinen Zoll- und Handelsabkommen (GATT). Sie fand von 1973 bis 1979 in Tokio statt. Die Tokio Runde war nach der die sechste Zollrunde im Rahmen des GATT. Es nahmen an ihr 102 Länder teil. Ein Fokus der Runde lag auf dem Landwirtschaftssektor und Entwicklungsländern wurden in dieser Runde mehr Möglichkeiten der Partizipation gegeben.
도쿄 라운드(Tokyo Round) 또는 동경 라운드는 1971년 미국이 금태환을 중지한 후 1973년 9월 동경에서 세계무역질서를 수습하기 위해 개최된 GATT 각료회담을 말한다. 동경 라운드는 협상범위를 관세뿐만 아니라 비관세장벽과 농산물까지 포함시킨 광범위한 협상이었다. 석유파동으로 인하여 보호주의 무역이 강화되자 이 협상은 난항을 거듭하게 되었으며 1979년 4월에 일부는 미결인 채 가조인하게 되었다.
The Tokyo Round was a multi-year multilateral trade negotiation (MTN) between 102 nation-states that were parties to the GATT. The negotiations resulted in reduced tariffs and established new regulations aimed at controlling the proliferation of non-tariff barriers (NTBs) and voluntary export restrictions. The aim was further to harmonise government policies. Concessions were made on $19 billion worth of trade, and were scheduled to enter effect over eight years from 1980. The Tokyo Round concluded in April 1979.
도쿄 라운드
Tokyo Round
Die Tokio-Runde war eine Welthandelsrunde im Rahmen des Allgemeinen Zoll- und Handelsabkommen (GATT). Sie fand von 1973 bis 1979 in Tokio statt. Die Tokio Runde war nach der die sechste Zollrunde im Rahmen des GATT. Es nahmen an ihr 102 Länder teil. Ein Fokus der Runde lag auf dem Landwirtschaftssektor und Entwicklungsländern wurden in dieser Runde mehr Möglichkeiten der Partizipation gegeben.
The Tokyo Round was a multi-year multilateral trade negotiation (MTN) between 102 nation-states that were parties to the GATT. The negotiations resulted in reduced tariffs and established new regulations aimed at controlling the proliferation of non-tariff barriers (NTBs) and voluntary export restrictions. The aim was further to harmonise government policies. Concessions were made on $19 billion worth of trade, and were scheduled to enter effect over eight years from 1980. The Tokyo Round concluded in April 1979. The Tokyo Round was held to be "the most comprehensive of all the seven rounds of negotiations held within the GATT since its founding in 1948." One novelty was that it covered and dairy products. The agricultural sector was a focus. Developing countries were given more say in this round than had been the case in past MTNs.
도쿄 라운드(Tokyo Round) 또는 동경 라운드는 1971년 미국이 금태환을 중지한 후 1973년 9월 동경에서 세계무역질서를 수습하기 위해 개최된 GATT 각료회담을 말한다. 동경 라운드는 협상범위를 관세뿐만 아니라 비관세장벽과 농산물까지 포함시킨 광범위한 협상이었다. 석유파동으로 인하여 보호주의 무역이 강화되자 이 협상은 난항을 거듭하게 되었으며 1979년 4월에 일부는 미결인 채 가조인하게 되었다.