TT18 an entity of type: WikicatThebanTombs

La tombe thébaine TT 18 est située à Dra Abou el-Naga, dans la nécropole thébaine, sur la rive ouest du Nil, face à Louxor en Égypte. C'est la sépulture de Baki, qui était chef des peseurs d'or d'Amon au début de la XVIIIe dynastie. Son père était un scribe de comptage du bétail de la reine Ahmès-Néfertary. rdf:langString
The Theban Tomb TT18 is located in Dra' Abu el-Naga', part of the Theban Necropolis, on the west bank of the Nile, opposite to Luxor. It is the burial place of the ancient Egyptian (or perhaps Bak), who was during the early Eighteenth Dynasty. Baki's father was a scribe of counting of cattle of Queen Ahmose Nefertari. The hall of the tomb is decorated with scenes showing a banquet and offering brought before Baki and his family. Other scenes show Baki and his family fishing and fowling. The tomb contains some graffiti that links Psusennes II's royal name with his successor, Shoshenq I. rdf:langString
TT18 (Theban Tomb 18) è la sigla che identifica una delle Tombe dei Nobili ubicate nell’area della cosiddetta Necropoli Tebana, sulla sponda occidentale del Nilo dinanzi alla città di Luxor, in Egitto. Destinata a sepolture di nobili e funzionari connessi alle case regnanti, specie del Nuovo Regno, l'area venne sfruttata, come necropoli, fin dall'Antico Regno e, successivamente, sino al periodo Saitico (con la XXVI dinastia) e Tolemaico. rdf:langString
rdf:langString TT18
rdf:langString TT18
rdf:langString TT18
rdf:langString TT18
xsd:integer 24076414
xsd:integer 1017611388
rdf:langString yes
rdf:langString TT19
rdf:langString TT17
rdf:langString La tombe thébaine TT 18 est située à Dra Abou el-Naga, dans la nécropole thébaine, sur la rive ouest du Nil, face à Louxor en Égypte. C'est la sépulture de Baki, qui était chef des peseurs d'or d'Amon au début de la XVIIIe dynastie. Son père était un scribe de comptage du bétail de la reine Ahmès-Néfertary.
rdf:langString The Theban Tomb TT18 is located in Dra' Abu el-Naga', part of the Theban Necropolis, on the west bank of the Nile, opposite to Luxor. It is the burial place of the ancient Egyptian (or perhaps Bak), who was during the early Eighteenth Dynasty. Baki's father was a scribe of counting of cattle of Queen Ahmose Nefertari. The hall of the tomb is decorated with scenes showing a banquet and offering brought before Baki and his family. Other scenes show Baki and his family fishing and fowling. The tomb contains some graffiti that links Psusennes II's royal name with his successor, Shoshenq I.
rdf:langString TT18 (Theban Tomb 18) è la sigla che identifica una delle Tombe dei Nobili ubicate nell’area della cosiddetta Necropoli Tebana, sulla sponda occidentale del Nilo dinanzi alla città di Luxor, in Egitto. Destinata a sepolture di nobili e funzionari connessi alle case regnanti, specie del Nuovo Regno, l'area venne sfruttata, come necropoli, fin dall'Antico Regno e, successivamente, sino al periodo Saitico (con la XXVI dinastia) e Tolemaico.
rdf:langString Ghautier
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 1723

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