The El Dorado an entity of type: Thing
The Eldorado es la más septentrional de las cuatro cooperativas de viviendas de lujo caracterizadas por tener dos torres, que enfrentan la parte oeste del Central Park en el Upper West Side de Nueva York. Se ubica en el n.º 300 de Central Park West. De estilo art déco, se ubica entre las calles W90 y W91, y tiene vistas del embalse Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, situado también en Central Park.
The Eldorado est un immeuble situé dans l'Upper West Side, à Manhattan, à New York, au numéro 300 de la voie Central Park West.
엘도라도(The Eldorado)는 뉴욕 어퍼웨스트사이드 센트럴 파크 부근에 위치한 쌍둥이 빌딩 형식의 고급 아파트이다. 아르 데코 형식으로 지어졌으며, 아파트에서는 센트럴 파크의 재클린 케네디 오나시스 저수지가 보인다.
L'Eldorado è uno storico palazzo residenziale in stile art déco dell'Upper West Side di New York, affacciato sul lato occidentale di Central Park.
The Eldorado New Yorkeko eraikin bat da, luxuzko etxebizitzena, hiribideko 300. zenbakian kokatua, West 90. eta West 91. kaleen artean, eta Central Parkeko Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir lakuaren gaineko ikuspegia dauka. Hogeita hamar solairuko eraikin hau Art Déco estilokoa da, eta 1929tik 1931ra bitartean eraiki zen. Central Parken ertzean kokaturiko beste zenbait etxebizitza-eraikin bezalaxe, hau ere, bere altueraren erdialdetik gora, bi dorretan erdibitzen da, eta horrek itxura bereizgarria ematen dio. Dorreen goialdeko apaingarriak arkitektoak diseinatuak dira.
The El Dorado (also spelled the Eldorado) is a cooperative apartment building at 300 Central Park West, between 90th and 91st Streets adjacent to Central Park, on the Upper West Side of Manhattan in New York City. It was constructed from 1929 to 1931 and was designed by architect of record Margon & Holder and consulting architect Emery Roth in the Art Deco style. The El Dorado is 30 stories tall, with twin towers rising from a 19-story base. The building is a contributing property to the Central Park West Historic District, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and is a New York City designated landmark.
Эльдорадо (англ. The Eldorado) — небоскрёб в стиле ар-деко, расположенный по адресу Central Park West, д. 300, в Верхнем Вест-Сайде Манхэттена, г. Нью-Йорк. Является самым северным из четырех в квартале небоскребов-близнецов (кооперативов элитного жилья), примыкающих к Центральному парку. Многоквартирный жилой дом в стиле ар-деко занимает весь квартал, расположенный между Западной 90-й и Западной 91-й улицами, напротив водохранилища имени Жаклин Кеннеди Онассис в Центральном парке.
The El Dorado
The Eldorado
The Eldorado
The Eldorado
Eldorado (edificio)
엘도라도 (뉴욕)
Эльдорадо (небоскрёб)
The El Dorado
The El Dorado
The El Dorado
New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission
NYC Landmark
Central Park West Historic District
40.788333333333334 -73.9675
The Eldorado es la más septentrional de las cuatro cooperativas de viviendas de lujo caracterizadas por tener dos torres, que enfrentan la parte oeste del Central Park en el Upper West Side de Nueva York. Se ubica en el n.º 300 de Central Park West. De estilo art déco, se ubica entre las calles W90 y W91, y tiene vistas del embalse Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, situado también en Central Park.
