The Ultimate Fighter: United States vs. United Kingdom an entity of type: Thing
The Ultimate Fighter: United States vs. United Kingdom fue la novena temporada del reality de televisión de The Ultimate Fighter que se estrenó el 1 de abril de 2009. Los equipos separados fueron dirigidos por el ganador de TUF 3 Michael Bisping y Dan Henderson.
The Ultimate Fighter: United States vs. United Kingdom(ジ・アルティメット・ファイター:ユナイテッド・ステイツ・バーサス・ユナイテッド・キングダム、通称The Ultimate Fighter 9)は、アメリカ合衆国のリアリティ番組「The Ultimate Fighter」の第9シーズンとして2009年4月1日から6月17日にかけて放送されたテレビ番組である。 2009年6月20日、番組のフィナーレとして、ネバダ州ラスベガスのザ・パールでUFCの大会である「The Ultimate Fighter: United States vs. United Kingdom Finale」が開催された。 日本ではWOWOWにおいて2009年10月6日から12月29日にかけて、「UFC登竜門 ジ・アルティメット・ファイター シーズン9」のタイトルでテレビ放送された。
The Ultimate Fighter: United States vs. United Kingdom is the ninth installment of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) produced reality television series The Ultimate Fighter. It began production in January 2009, and began airing on Spike on April 1, 2009. The season featured Lightweight fighters (146–155 lb) and Welterweight fighters (156–170 lb). In order to be considered for the show, a fighter had to have competed in at least three professional bouts prior to the tryouts in October 2008.
The Ultimate Fighter: United States vs. United Kingdom é a nona temporada do reality show de MMA da série The Ultimate Fighter. Suas filmagens começaram em Janeiro de 2009, sendo transmitido pela primeira vez na Spike TV em 1 de abril de 2009. Essa temporada apresentava lutadores na categoria dos Pesos Leves e Pesos Meio Leves. Para participar do show, o lutador devia ter competido em três lutas profissionais anteriores a outubro de 2008. Bisping e Henderson lutaram entre si no UFC 100 em 11 de julho de 2009. Henderson derrotou Bisping no segundo round por nocaute.
The Ultimate Fighter: United States vs. United Kingdom
The Ultimate Fighter: United States vs. United Kingdom
The Ultimate Fighter: United States vs. United Kingdom
The Ultimate Fighter: United States vs. United Kingdom
The Ultimate Fighter: United States vs. United Kingdom Finale
Craig Piligian, Frank Fertitta III, Lorenzo Fertitta, Dana White
The Ultimate Fighter: United States vs. United Kingdom fue la novena temporada del reality de televisión de The Ultimate Fighter que se estrenó el 1 de abril de 2009. Los equipos separados fueron dirigidos por el ganador de TUF 3 Michael Bisping y Dan Henderson.
The Ultimate Fighter: United States vs. United Kingdom is the ninth installment of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) produced reality television series The Ultimate Fighter. It began production in January 2009, and began airing on Spike on April 1, 2009. The season featured Lightweight fighters (146–155 lb) and Welterweight fighters (156–170 lb). In order to be considered for the show, a fighter had to have competed in at least three professional bouts prior to the tryouts in October 2008. UFC Middleweight fighter and winner of The Ultimate Fighter 3, Michael Bisping served as one of the two coaches. The other coach was Dan Henderson. Henderson earned his place as a coach at UFC 93 by defeating Rich Franklin. Bisping and Henderson fought each other at UFC 100 on July 11, 2009. Henderson defeated Bisping at the event via second-round knockout.
The Ultimate Fighter: United States vs. United Kingdom(ジ・アルティメット・ファイター:ユナイテッド・ステイツ・バーサス・ユナイテッド・キングダム、通称The Ultimate Fighter 9)は、アメリカ合衆国のリアリティ番組「The Ultimate Fighter」の第9シーズンとして2009年4月1日から6月17日にかけて放送されたテレビ番組である。 2009年6月20日、番組のフィナーレとして、ネバダ州ラスベガスのザ・パールでUFCの大会である「The Ultimate Fighter: United States vs. United Kingdom Finale」が開催された。 日本ではWOWOWにおいて2009年10月6日から12月29日にかけて、「UFC登竜門 ジ・アルティメット・ファイター シーズン9」のタイトルでテレビ放送された。
The Ultimate Fighter: United States vs. United Kingdom é a nona temporada do reality show de MMA da série The Ultimate Fighter. Suas filmagens começaram em Janeiro de 2009, sendo transmitido pela primeira vez na Spike TV em 1 de abril de 2009. Essa temporada apresentava lutadores na categoria dos Pesos Leves e Pesos Meio Leves. Para participar do show, o lutador devia ter competido em três lutas profissionais anteriores a outubro de 2008. O campeão de Pesos Médios do The Ultimate Fighter 3, Michael Bisping serviu como treinador de uma equipe. O outro time era comandado por Dan Henderson. Henderson ganhou o cargo ao derrotar Rich Franklin no UFC 93: Franklin vs. Henderson. Bisping e Henderson lutaram entre si no UFC 100 em 11 de julho de 2009. Henderson derrotou Bisping no segundo round por nocaute.