Timeline of the 2020 Pacific hurricane season

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2020年太平洋颶風季于5月15日在西经140度线以东的东太平洋正式开始,6月1日在西经140度线至国际日期变更线之间的中太平洋开始,11月30日结束,传统上每年国际日期变更线以东绝大多数熱帶氣旋都是这段时间形成。4月25日第一E号热带低气压形成,提前拉开飓风季序幕;热带风暴波罗是本季最后的风暴,11月19日消散并为飓风季划上句点。 4月25日就形成第一个热带气旋,创下有纪录以来太平洋颶風季新纪录。全季热带天气活跃程度低于平均水平,共16场风暴获名虽与1981至2010年均值15差不多,但只有四场达到飓风强度,仅均值一半;三场飓风达到大型飓风标准,对比均值为四。全季衡量热带气旋持续时长和强度的气旋能量指数与长期平均值相差超四成。 本季只有少数风暴对陆地影响很大:五月在萨尔瓦多、危地马拉、洪都拉斯造成多人丧生和大面积破坏。热带风暴福斯托的残留八月在北加利福尼亞州四处引发山火,导致重大破坏;飓风吉纳维芙给下加利福尼亞半島带去飓风强度狂风并致人员伤亡,同样吹袭该半岛,但强度、破坏、人员伤亡都远不及吉纳维芙。此外,飓风道格拉斯七月一度非常靠近歐胡島,所幸最终影响很小。 rdf:langString
The 2020 Pacific hurricane season was an event in the annual cycle of tropical cyclone formation, in which tropical cyclones form in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. The season officially started on May 15 in the Eastern Pacific—east of 140°W—and began on June 1 in the Central Pacific—the region between the International Date Line and 140°W–and ended on November 30. These dates typically cover the period of each year when most tropical cyclones form in the Eastern Pacific basin according to the National Hurricane Center. However, tropical cyclones sometimes form outside the bounds of an official season, as was evidenced by the formation of Tropical Depression One-E on April 25. The season ended with the dissipation of its final storm, Tropical Storm Polo, on November 19. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Timeline of the 2020 Pacific hurricane season
rdf:langString 2020年太平洋飓风季时间轴
xsd:integer 2020
rdf:langString Timeline of the
xsd:float 13.5
xsd:float -115.5
xsd:integer 62446464
xsd:integer 1118341025
rdf:langString Marie
xsd:integer 8
rdf:langString EPac
xsd:date 2020-04-25
xsd:integer 945
rdf:langString Pacific hurricane season
xsd:integer 2020
xsd:integer 2020
rdf:langString A map of all tropical cyclones during the 2020 Pacific hurricane season
xsd:integer 120
xsd:string 13.5 -115.5
xsd:integer 1
rdf:langString The 2020 Pacific hurricane season was an event in the annual cycle of tropical cyclone formation, in which tropical cyclones form in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. The season officially started on May 15 in the Eastern Pacific—east of 140°W—and began on June 1 in the Central Pacific—the region between the International Date Line and 140°W–and ended on November 30. These dates typically cover the period of each year when most tropical cyclones form in the Eastern Pacific basin according to the National Hurricane Center. However, tropical cyclones sometimes form outside the bounds of an official season, as was evidenced by the formation of Tropical Depression One-E on April 25. The season ended with the dissipation of its final storm, Tropical Storm Polo, on November 19. The formation of One-E on April 25 marked the earliest start to a Pacific hurricane season on record. However, seasonal activity as a whole was generally below average. The season featured 16 named storms, in line with the 1981–2010 long-term average of 15. It featured just four hurricanes, or half the average. Three of those hurricanes intensified into major hurricanes, which compares to the average of four. A few storms produced substantial impact to land in 2020. In May, Tropical Storm Amanda caused widespread damage and killed numerous people in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. In August, the remnants of Tropical Storm Fausto sparked devastating wildfires across Northern California, while Genevieve produced hurricane-force winds and caused additional fatalities in the Baja California peninsula. Lesser but still deadly effects were produced there by Tropical Storm Hernan as well. A month prior, Hurricane Douglas passed very close to Oahu, though it caused only minor impact. This timeline documents tropical cyclone formations, strengthening, weakening, landfalls, extratropical transitions, and dissipations during the season. It includes information that was not released throughout the season, meaning that data from post-storm reviews by the National Hurricane Center, such as a storm that was not initially warned upon, has been included. By convention, meteorologists use one time zone when issuing forecasts and making observations: Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), and also use the 24-hour clock (where 00:00 = midnight UTC). Tropical cyclone advisories in the Eastern North Pacific basin use both UTC and the nautical time zone where the center of the tropical cyclone is currently located. Time zones utilized (east to west) are: Central, Mountain, Pacific and Hawaii. In this timeline, all information is listed by UTC first, with the respective regional time zone included in parentheses. Additionally, figures for maximum sustained winds and position estimates are rounded to the nearest 5 units (knots, miles, or kilometers), following National Hurricane Center practice. Direct wind observations are rounded to the nearest whole number. Atmospheric pressures are listed to the nearest millibar and nearest hundredth of an inch of mercury.
rdf:langString 2020年太平洋颶風季于5月15日在西经140度线以东的东太平洋正式开始,6月1日在西经140度线至国际日期变更线之间的中太平洋开始,11月30日结束,传统上每年国际日期变更线以东绝大多数熱帶氣旋都是这段时间形成。4月25日第一E号热带低气压形成,提前拉开飓风季序幕;热带风暴波罗是本季最后的风暴,11月19日消散并为飓风季划上句点。 4月25日就形成第一个热带气旋,创下有纪录以来太平洋颶風季新纪录。全季热带天气活跃程度低于平均水平,共16场风暴获名虽与1981至2010年均值15差不多,但只有四场达到飓风强度,仅均值一半;三场飓风达到大型飓风标准,对比均值为四。全季衡量热带气旋持续时长和强度的气旋能量指数与长期平均值相差超四成。 本季只有少数风暴对陆地影响很大:五月在萨尔瓦多、危地马拉、洪都拉斯造成多人丧生和大面积破坏。热带风暴福斯托的残留八月在北加利福尼亞州四处引发山火,导致重大破坏;飓风吉纳维芙给下加利福尼亞半島带去飓风强度狂风并致人员伤亡,同样吹袭该半岛,但强度、破坏、人员伤亡都远不及吉纳维芙。此外,飓风道格拉斯七月一度非常靠近歐胡島,所幸最终影响很小。
xsd:decimal 9223372036854775807
xsd:date 2020-11-19
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 56545
<Geometry> POINT(-115.5 13.5)

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