Idealstata grundo estas grundo kiu atingis sian plej bonan fizikan, kemian kaj biologian staton.“
Als Bodengare wird in der Landwirtschaft der Idealzustand eines fruchtbaren Bodens bezeichnet, das heißt, dass der „optimale physikalische, chemische und biologische Zustand der Ackerkrume erreicht wird.“
Tilth is a physical condition of soil, especially in relation to its suitability for planting or growing a crop. Factors that determine tilth include the formation and stability of aggregated soil particles, moisture content, degree of aeration, soil biota, rate of water infiltration and drainage. Tilth can change rapidly, depending on environmental factors such as changes in moisture, tillage and soil amendments. The objective of tillage (mechanical manipulation of the soil) is to improve tilth, thereby increasing crop production; in the long term, however, conventional tillage, especially plowing, often has the opposite effect, causing the soil carbon sponge to oxidize, break down and become compacted.
Idealstato de grundo
Idealstata grundo estas grundo kiu atingis sian plej bonan fizikan, kemian kaj biologian staton.“
Als Bodengare wird in der Landwirtschaft der Idealzustand eines fruchtbaren Bodens bezeichnet, das heißt, dass der „optimale physikalische, chemische und biologische Zustand der Ackerkrume erreicht wird.“
Tilth is a physical condition of soil, especially in relation to its suitability for planting or growing a crop. Factors that determine tilth include the formation and stability of aggregated soil particles, moisture content, degree of aeration, soil biota, rate of water infiltration and drainage. Tilth can change rapidly, depending on environmental factors such as changes in moisture, tillage and soil amendments. The objective of tillage (mechanical manipulation of the soil) is to improve tilth, thereby increasing crop production; in the long term, however, conventional tillage, especially plowing, often has the opposite effect, causing the soil carbon sponge to oxidize, break down and become compacted. Soil with good tilth is spongy with large pore spaces for air infiltration and water movement. Roots only grow where the soil tilth allows for adequate levels of soil oxygen. Such soil also holds a reasonable supply of water and nutrients. Tillage, organic matter amendments, fertilization and irrigation can each improve tilth, but when used excessively, can have the opposite effect. Crop rotation and cover crops can rebuild the soil carbon sponge and positively impact tilth. A combined approach can produce the greatest improvement.