Theodore Psalter
Le Psautier de Théodore est un manuscrit enluminé byzantin contenant le texte des psaumes. Il a été copié et peint par le moine Théodore du monastère du Stoudion à Constantinople pour son abbé Michel en 1066. Contenant 435 images, il est actuellement conservé à la British Library (Add.19352).
The Theodore Psalter is an illustrated manuscript and compilation of the Psalms and the canticles, or Odes from the Old Testament. "This Psalter has been held in the British Library since 1853 as Additional 19.352," wrote Princeton Art History professor Charles Barber in his first essay that is a companion to the Theodore Psalter E-Facsimile. Barber called the Psalter, "One of the richest illuminated manuscripts to survive from Byzantium."
Psautier de Théodore
Theodore Psalter
Le Psautier de Théodore est un manuscrit enluminé byzantin contenant le texte des psaumes. Il a été copié et peint par le moine Théodore du monastère du Stoudion à Constantinople pour son abbé Michel en 1066. Contenant 435 images, il est actuellement conservé à la British Library (Add.19352).
The Theodore Psalter is an illustrated manuscript and compilation of the Psalms and the canticles, or Odes from the Old Testament. "This Psalter has been held in the British Library since 1853 as Additional 19.352," wrote Princeton Art History professor Charles Barber in his first essay that is a companion to the Theodore Psalter E-Facsimile. Barber called the Psalter, "One of the richest illuminated manuscripts to survive from Byzantium." He goes on to say, "This essay will introduce a number of the various approaches that have been brought to bear upon this work. In reviewing these wide-ranging approaches it will be possible both to define the questions that have shaped the reception of this work and to formulate some possibilities for future research."