The Pied Piper (1942 film) an entity of type: Thing

The Pied Piper és una pel·lícula estatunidenca dirigida per , estrenada el 1942. rdf:langString
المزمار (بالإنجليزية: The Pied Piper)‏ هو فيلم دراما تم إنتاجه في الولايات المتحدة وصدر في سنة 1942. rdf:langString
The Pied Piper (Alternativtitel: Der Rattenfänger von Hameln) ist ein US-amerikanischer Kriegsfilm aus dem Jahr 1942 über einen englischen Gentleman, der wider Willen zum Retter einer Schar von Kindern aus dem besiegten Frankreich wird. Die Hauptrolle spielt Monty Woolley, der für seine Darstellung eine Nominierung für den Oscar als bester Hauptdarsteller erhielt. Regie bei dieser Verfilmung des gleichnamigen Romans von Nevil Shute führte Irving Pichel. rdf:langString
The Pied Piper est un film américain réalisé par Irving Pichel, sorti en 1942. rdf:langString
The Pied Piper adalah sebuah film tahun 1942 tentang seorang Inggris sedang mengunjungi Prancis saat , dan berusaha untuk menyelamatkan sekelompok anak. Film tersebut dibintangi oleh Monty Woolley, Roddy McDowall dan Anne Baxter. Film tersebut diadaptasi oleh Nunnally Johnson dari karya . Film tersebut disutradarai oleh Irving Pichel. Film tersebut dinominasikan pada Academy Awards untuk Aktor Terbaik dalam sebuah Peran Utama (Monty Woolley), Sinematografi Hitam-Putih Terbaik, dan Film Terbaik. rdf:langString
The Pied Piper is a 1942 American film in which an Englishman on vacation in France is caught up in the German invasion of that country, and finds himself taking an ever-growing group of children to safety. It stars Monty Woolley, Roddy McDowall and Anne Baxter. The film was adapted by Nunnally Johnson from the 1942 novel of the same name by Nevil Shute. It was directed by Irving Pichel. It was nominated for Academy Award for Best Picture, Monty Woolley for Best Actor in a Leading Role, and Edward Cronjager for Best Cinematography, Black-and-White. rdf:langString
The Pied Piper is een Amerikaanse dramafilm uit 1942 geregisseerd door . De hoofdrollen worden gespeeld door , Anne Baxter en Roddy McDowall. De film is gebaseerd op het gelijknamige boek van Nevil Shute. De film werd genomineerd voor drie Oscars, waaronder de Oscar voor beste film. De film wist uiteindelijk geen nominaties te verzilveren. rdf:langString
The Pied Piper è un film del 1942 diretto da Irving Pichel. Uno dei primissimi film sull'Olocausto a trattare apertamente il tema delle persecuzioni antiebraiche, anche nei confronti dei bambini. Il film si avvale di un cast di prim'ordine. Monty Woolley fu nominato all'Oscar per la sua interpretazione di un anziano e burbero gentleman inglese che dapprima con apparente riluttanza poi con sempre maggior coinvolgimento prende sotto la sua protezione un gruppo di bambini (tra cui Roddy McDowall e Peggy Ann Garner), riuscendo a rientrare con essi in Inghilterra dalla Francia occupata. rdf:langString
The Pied Piper (Brasil: Os Abandonados / Portugal: Bola de Neve) é um filme norte-americano de 1942, do gênero drama, dirigido por Irving Pichel e estrelado por Monty Woolley e Roddy McDowall. rdf:langString
rdf:langString المزمار (فيلم 1942)
rdf:langString The Pied Piper
rdf:langString The Pied Piper
rdf:langString The Pied Piper (film 1942)
rdf:langString The Pied Piper (film 1942)
rdf:langString The Pied Piper (film, 1942)
rdf:langString The Pied Piper (1942)
rdf:langString The Pied Piper (1942 film)
rdf:langString The Pied Piper
rdf:langString The Pied Piper
rdf:langString The Pied Piper
xsd:integer 77637
xsd:integer 1118757454
rdf:langString Pied Piper
rdf:langString by Nevil Shute
rdf:langString Original movie poster
rdf:langString United States
xsd:integer 20
rdf:langString Allen McNeil
<usDollar> 1500000.0
rdf:langString English
rdf:langString Nunnally Johnson
<second> 5220.0
rdf:langString The Pied Piper és una pel·lícula estatunidenca dirigida per , estrenada el 1942.
