Swiftsure-class battleship
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Třída Swiftsure byla předposlední třída predreadnoughtů Royal Navy. Skládala se ze dvou jednotek, které byly objednány Chile a později zakoupeny Velkou Británií. Jednalo se o obdobu britských bitevních lodí 2. třídy. Oproti britským bitevním lodím byly menší, měly menší výtlak, lekčí konstrukci se slabším pancéřováním a výrazně slabší hlavní výzbroj. Naopak nesla silnou sekundární baterii a dosahovala vyšší rychlosti. Ve službě byly v letech 1904–1917. Účastnily se první světové války. Zatímco Triumph byla ve válce potopena, její sesterská loď Swiftsure byla na počátku 20. let 20. století sešrotována.
Die Swiftsure-Klasse war eine Klasse von zwei Einheitslinienschiffen, (engl. pre-dreadnought) die Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts für die chilenische Marine gebaut wurden. Beide Schiffe wurden 1903 noch vor Fertigstellung von der Royal Navy übernommen.
La classe Swiftsure est une classe de cuirassés de 2e classe, de type Pré-Dreadnought, de la Royal Navy tout au début du XXe siècle. À l'origine, les deux navires avaient été commandés par le Chili et rachetés par le Royaume-Uni avant leur achèvement.
La classe Swiftsure fu una classe di navi da battaglia pre-dreadnought varate a inizio Novecento; costruite dal Regno Unito, le due unità erano state ordinate dal Cile (impegnato in una corsa agli armamenti con i rivali Argentina e Brasile) sotto i nomi Costitution e Trinitad, ma furono incamerate dai britannici per via del sospetto che esse venissero cedute ad una potenza rivale, la Russia, ed entrarono in servizio con la Royal Navy come Swiftsure e Triumph.
スウィフトシュア級戦艦 (HMS Swiftsure class battleship) は、イギリス海軍がかつて保有していた前弩級戦艦の艦級の一つである。もともとはチリ海軍向けの二等戦艦として発注されていたが、建造中にチリが財政難に陥り、イギリスが購入したという複雑な経緯があり、同時代のイギリス戦艦と比較して性能は劣っていた。
Броненосцы типа «Свифтшур» (англ. Swiftsure class battleships) — серия британских эскадренных броненосцев 1900-х годов. Первоначально строились для чилийского флота, заказавшего их для противодействия новым броненосным крейсерам Аргентины. Однако с окончанием кризисной ситуации в конфликте между Чили и Аргентиной, обе стороны отказались от достройки своих новых кораблей и броненосцы были выставлены Чили на продажу. Чтобы избежать возможной покупки кораблей Россией, британским правительством было принято решение приобрести корабли для собственного флота.
The Swiftsure class was a group of two British pre-dreadnought battleships. Originally ordered by Chile as the Constitución class during a period of high tension with Argentina, they were intended to defeat a pair of armoured cruisers ordered by the latter country and were optimized for this role. This meant that they were smaller and more lightly armed than most battleships of the time. They were purchased by the United Kingdom in 1903 prior to their completion to prevent their purchase by the Russian Empire as tensions were rising between them and the Japanese Empire, a British ally. Completed the following year, Swiftsure and Triumph had roughly similar careers for the first decade of their service careers. They were initially assigned to the Home Fleet and Channel Fleets before being t
Třída Swiftsure
Swiftsure-Klasse (1903)
Classe Swiftsure (cuirassé)
Classe Swiftsure (nave da battaglia 1903)
Swiftsure-class battleship
Броненосцы типа «Суифтшюр» (1903)
Swiftsure-class battleship
*Conning tower:
*12 × Yarrow boilers
*2 × twin guns
*14 × single guns
*14 × single 14 pdr () guns
*4 × single 6 pdr () guns
*2 × single 18 in (450 mm) torpedo tubes
*2 × Shafts
*2 × Triple-expansion steam engines
Třída Swiftsure byla předposlední třída predreadnoughtů Royal Navy. Skládala se ze dvou jednotek, které byly objednány Chile a později zakoupeny Velkou Británií. Jednalo se o obdobu britských bitevních lodí 2. třídy. Oproti britským bitevním lodím byly menší, měly menší výtlak, lekčí konstrukci se slabším pancéřováním a výrazně slabší hlavní výzbroj. Naopak nesla silnou sekundární baterii a dosahovala vyšší rychlosti. Ve službě byly v letech 1904–1917. Účastnily se první světové války. Zatímco Triumph byla ve válce potopena, její sesterská loď Swiftsure byla na počátku 20. let 20. století sešrotována.
