The Ultimate Fighter: Team Bisping vs. Team Miller an entity of type: Thing
The Ultimate Fighter: Team Bisping vs. Team Miller(ジ・アルティメット・ファイター:チーム・ビスピン・バーサス・チーム・ミラー、通称The Ultimate Fighter 14)は、アメリカ合衆国のリアリティ番組「The Ultimate Fighter」の第14シーズンとして2011年9月21日から12月3日にかけて放送されたテレビ番組である。 本シーズンではバンタム級(-61.2kg)とフェザー級(-65.8kg)の各8名、計16名の選手がマイケル・ビスピンとジェイソン・ミラーのコーチの下、合宿所で共同生活を送りながらトレーニングを受け、UFCとの正式契約を賭けた勝ち残りトーナメント戦を行った。 2011年12月3日、番組のフィナーレとして、ネバダ州ラスベガスのザ・パールでUFCの大会である「The Ultimate Fighter: Team Bisping vs. Team Miller Finale」が開催された。
The Ultimate Fighter: Team Bisping vs. Team Miller is the fourteenth installment of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC)-produced reality television series The Ultimate Fighter. The UFC and Spike held open tryouts on March 21, 2011, in Newark, New Jersey. The casting call went out for Bantamweight and Featherweight fighters. All fighters that applied and tried out for the show must have had at least three professional fights and have been at least 21 years of age. Some of the fighters that showed up for the tryouts included UFC veterans Din Thomas & Kit Cope, future UFC fighter Ian McCall, WEC veteran Wagnney Fabiano, and future Bellator tournament finalist Alexis Vila. Rumors had surfaced of Chael Sonnen and Michael Bisping being possible coaches, though Jason Miller offered via Twitt
The Ultimate Fighter: Team Bisping vs. Team Miller é a décima quarta temporada do reality show de mixed martial arts do UFC The Ultimate Fighter. O UFC e a Spike realizaram seletivas publicas em 21 de março de 2011, em Newark, New Jersey. A chamada de elenco era destidada a lutadores de Peso Galo e Pesos Pena. Todos os lutadores que se inscreveream deveriam ter pelo menos três lutas profissionais e serem maiores de 21 anos de idade. Alguns dos lutadores que apareceram para a seleção incluíam veteranos do UFC, como e , além de antigos lutadores do WEC, como e Ian McCall, além do ex-medalhista de olimpiada . Rumores surgiram a respeito de Chael Sonnen e Michael Bisping sendo possíveis treinadores do programa, apesar de Jason Miller oferecer-se via Twitter para substituir Chael Sonnen caso
The Ultimate Fighter: Team Bisping vs. Team Miller
The Ultimate Fighter: Team Bisping vs. Team Miller
The Ultimate Fighter: Team Bisping vs. Team Miller
The Ultimate Fighter: Team Bisping vs. Team Miller Finale
United States
Reality, Sports
The Ultimate Fighter: Team Bisping vs. Team Miller(ジ・アルティメット・ファイター:チーム・ビスピン・バーサス・チーム・ミラー、通称The Ultimate Fighter 14)は、アメリカ合衆国のリアリティ番組「The Ultimate Fighter」の第14シーズンとして2011年9月21日から12月3日にかけて放送されたテレビ番組である。 本シーズンではバンタム級(-61.2kg)とフェザー級(-65.8kg)の各8名、計16名の選手がマイケル・ビスピンとジェイソン・ミラーのコーチの下、合宿所で共同生活を送りながらトレーニングを受け、UFCとの正式契約を賭けた勝ち残りトーナメント戦を行った。 2011年12月3日、番組のフィナーレとして、ネバダ州ラスベガスのザ・パールでUFCの大会である「The Ultimate Fighter: Team Bisping vs. Team Miller Finale」が開催された。
The Ultimate Fighter: Team Bisping vs. Team Miller is the fourteenth installment of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC)-produced reality television series The Ultimate Fighter. The UFC and Spike held open tryouts on March 21, 2011, in Newark, New Jersey. The casting call went out for Bantamweight and Featherweight fighters. All fighters that applied and tried out for the show must have had at least three professional fights and have been at least 21 years of age. Some of the fighters that showed up for the tryouts included UFC veterans Din Thomas & Kit Cope, future UFC fighter Ian McCall, WEC veteran Wagnney Fabiano, and future Bellator tournament finalist Alexis Vila. Rumors had surfaced of Chael Sonnen and Michael Bisping being possible coaches, though Jason Miller offered via Twitter to replace Sonnen if he is unable. Miller and Bisping were later confirmed as coaches by Dana White.
The Ultimate Fighter: Team Bisping vs. Team Miller é a décima quarta temporada do reality show de mixed martial arts do UFC The Ultimate Fighter. O UFC e a Spike realizaram seletivas publicas em 21 de março de 2011, em Newark, New Jersey. A chamada de elenco era destidada a lutadores de Peso Galo e Pesos Pena. Todos os lutadores que se inscreveream deveriam ter pelo menos três lutas profissionais e serem maiores de 21 anos de idade. Alguns dos lutadores que apareceram para a seleção incluíam veteranos do UFC, como e , além de antigos lutadores do WEC, como e Ian McCall, além do ex-medalhista de olimpiada . Rumores surgiram a respeito de Chael Sonnen e Michael Bisping sendo possíveis treinadores do programa, apesar de Jason Miller oferecer-se via Twitter para substituir Chael Sonnen caso ele não pudesse participar. Miller e Bisping foram posteriormente confirmados como treinadores por Dana White.Este foi o primeiro TUF que contou com a participação de um brasileiro, o peso pena Diego Brandão.