TT55 an entity of type: WikicatThebanTombs

مقبرة رع موزا، تحمل الرمز العالمي (TT55)، كان (بالإنجليزية: Ramose)‏ يشغل منصب حاكم «طيبة» ووزير في عهد كل من امنحوتب الثالث وامنحوتب الرابع وبداية عهد «أخناتون». rdf:langString
La tombe thébaine TT 55 est située à Cheikh Abd el-Gournah, dans la nécropole thébaine, sur la rive ouest du Nil, face à Louxor en Égypte. C'est la sépulture de Ramosé, vizir sous le règne d'Amenhotep III puis d'Akhenaton. Cette tombe est remarquable par la très haute qualité de ses décorations, autant de style classique que de style amarnien. rdf:langString
TT55 (Theban Tomb 55) è la sigla che identifica una delle Tombe dei Nobili ubicate nell’area della cosiddetta Necropoli Tebana, sulla sponda occidentale del Nilo dinanzi alla città di Luxor, in Egitto. Destinata a sepolture di nobili e funzionari connessi alle case regnanti, specie del Nuovo Regno, l'area venne sfruttata, come necropoli, fin dall'Antico Regno e, successivamente, sino al periodo Saitico (con la XXVI dinastia) e Tolemaico. rdf:langString
TT55 — гробница фиванского некрополя Шейх Абд эль-Курна на западном берегу Нила, напротив Луксора. Место упокоения визиря Ра-мосе, открыто в 1879 году. rdf:langString
Tomb TT55 is located in Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, part of the Theban Necropolis, on the west bank of the Nile, opposite to Luxor. It is the burial place of the ancient Egyptian Vizier Ramose. It has a main room originally containing thirty-two columns and a corridor with eight columns. This tomb is notable for the high quality decorations in both the traditional and Amarna styles. rdf:langString
rdf:langString مقبرة رع موزا
rdf:langString TT55
rdf:langString TT55
rdf:langString TT55
rdf:langString TT55
rdf:langString TT55
xsd:integer 11604936
xsd:integer 1074677938
rdf:langString yes
rdf:langString Floor plan of TT55
rdf:langString TT56
rdf:langString TT54
rdf:langString مقبرة رع موزا، تحمل الرمز العالمي (TT55)، كان (بالإنجليزية: Ramose)‏ يشغل منصب حاكم «طيبة» ووزير في عهد كل من امنحوتب الثالث وامنحوتب الرابع وبداية عهد «أخناتون».
rdf:langString La tombe thébaine TT 55 est située à Cheikh Abd el-Gournah, dans la nécropole thébaine, sur la rive ouest du Nil, face à Louxor en Égypte. C'est la sépulture de Ramosé, vizir sous le règne d'Amenhotep III puis d'Akhenaton. Cette tombe est remarquable par la très haute qualité de ses décorations, autant de style classique que de style amarnien.
rdf:langString Tomb TT55 is located in Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, part of the Theban Necropolis, on the west bank of the Nile, opposite to Luxor. It is the burial place of the ancient Egyptian Vizier Ramose. It has a main room originally containing thirty-two columns and a corridor with eight columns. This tomb is notable for the high quality decorations in both the traditional and Amarna styles. The tomb, which was featured in the first episode of the 2005 BBC documentary series How Art Made the World, has been open to the public, from 7.00am to 5.00pm, since 2007, as part of a 3 tomb group with TT56 Userhet and TT57 Khaemhet. Non-flash photography is permitted, with a fee of LE 300 for cameras and at no fee for mobile phones, again, on the 3 tomb group basis.
rdf:langString TT55 (Theban Tomb 55) è la sigla che identifica una delle Tombe dei Nobili ubicate nell’area della cosiddetta Necropoli Tebana, sulla sponda occidentale del Nilo dinanzi alla città di Luxor, in Egitto. Destinata a sepolture di nobili e funzionari connessi alle case regnanti, specie del Nuovo Regno, l'area venne sfruttata, come necropoli, fin dall'Antico Regno e, successivamente, sino al periodo Saitico (con la XXVI dinastia) e Tolemaico.
rdf:langString TT55 — гробница фиванского некрополя Шейх Абд эль-Курна на западном берегу Нила, напротив Луксора. Место упокоения визиря Ра-мосе, открыто в 1879 году.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 5084

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