The Last Great American Dynasty an entity of type: Thing
"The Last Great American Dynasty" (stylized in all lowercase) is a song recorded by American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift. It appears as the third track on her eighth studio album, Folklore, which was released on July 24, 2020, via Republic Records. Its lyrics were written by Swift, inspired by the life of a former owner of her Rhode Island mansion—American socialite Rebekah Harkness—one of the wealthiest women in the United States history. Aaron Dessner composed and produced the song.
"The Last Great American Dynasty" (estilizado em letras minúsculas) é uma canção gravada pela cantora e compositora estadunidense Taylor Swift, como a terceira faixa de seu oitavo álbum de estúdio, Folklore lançado em 24 de julho de 2020 pela Republic Records. Foi escrito por Swift e Aaron Dessner, e produzido por este último. "The Last Great American Dynasty" é uma melodia alternativa atualizada, impulsionada por percussões, slide guitar e cordas. Cantada a partir de uma perspectiva de terceira pessoa, a canção conta a história da socialite americana Rebekah Harkness, uma das mulheres mais ricas da história dos Estados Unidos, que já foi dona da casa de Swift em Rhode Island, e traça paralelos entre a vida da cantora e a de Harkness.
«The Last Great American Dynasty» (с англ. — «Последняя великая американская династия») — песня американской певицы Тейлор Свифт, вышедшая 24 июля 2020 года на лейбле Republic Records вместе с выходом альбома восьмого студийного альбома Folklore. «The Last Great American Dynasty» это мелодия в стиле альтернативный рок, инди-поп, основанная на быстрой аранжировке ударных, слайд-гитары, струнных инструментов. Песня, исполненная от третьего лица, представляет собой рассказ об американской светской львице, композиторе, скульпторе и филантропе Ребекке Харкнесс (1915—1982), одной из самых богатых женщин в истории США, которая ранее владела имением Свифт в Род-Айленде, и проводит параллели между жизнями певицы и Харкнесс.
The Last Great American Dynasty
The Last Great American Dynasty
The Last Great American Dynasty
The Last Great American Dynasty
The Last Great American Dynasty
Taylor Swift
Aaron Dessner on Taylor Swift's songwriting
Anna Gaca, music critic
Swift on the inspiration behind "The Last Great American Dynasty"
* Aaron Dessner
* Alternative
* folktronica
* guitar pop
* indie pop
Taylor Swift
Aaron Dessner
United Kingdom
Rolling Stone
* Kitty Committee Los Angeles)
* Long Pond
A highlight from her summer quarantine album Folklore that traces the glamorous, troubled life of 20th-century heiress Rebekah Harkness [...] With the intrigue of a story song and the intimacy of a biography, Swift delves into socialite anthropology and returns with an epitaph for a woman she'll never meet. The real magic is the winking humility of the image in the mirror: a woman criticized endlessly for being too rich and too gauche who knows that living well is still the best revenge.
It's almost like a song would come out like a lightning bolt. It's exhilarating. The shared focus, the clarity of her [Swift's] ideas, and the way she structures things, it's all there. But I think she works really hard when she's working, and then she tweaks. She keeps going, so sometimes things would evolve or change. By the time she actually sings it, she's really inside of it. She doesn't do very many vocal takes before she nails it.
Her name was Rebekah Harkness. And she lived in the house that I ended up buying in Rhode Island. That's how I learned about her. But she was a woman who was very, very talked about, and everything she did was scandalous. I found a connection in that.
The Last Great American Dynasty
"The Last Great American Dynasty" (stylized in all lowercase) is a song recorded by American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift. It appears as the third track on her eighth studio album, Folklore, which was released on July 24, 2020, via Republic Records. Its lyrics were written by Swift, inspired by the life of a former owner of her Rhode Island mansion—American socialite Rebekah Harkness—one of the wealthiest women in the United States history. Aaron Dessner composed and produced the song. The song is an alternative, indie pop, folktronica, and guitar pop tune propelled by an uptempo arrangement of percussions, slide guitar, strings and glitchy electronic elements. Sung from a third-person perspective until a change near the end of the song to first-person perspective, "The Last Great American Dynasty" provides a satirical anecdote of Harkness, who used to reside at the house in the late 20th century and was the gossip of the town, while drawing parallels between the two women's lives. Upon release, "The Last Great American Dynasty" became a fan-favorite and inspired memes about popular movies and television shows. The song received acclaim from music critics, who praised the song's lyricism, plot, production, and eccentric muse, calling it a standout on Folklore. "The Last Great American Dynasty" entered the top-ten in Australia, Malaysia and Singapore, and number 13 in Canada, New Zealand, and the United States—one of the five Billboard Hot 100 top-20 hits from the album. Publications placed the song in many year-end best-music lists of 2020.
"The Last Great American Dynasty" (estilizado em letras minúsculas) é uma canção gravada pela cantora e compositora estadunidense Taylor Swift, como a terceira faixa de seu oitavo álbum de estúdio, Folklore lançado em 24 de julho de 2020 pela Republic Records. Foi escrito por Swift e Aaron Dessner, e produzido por este último. "The Last Great American Dynasty" é uma melodia alternativa atualizada, impulsionada por percussões, slide guitar e cordas. Cantada a partir de uma perspectiva de terceira pessoa, a canção conta a história da socialite americana Rebekah Harkness, uma das mulheres mais ricas da história dos Estados Unidos, que já foi dona da casa de Swift em Rhode Island, e traça paralelos entre a vida da cantora e a de Harkness. Após o lançamento, a música foi aclamada pela crítica musical, que elogiou a habilidade de contar histórias de Swift e considerou a música um destaque no Folklore. "The Last Great American Dynasty" estreou no top-dez na Austrália, Malásia e Singapura, e em 13º lugar no Canadá, Nova Zelândia e Estados Unidos - um dos cinco sucessos no top 20 da Billboard Hot 100 do álbum.
«The Last Great American Dynasty» (с англ. — «Последняя великая американская династия») — песня американской певицы Тейлор Свифт, вышедшая 24 июля 2020 года на лейбле Republic Records вместе с выходом альбома восьмого студийного альбома Folklore. «The Last Great American Dynasty» это мелодия в стиле альтернативный рок, инди-поп, основанная на быстрой аранжировке ударных, слайд-гитары, струнных инструментов. Песня, исполненная от третьего лица, представляет собой рассказ об американской светской львице, композиторе, скульпторе и филантропе Ребекке Харкнесс (1915—1982), одной из самых богатых женщин в истории США, которая ранее владела имением Свифт в Род-Айленде, и проводит параллели между жизнями певицы и Харкнесс. После релиза песня получила признание музыкальных критиков, которые высоко оценили мастерство Свифт в повествовании и эксцентричное вдохновение песни, назвав её выдающейся песней на Folklore. «The Last Great American Dynasty» вошла в десятку лучших в хит-парадах Австралии, Малайзии и Сингапуре, а также была в чартах в Канаде, Новой Зеландии и США, войдя в пятерку хитов альбома, одновременно вошедших в лучшую двадцатку в Billboard Hot 100. Это последняя великая американская династия,Кто знает, что было бы, не появись она.Это самая безумная из женщин, что видел этот город,Она чудесно провела время, разрушая всё подряд. «The Last Great American Dynasty», Тейлор СвифтОригинальный текст (англ.):There goes the last great American dynasty, Who knows, if she never showed up, what could've been.There goes the maddest woman this town has ever seen, She had a marvelous time ruining everything.