There's Something About Marrying's_Something_About_Marrying an entity of type: WikicatLGBT-relatedTelevisionEpisodes
Svatby podle Homera (v anglickém originále There's Something About Marrying) jsou 10. díl 16. řady (celkem 345.) amerického animovaného seriálu Simpsonovi. Scénář napsal J. Stewart Burns a díl režírovala . V USA měl premiéru dne 20. února 2005 na stanici Fox Broadcasting Company a v Česku byl poprvé vysílán 24. června 2007 na České televizi.
Mariage à tout prix (France) ou Le mariage a un je-ne-sais-quoi (Québec) (There's Something About Marrying) est le 10e épisode de la saison 16 de la série télévisée d'animation Les Simpson.
There's Something About Marrying, llamado Casarse tiene algo en España y El amor es ciego en Hispanoamérica, es el episodio número 10 de la decimosexta temporada de Los Simpson. Fue emitido por primera vez el 20 de febrero de 2005 en la cadena Fox. El episodio fue escrito por J. Stewart Burns y dirigido por Nancy Kruse. El título es un juego de palabras sobre la película There's Something About Mary. En este episodio, Homero se convierte en ministro de paz, aprovechando la legalización del matrimonio gay en Springfield, mientras que Patty revela su homosexualidad.
Craoladh an deichiú heipeasóid, "There's Something About Marrying", den séú sraith déag The Simpsons ar an 20 Feabhra 2005. Scríobh an eipeasóid seo. D'fhéach 10.39 milliún duine ar an eipeasóid.
"There's Something About Marrying" adalah episode kesepuluh dari musim keenam belas sitkom animasi Amerika Serikat The Simpsons. Episode tersebut awalnya disiarkan dalam saluran Fox di Amerika Serikat pada 20 Februari 2005
«There’s Something About Marrying» (рус. Кое-что о свадьбе) — десятая серия шестнадцатого сезона мультсериала «Симпсоны».
"There's Something About Marrying" is the tenth episode of the sixteenth season of the American animated television series The Simpsons. In the episode, Springfield legalizes same-sex marriage to increase tourism. After becoming a minister, Homer starts to wed people to make money. Meanwhile, Marge's sister Patty comes out as a lesbian and reveals that she is going to marry a woman named Veronica. Marge originally disapproves of this, making Patty frustrated. When Marge accidentally discovers that Veronica is a man cross-dressed as a woman, she decides to keep quiet about it knowing that Patty will be marrying a man. However, at the ceremony, she is so moved by Patty's vow that she is forced to reveal Veronica's secret. After the ceremony is abruptly cancelled, Marge tells Patty that she n
Svatby podle Homera
There's Something About Marrying
There's Something About Marrying
There's Something About Marrying
Mariage à tout prix
There's Something About Marrying
There’s Something About Marrying
The family, dressed as bruised and beaten hockey players, skates around the living room holding the Stanley Cup.
Svatby podle Homera (v anglickém originále There's Something About Marrying) jsou 10. díl 16. řady (celkem 345.) amerického animovaného seriálu Simpsonovi. Scénář napsal J. Stewart Burns a díl režírovala . V USA měl premiéru dne 20. února 2005 na stanici Fox Broadcasting Company a v Česku byl poprvé vysílán 24. června 2007 na České televizi.
Mariage à tout prix (France) ou Le mariage a un je-ne-sais-quoi (Québec) (There's Something About Marrying) est le 10e épisode de la saison 16 de la série télévisée d'animation Les Simpson.
There's Something About Marrying, llamado Casarse tiene algo en España y El amor es ciego en Hispanoamérica, es el episodio número 10 de la decimosexta temporada de Los Simpson. Fue emitido por primera vez el 20 de febrero de 2005 en la cadena Fox. El episodio fue escrito por J. Stewart Burns y dirigido por Nancy Kruse. El título es un juego de palabras sobre la película There's Something About Mary. En este episodio, Homero se convierte en ministro de paz, aprovechando la legalización del matrimonio gay en Springfield, mientras que Patty revela su homosexualidad.
Craoladh an deichiú heipeasóid, "There's Something About Marrying", den séú sraith déag The Simpsons ar an 20 Feabhra 2005. Scríobh an eipeasóid seo. D'fhéach 10.39 milliún duine ar an eipeasóid.
"There's Something About Marrying" adalah episode kesepuluh dari musim keenam belas sitkom animasi Amerika Serikat The Simpsons. Episode tersebut awalnya disiarkan dalam saluran Fox di Amerika Serikat pada 20 Februari 2005
"There's Something About Marrying" is the tenth episode of the sixteenth season of the American animated television series The Simpsons. In the episode, Springfield legalizes same-sex marriage to increase tourism. After becoming a minister, Homer starts to wed people to make money. Meanwhile, Marge's sister Patty comes out as a lesbian and reveals that she is going to marry a woman named Veronica. Marge originally disapproves of this, making Patty frustrated. When Marge accidentally discovers that Veronica is a man cross-dressed as a woman, she decides to keep quiet about it knowing that Patty will be marrying a man. However, at the ceremony, she is so moved by Patty's vow that she is forced to reveal Veronica's secret. After the ceremony is abruptly cancelled, Marge tells Patty that she now accepts her sexuality. This was the third time that an episode of The Simpsons focused on homosexuality. The episode—written by J. Stewart Burns and directed by Nancy Kruse—was inspired by the 2004 same-sex weddings that occurred in San Francisco. According to executive producer Al Jean, the staff wanted the episode to explore what the different characters' stances on same-sex marriage were. Around the time of the episode's original airdate, February 20, 2005, the same-sex marriage question was a controversial political issue in the United States and the episode became controversial. "There's Something About Marrying" received a lot of criticism from conservative groups, including the Parents Television Council and the American Family Association, that claimed it was promoting gay marriage. Jean stated in response that the staff was not taking a side on the issue and that they were just examining all sides of it. Positive reaction to the episode came from, among others, the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation and the gay-oriented website During the first airing, 10.5 million people watched "There's Something About Marrying" and it became the highest-rated episode of the season. The episode had received a lot of publicity in the media before its broadcast—not only because of the same-sex marriage controversy but also because of Patty's outing. It was revealed in July 2004 that a character would come out as gay in the episode, leading to much speculation from fans and the press. Bookmaker websites were even posting odds on which character it would be, with Patty receiving the best odds.
«There’s Something About Marrying» (рус. Кое-что о свадьбе) — десятая серия шестнадцатого сезона мультсериала «Симпсоны».