Thermal interface material
热界面材料(英語:Thermal Interface Material)是用于涂敷在散热器件与发热器件之间,降低它们之间接触热阻所使用的材料的总称。凡是表面都会有粗糙度,所以当两个表面接触在一起的时候,不可能完全接触在一起,总会有一些空气隙夹杂在其中,而空气的导热系数非常之小,仅有0.024W/(m·K),因此就造成了比较大的接触热阻。而使用热界面材料就可以填充这个空气隙,这样就可以降低接触热阻,提高散热性能。
A thermal interface material (shortened to TIM) is any material that is inserted between two components in order to enhance the thermal coupling between them. A common use is heat dissipation, in which the TIM is inserted between a heat-producing device (e.g. an integrated circuit) and a heat-dissipating device (e.g. a heat sink). At each interface, a thermal boundary resistance exists to impede heat dissipation. In addition, the electronic performance and device lifetime can degrade dramatically under continuous overheating and large thermal stress at the interfaces. Therefore, for the last several decades, there have been intensive efforts in developing various TIMs with the aim of minimizing the thermal boundary resistance between layers and enhancing thermal management performance, as
Термоинтерфейс — слой теплопроводящего состава (обычно многокомпонентного) между охлаждаемой поверхностью и отводящим тепло устройством. Наиболее распространенным типом термоинтерфейса являются теплопроводящие пасты (термопасты) и компаунды. В быту наиболее известны термоинтерфейсы для тепловыделяющих компонентов персональных компьютеров (процессор, видеокарта, оперативная память, дроссели мат. плат и т. п.). Также применяется в электронике для теплоотвода от компонентов силовых цепей и уменьшения градиента температур внутри блоков.
Thermal interface material
A thermal interface material (shortened to TIM) is any material that is inserted between two components in order to enhance the thermal coupling between them. A common use is heat dissipation, in which the TIM is inserted between a heat-producing device (e.g. an integrated circuit) and a heat-dissipating device (e.g. a heat sink). At each interface, a thermal boundary resistance exists to impede heat dissipation. In addition, the electronic performance and device lifetime can degrade dramatically under continuous overheating and large thermal stress at the interfaces. Therefore, for the last several decades, there have been intensive efforts in developing various TIMs with the aim of minimizing the thermal boundary resistance between layers and enhancing thermal management performance, as well as tackling application requirements such as low thermal stress between materials of different thermal expansion coefficients, low elastic modulus or viscosity, flexibility, and reusability:
* Thermal paste: Mostly used in the electronics industry, it provides a very thin bond line and therefore a very small thermal resistance. It has no mechanical strength (other than the surface tension of the paste and the resulting adhesive effect) and will need an external mechanical fixation mechanism. Because it does not cure, it is used only where the material can be contained or in thin application where the viscosity of the paste will allow it to stay in position during use.
* Thermal adhesive: As with the thermal paste, it provides a very thin bond line, but provides some additional mechanical strength to the bond after curing. Thermal glue allows thicker bond line than the thermal paste, as it cures.
* : This could be described as "curing thermal paste" or "non-adhesive thermal glue". It provides thicker bond lines than the thermal paste as it cures while still allowing an easy disassembly thanks to limited adhesiveness.
* Thermally conductive pad: As opposed to previous TIM, a thermal pad comes not in liquid or paste form, but in a solid state (albeit often soft). Mostly made of silicone or silicone-like material, it has the advantage of being easy to apply. It provides thicker bond lines, but will usually need higher force to press the heat sink onto the heat source so that the thermal pad conforms to the bonded surfaces.
* : This adheres to the bonded surfaces, requires no curing time and is easy to apply. It is essentially a thermal pad with adhesive properties.
* Phase-change materials (PCM): Naturally sticky materials, used in place of thermal pastes. Its application is similar to solid pads. After achieving a melting point of 55–60 degrees, it changes to a half-liquid status and fills all gaps between the heat source and the heat sink.
* Metal thermal interface materials (metal TIMs): Metallic materials offer substantially higher thermal conductivity as well as the lowest thermal interface resistance. This high conductivity translates to less sensitivity to bondline thicknesses and coplanarity issues than polymeric TIMs.
Термоинтерфейс — слой теплопроводящего состава (обычно многокомпонентного) между охлаждаемой поверхностью и отводящим тепло устройством. Наиболее распространенным типом термоинтерфейса являются теплопроводящие пасты (термопасты) и компаунды. В быту наиболее известны термоинтерфейсы для тепловыделяющих компонентов персональных компьютеров (процессор, видеокарта, оперативная память, дроссели мат. плат и т. п.). Также применяется в электронике для теплоотвода от компонентов силовых цепей и уменьшения градиента температур внутри блоков. Термоинтерфейсы применяются так же в системах теплоснабжения и подогрева.
热界面材料(英語:Thermal Interface Material)是用于涂敷在散热器件与发热器件之间,降低它们之间接触热阻所使用的材料的总称。凡是表面都会有粗糙度,所以当两个表面接触在一起的时候,不可能完全接触在一起,总会有一些空气隙夹杂在其中,而空气的导热系数非常之小,仅有0.024W/(m·K),因此就造成了比较大的接触热阻。而使用热界面材料就可以填充这个空气隙,这样就可以降低接触热阻,提高散热性能。