The Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership
The Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership (LowCVP) was announced by the UK Government in 2002 as an element of its Powering Future Vehicles Strategy. The purpose of the LowCVP is support reduction of carbon emissions from road transport in the UK with a clear focus on accelerating the adoption of low carbon vehicles and fuels; other strategies for reducing transport carbon emissions, for example modal shift towards cycling and walking or reducing traffic congestion through intelligent transport systems are out of scope and are the preserve of other bodies who are more expert in those fields. The UK government has set a target for reducing overall greenhouse gas emissions and recognises that achieving its target will require emissions from road transport, which are significant, to be cut.
The Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership
The Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership (LowCVP) was announced by the UK Government in 2002 as an element of its Powering Future Vehicles Strategy. The purpose of the LowCVP is support reduction of carbon emissions from road transport in the UK with a clear focus on accelerating the adoption of low carbon vehicles and fuels; other strategies for reducing transport carbon emissions, for example modal shift towards cycling and walking or reducing traffic congestion through intelligent transport systems are out of scope and are the preserve of other bodies who are more expert in those fields. The UK government has set a target for reducing overall greenhouse gas emissions and recognises that achieving its target will require emissions from road transport, which are significant, to be cut.