Territorial Decoration

http://dbpedia.org/resource/Territorial_Decoration an entity of type: Thing

La Condecoració territorial (TD) era una medalla del Regne Unit concedida per haver prestat llargs serveis a la i al seu successor, l'. Els homes que rebien la condecoració territorial tenien deret a fer servir les lletres TD darrere el seu nom. rdf:langString
La Condecoración territorial (TD) era una medalla del Reino Unido concedida por haber prestado largos servicios a la y a su sucesor, el . Los hombres que recibían la condecoración territorial tenían derecho a usar las letras TD tras su nombre. rdf:langString
La Territorial Decoration ou Médaille territoriale est une décoration militaire créé le 29 septembre 1908 sous le règne de George V dans le cadre de la réforme des forces de la Réserve et attribuée aux officiers de la Territorial Force britannique en récompense des services volontaires sous conditions de durée. En 1999 elle a été remplacée par la , attribuée pour tous les grades. Les titulaires avaient le droit aux lettres post-nominales T.D.. Le plus célèbre récipiendaire est certainement Sir Winston Churchill qui reçut cette décoration le 18 octobre 1920. rdf:langString
The Territorial Decoration (TD) was a military medal of the United Kingdom awarded for long service in the Territorial Force and its successor, the Territorial Army. This award superseded the Volunteer Officer's Decoration when the Territorial Force was formed on 1 April 1908, following the enactment of the Territorial and Reserve Forces Act 1907, (7 Edw.7, c.9) which was a large reorganisation of the old Volunteer Army and the remaining units of militia and Yeomanry. However, the Militia were transferred to the Special Reserve rather than becoming part of the Territorial Force. A recipient of this award is entitled to use the letters "TD" after their name (post-nominal). rdf:langString
La Territorial Decoration (TD) fu una medaglia del Regno Unito istituita da re Edoardo VII nel 1908 e concessa per lungo servizio nella e poi nella Territorial Army ai volontari dell'esercito. rdf:langString
Відзнака Територій (TD) — британська медаль, що вручалась за тривалу службу у Королівських збройних силах або силах залежних територій. Відзнаку було започатковано 29 вересня 1908 року. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Condecoració Territorial
rdf:langString Condecoración Territorial
rdf:langString Territorial Decoration
rdf:langString Territorial Decoration
rdf:langString Territorial Decoration
rdf:langString Відзнака Територій
rdf:langString Territorial Decoration
rdf:langString Territorial Decoration
xsd:integer 1669429
xsd:integer 1111690295
xsd:integer 4783
<second> 6.31152E8
rdf:langString King Edward VII and King George V versions
rdf:langString Regular and HAC ribbon bars
rdf:langString as follows: *Ribbons **Regular: 38mm dark green with a central yellow stripe. **Honourable Artillery Company: Half blue, half scarlet with yellow edges. *Metal = Silver and silver-gilt *Size = Height 46mm; max.width 35mm *Shape = Skeletal with crowned monogram of sovereign, surrounded by oak wreath with a ring suspension.
rdf:langString Territorial Force, and later the Territorial Army - Commissioned Officers
xsd:integer 1908
xsd:integer 300
rdf:langString This award: *Superseded the Volunteer Officers' Decoration in the United Kingdom. *Was superseded by the Efficiency Decoration
rdf:langString Military long service decoration
rdf:langString La Condecoració territorial (TD) era una medalla del Regne Unit concedida per haver prestat llargs serveis a la i al seu successor, l'. Els homes que rebien la condecoració territorial tenien deret a fer servir les lletres TD darrere el seu nom.
rdf:langString La Condecoración territorial (TD) era una medalla del Reino Unido concedida por haber prestado largos servicios a la y a su sucesor, el . Los hombres que recibían la condecoración territorial tenían derecho a usar las letras TD tras su nombre.
rdf:langString La Territorial Decoration ou Médaille territoriale est une décoration militaire créé le 29 septembre 1908 sous le règne de George V dans le cadre de la réforme des forces de la Réserve et attribuée aux officiers de la Territorial Force britannique en récompense des services volontaires sous conditions de durée. En 1999 elle a été remplacée par la , attribuée pour tous les grades. Les titulaires avaient le droit aux lettres post-nominales T.D.. Le plus célèbre récipiendaire est certainement Sir Winston Churchill qui reçut cette décoration le 18 octobre 1920.
rdf:langString The Territorial Decoration (TD) was a military medal of the United Kingdom awarded for long service in the Territorial Force and its successor, the Territorial Army. This award superseded the Volunteer Officer's Decoration when the Territorial Force was formed on 1 April 1908, following the enactment of the Territorial and Reserve Forces Act 1907, (7 Edw.7, c.9) which was a large reorganisation of the old Volunteer Army and the remaining units of militia and Yeomanry. However, the Militia were transferred to the Special Reserve rather than becoming part of the Territorial Force. A recipient of this award is entitled to use the letters "TD" after their name (post-nominal).
rdf:langString La Territorial Decoration (TD) fu una medaglia del Regno Unito istituita da re Edoardo VII nel 1908 e concessa per lungo servizio nella e poi nella Territorial Army ai volontari dell'esercito.
rdf:langString Відзнака Територій (TD) — британська медаль, що вручалась за тривалу службу у Королівських збройних силах або силах залежних територій. Відзнаку було започатковано 29 вересня 1908 року.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 5275

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