Die Swiftsure-Klasse war eine Klasse von zwei Einheitslinienschiffen, (engl. pre-dreadnought) die Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts für die chilenische Marine gebaut wurden. Beide Schiffe wurden 1903 noch vor Fertigstellung von der Royal Navy übernommen.
La classe Swiftsure est une classe de cuirassés de 2e classe, de type Pré-Dreadnought, de la Royal Navy tout au début du XXe siècle. À l'origine, les deux navires avaient été commandés par le Chili et rachetés par le Royaume-Uni avant leur achèvement.
The Swiftsure class was a group of two British pre-dreadnought battleships. Originally ordered by Chile as the Constitución class during a period of high tension with Argentina, they were intended to defeat a pair of armoured cruisers ordered by the latter country and were optimized for this role. This meant that they were smaller and more lightly armed than most battleships of the time. They were purchased by the United Kingdom in 1903 prior to their completion to prevent their purchase by the Russian Empire as tensions were rising between them and the Japanese Empire, a British ally. Completed the following year, Swiftsure and Triumph had roughly similar careers for the first decade of their service careers. They were initially assigned to the Home Fleet and Channel Fleets before being transferred to the Mediterranean Fleet in 1909. Both ships rejoined Home Fleet in 1912 and were transferred abroad in 1913, Swiftsure to the East Indies Station as its flagship, and Triumph to the China Station. After the beginning of World War I in August 1914, Swiftsure escorted troop convoys in the Indian Ocean until she was transferred to the Suez Canal Patrol in December. After defending the Canal in early 1915 from Ottoman attacks, the ship was then transferred to the Dardanelles in February and saw action in the Dardanelles Campaign bombarding Ottoman fortifications. Triumph participated in the hunt for the German East Asia Squadron of Maximilian Graf von Spee and in the campaign against the German colony at Tsingtao, China. The ship was transferred to the Mediterranean in early 1915 to participate in the Dardanelles Campaign. She was torpedoed and sunk off Gaba Tepe by the German submarine U-21 on 25 May 1915. Swiftsure was assigned to convoy escort duties in the Atlantic from early 1916 until she was paid off in April 1917 to provide crews for anti-submarine vessels. In mid-1918, the ship was disarmed and stripped in order to be used as a blockship during a proposed second raid on Ostend. Swiftsure was sold for scrap in 1920.
La classe Swiftsure fu una classe di navi da battaglia pre-dreadnought varate a inizio Novecento; costruite dal Regno Unito, le due unità erano state ordinate dal Cile (impegnato in una corsa agli armamenti con i rivali Argentina e Brasile) sotto i nomi Costitution e Trinitad, ma furono incamerate dai britannici per via del sospetto che esse venissero cedute ad una potenza rivale, la Russia, ed entrarono in servizio con la Royal Navy come Swiftsure e Triumph.
スウィフトシュア級戦艦 (HMS Swiftsure class battleship) は、イギリス海軍がかつて保有していた前弩級戦艦の艦級の一つである。もともとはチリ海軍向けの二等戦艦として発注されていたが、建造中にチリが財政難に陥り、イギリスが購入したという複雑な経緯があり、同時代のイギリス戦艦と比較して性能は劣っていた。
Броненосцы типа «Свифтшур» (англ. Swiftsure class battleships) — серия британских эскадренных броненосцев 1900-х годов. Первоначально строились для чилийского флота, заказавшего их для противодействия новым броненосным крейсерам Аргентины. Однако с окончанием кризисной ситуации в конфликте между Чили и Аргентиной, обе стороны отказались от достройки своих новых кораблей и броненосцы были выставлены Чили на продажу. Чтобы избежать возможной покупки кораблей Россией, британским правительством было принято решение приобрести корабли для собственного флота.