Thomas Hickey (soldier) an entity of type: Thing

Thomas Hickey, mort le 28 juin 1776, est un soldat de l'Armée continentale qui a été exécuté pour mutinerie et sédition au début de la guerre d'indépendance des États-Unis. Il est la première personne exécutée pour trahison contre ce qui allait devenir les États-Unis. Hickey apparaît dans le jeu vidéo Assassin's Creed III. rdf:langString
Thomas Hickey (... – 28 giugno 1776) è stato un militare irlandese del British Army che, durante la rivoluzione americana, si schierò dalla parte dell'Esercito continentale. Viene ricordato come la prima persona condannata a morte per tradimento contro quelli che sarebbero diventati gli Stati Uniti d'America: parte delle guardie messe a protezione del generale George Washington, Hickey fu incarcerato per contraffazione di denaro ma successivamente trovato colpevole di aver progettato di disertare a favore dei britannici, finendo quindi giustiziato. rdf:langString
湯瑪斯·希基(英語:Thomas Hickey;?-1776年6月28日被絞首)是美國獨立戰爭期間的一名大陸軍士兵,他是在即將成形的合眾國內第一位因為叛國罪而被處決的人。出生於愛爾蘭,他跟隨英軍以士兵的身分來到美洲,並在少將麾下以個人助理身分參與七年戰爭。但在革命爆發之後便成為逃兵並投靠大陸軍。他成為的一員,保鑣團的職責是保護華盛頓、華盛頓的職員以及大陸軍的薪資。希基曾因為走私假幣而在紐約入獄,因叛變與而接受審判並被處決,而且他可能涉及1776年間一場針對喬治·華盛頓的刺殺計畫。 rdf:langString
Thomas Hickey (died June 28, 1776) was a Continental Army soldier in the American Revolutionary War, and the first person to be executed by the Continental Army for "mutiny, sedition, and treachery". Born in Ireland, Hickey came to America as a soldier in the British Army and fought as a combat field servant to Major General William Johnson in the Seven Years' War. He later joined the Patriot cause when the American Revolution broke out, and became part of the Life Guard, which protected General George Washington, his staff, and the Continental Army's payroll. Hickey was briefly jailed for passing counterfeit money; during this incarceration, he told another prisoner he was part of a conspiracy. He was later tried and executed for mutiny and sedition against the Continental Army. Plausible rdf:langString
rdf:langString Thomas Hickey (soldat)
rdf:langString Thomas Hickey
rdf:langString Thomas Hickey (soldier)
rdf:langString 湯瑪斯·希基
rdf:langString Thomas Hickey
rdf:langString Thomas Hickey
xsd:integer 4325483
xsd:integer 1121345482
rdf:langString Continental Army
xsd:date 1776-06-28
rdf:langString Thomas Hickey, mort le 28 juin 1776, est un soldat de l'Armée continentale qui a été exécuté pour mutinerie et sédition au début de la guerre d'indépendance des États-Unis. Il est la première personne exécutée pour trahison contre ce qui allait devenir les États-Unis. Hickey apparaît dans le jeu vidéo Assassin's Creed III.
rdf:langString Thomas Hickey (died June 28, 1776) was a Continental Army soldier in the American Revolutionary War, and the first person to be executed by the Continental Army for "mutiny, sedition, and treachery". Born in Ireland, Hickey came to America as a soldier in the British Army and fought as a combat field servant to Major General William Johnson in the Seven Years' War. He later joined the Patriot cause when the American Revolution broke out, and became part of the Life Guard, which protected General George Washington, his staff, and the Continental Army's payroll. Hickey was briefly jailed for passing counterfeit money; during this incarceration, he told another prisoner he was part of a conspiracy. He was later tried and executed for mutiny and sedition against the Continental Army. Plausible, but unverified, reports suggest that he may have been involved in an assassination plot against Washington in 1776. Washington made a general announcement: The unhappy fate of Thomas Hickey, executed this day for mutiny, sedition, and treachery, the General hopes will be a warning to every soldier in the Army to avoid those crimes, and all others, so disgraceful to the character of a soldier, and pernicious to his country, whose pay he receives and bread he eats. And in order to avoid those crimes, the most certain method is to keep out of the temptation of them, and particularly to avoid lewd women, who, by the dying confession of this poor criminal, first led him into practices which ended in an untimely and ignominious death.
rdf:langString Thomas Hickey (... – 28 giugno 1776) è stato un militare irlandese del British Army che, durante la rivoluzione americana, si schierò dalla parte dell'Esercito continentale. Viene ricordato come la prima persona condannata a morte per tradimento contro quelli che sarebbero diventati gli Stati Uniti d'America: parte delle guardie messe a protezione del generale George Washington, Hickey fu incarcerato per contraffazione di denaro ma successivamente trovato colpevole di aver progettato di disertare a favore dei britannici, finendo quindi giustiziato.
rdf:langString 湯瑪斯·希基(英語:Thomas Hickey;?-1776年6月28日被絞首)是美國獨立戰爭期間的一名大陸軍士兵,他是在即將成形的合眾國內第一位因為叛國罪而被處決的人。出生於愛爾蘭,他跟隨英軍以士兵的身分來到美洲,並在少將麾下以個人助理身分參與七年戰爭。但在革命爆發之後便成為逃兵並投靠大陸軍。他成為的一員,保鑣團的職責是保護華盛頓、華盛頓的職員以及大陸軍的薪資。希基曾因為走私假幣而在紐約入獄,因叛變與而接受審判並被處決,而且他可能涉及1776年間一場針對喬治·華盛頓的刺殺計畫。
xsd:string (post-1765)
xsd:string (pre-1765)
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 24955
xsd:string Commander-in-Chief's Guard

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