rdf:langString المزمار (بالإنجليزية: The Pied Piper)‏ هو فيلم دراما تم إنتاجه في الولايات المتحدة وصدر في سنة 1942.
rdf:langString The Pied Piper (Alternativtitel: Der Rattenfänger von Hameln) ist ein US-amerikanischer Kriegsfilm aus dem Jahr 1942 über einen englischen Gentleman, der wider Willen zum Retter einer Schar von Kindern aus dem besiegten Frankreich wird. Die Hauptrolle spielt Monty Woolley, der für seine Darstellung eine Nominierung für den Oscar als bester Hauptdarsteller erhielt. Regie bei dieser Verfilmung des gleichnamigen Romans von Nevil Shute führte Irving Pichel.
rdf:langString The Pied Piper est un film américain réalisé par Irving Pichel, sorti en 1942.
rdf:langString The Pied Piper adalah sebuah film tahun 1942 tentang seorang Inggris sedang mengunjungi Prancis saat , dan berusaha untuk menyelamatkan sekelompok anak. Film tersebut dibintangi oleh Monty Woolley, Roddy McDowall dan Anne Baxter. Film tersebut diadaptasi oleh Nunnally Johnson dari karya . Film tersebut disutradarai oleh Irving Pichel. Film tersebut dinominasikan pada Academy Awards untuk Aktor Terbaik dalam sebuah Peran Utama (Monty Woolley), Sinematografi Hitam-Putih Terbaik, dan Film Terbaik.
rdf:langString The Pied Piper is a 1942 American film in which an Englishman on vacation in France is caught up in the German invasion of that country, and finds himself taking an ever-growing group of children to safety. It stars Monty Woolley, Roddy McDowall and Anne Baxter. The film was adapted by Nunnally Johnson from the 1942 novel of the same name by Nevil Shute. It was directed by Irving Pichel. It was nominated for Academy Award for Best Picture, Monty Woolley for Best Actor in a Leading Role, and Edward Cronjager for Best Cinematography, Black-and-White.
rdf:langString The Pied Piper is een Amerikaanse dramafilm uit 1942 geregisseerd door . De hoofdrollen worden gespeeld door , Anne Baxter en Roddy McDowall. De film is gebaseerd op het gelijknamige boek van Nevil Shute. De film werd genomineerd voor drie Oscars, waaronder de Oscar voor beste film. De film wist uiteindelijk geen nominaties te verzilveren.
rdf:langString The Pied Piper è un film del 1942 diretto da Irving Pichel. Uno dei primissimi film sull'Olocausto a trattare apertamente il tema delle persecuzioni antiebraiche, anche nei confronti dei bambini. Il film si avvale di un cast di prim'ordine. Monty Woolley fu nominato all'Oscar per la sua interpretazione di un anziano e burbero gentleman inglese che dapprima con apparente riluttanza poi con sempre maggior coinvolgimento prende sotto la sua protezione un gruppo di bambini (tra cui Roddy McDowall e Peggy Ann Garner), riuscendo a rientrare con essi in Inghilterra dalla Francia occupata.
rdf:langString The Pied Piper (Brasil: Os Abandonados / Portugal: Bola de Neve) é um filme norte-americano de 1942, do gênero drama, dirigido por Irving Pichel e estrelado por Monty Woolley e Roddy McDowall.
<minute> 87.0
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 7003
<usDollar> 1500000.0
xsd:double 5220.0

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