The Eldorado New Yorkeko eraikin bat da, luxuzko etxebizitzena, hiribideko 300. zenbakian kokatua, West 90. eta West 91. kaleen artean, eta Central Parkeko Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir lakuaren gaineko ikuspegia dauka. Hogeita hamar solairuko eraikin hau Art Déco estilokoa da, eta 1929tik 1931ra bitartean eraiki zen. Central Parken ertzean kokaturiko beste zenbait etxebizitza-eraikin bezalaxe, hau ere, bere altueraren erdialdetik gora, bi dorretan erdibitzen da, eta horrek itxura bereizgarria ematen dio. Dorreen goialdeko apaingarriak arkitektoak diseinatuak dira. Etxebizitzen jabetza-araubideari dagokionez, adierazi behar da eraikin hau housing cooperative (alegia, etxebizitza-kooperatiba bat) deritzenetakoa dela. Horrek esan nahi du elkarte edo korporazio bat dela eraikinaren jabea, eta ez bertako biztanleak. Azken horiek elkarte horren akzio-kopuru baten jabe dira, eta, akordio bat tarteko, eraikineko etxebizitza zehatz batean bizitzeko eskubidea daukate.
The Eldorado est un immeuble situé dans l'Upper West Side, à Manhattan, à New York, au numéro 300 de la voie Central Park West.
The El Dorado (also spelled the Eldorado) is a cooperative apartment building at 300 Central Park West, between 90th and 91st Streets adjacent to Central Park, on the Upper West Side of Manhattan in New York City. It was constructed from 1929 to 1931 and was designed by architect of record Margon & Holder and consulting architect Emery Roth in the Art Deco style. The El Dorado is 30 stories tall, with twin towers rising from a 19-story base. The building is a contributing property to the Central Park West Historic District, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and is a New York City designated landmark. The base contains several small setbacks to comply with the 1916 Zoning Resolution. Two towers rise from the eastern portion of the base above the 19th story. On Central Park West, the first three stories are clad in cast stone, and the main entrance consists of three angular bronze archways. The remainder of the facade is made of tan and brown brick, which are arranged to emphasize the vertical lines of the facade. Some of the upper-story apartments contain angular stone balconies, and the tops of the towers are ornamented with sculpted finials. When the El Dorado opened, it contained 200 apartments with 1,500 rooms, though some apartments have since been split or combined. The main lobby is decorated in marble, and a gym in the building's two basement levels was added in the 1990s. The El Dorado replaced a pair of apartments that were built in 1902 and also known as the El Dorado. The current apartment complex was constructed from 1929 to 1931 by developer Louis Klosk, who was unable to complete the building after the Wall Street Crash of 1929. The Central Park Plaza Corporation bought the El Dorado at a foreclosure auction in 1931. The corporation was taken over by the Pick Hotels Corporation in 1943, then by Hugh K. McGovern in January 1953. The building was then sold in May 1953 to pastor Charles M. "Daddy" Grace, whose estate sold the building in 1960 to Alexander Gross. The El Dorado became a housing cooperative in July 1982, and several parts of the building were upgraded, despite disagreement among tenants.
엘도라도(The Eldorado)는 뉴욕 어퍼웨스트사이드 센트럴 파크 부근에 위치한 쌍둥이 빌딩 형식의 고급 아파트이다. 아르 데코 형식으로 지어졌으며, 아파트에서는 센트럴 파크의 재클린 케네디 오나시스 저수지가 보인다.
L'Eldorado è uno storico palazzo residenziale in stile art déco dell'Upper West Side di New York, affacciato sul lato occidentale di Central Park.
Эльдорадо (англ. The Eldorado) — небоскрёб в стиле ар-деко, расположенный по адресу Central Park West, д. 300, в Верхнем Вест-Сайде Манхэттена, г. Нью-Йорк. Является самым северным из четырех в квартале небоскребов-близнецов (кооперативов элитного жилья), примыкающих к Центральному парку. Многоквартирный жилой дом в стиле ар-деко занимает весь квартал, расположенный между Западной 90-й и Западной 91-й улицами, напротив водохранилища имени Жаклин Кеннеди Онассис в Центральном парке. «Эльдорадо» расположен в границах Исторического района Верхний Вест-Сайд-Сентрал-Парк-Уэст (англ. Upper West Side-Central Park West Historic District), определенных Комиссией по сохранению достопримечательностей Нью-Йорка.
POINT(-73.967498779297 40.788333892822)