Supracrustal rock an entity of type: Place
Ytbergart, eller suprakrustalbergart, är bergarter som avsatts på jordskorpan, på eller nära Jordens yta, till exempel vulkanisk bergarter och sedimentära bergarter.
Em geologia, rochas supracrustais são rochas do embasamento metamorfisadas de sedimentares ou vulcânicos.
表壳岩(英語:Supracrustal rock)是在已有的地壳基岩上堆积而成的岩石。它们可由沉积岩和火成岩经历进一步变质作用。 包含了最古老的表壳岩,年龄在37至38亿年。
Der Sammelbegriff suprakrustale Gesteine wird in der Geologie für eine Gruppe metamorpher Gesteine verwendet, deren Ursprung aus an der Erdoberfläche ausgeflossenen Vulkaniten und/oder auf der Erdoberfläche abgelagerten Sedimentgesteinen noch erkennbar ist. Eine genauere Eingrenzung der Bildungsbedingungen ist infolge der Metamorphose oft nicht mehr möglich. Verwendet wird der Begriff vor allem für Gesteinsfolgen des Präkambriums.
Supracrustal rocks (supra (Latin for "above")) are rocks that were deposited on the existing basement rocks of the crust, hence the name. They may be further metamorphosed from both sedimentary and volcanic rocks. The Acasta orthogneisses of the Slave Craton, Canada, are regarded to be the oldest rocks on Earth, dated to 4.06 Ga, include protoliths such as TTGs, amphibolite, gabbro, granite, and diorite. It is possible that such early Hadean TTGs were a source of phosphorus for the first oceans and therefore contributed nutrients to the first abiogenic steps of life on Earth.
Suprakrustale Gesteine
Supracrustal rock
Rocha supracrustal
Der Sammelbegriff suprakrustale Gesteine wird in der Geologie für eine Gruppe metamorpher Gesteine verwendet, deren Ursprung aus an der Erdoberfläche ausgeflossenen Vulkaniten und/oder auf der Erdoberfläche abgelagerten Sedimentgesteinen noch erkennbar ist. Eine genauere Eingrenzung der Bildungsbedingungen ist infolge der Metamorphose oft nicht mehr möglich. Verwendet wird der Begriff vor allem für Gesteinsfolgen des Präkambriums. Im Gegensatz dazu werden Gesteine, die innerhalb der Erdkruste entstanden sind als infra- oder intrakrustale Gesteine bezeichnet. Hierunter fallen die Plutonite und subvulkanischen Gesteine.
Supracrustal rocks (supra (Latin for "above")) are rocks that were deposited on the existing basement rocks of the crust, hence the name. They may be further metamorphosed from both sedimentary and volcanic rocks. The oldest minerals on Earth are detrital zircon grains from the Yilgarn Craton in the Mesoarchaean (3.2–2.8 Ga) Jack Hills, Western Australia dated to up to 4.4 Ga, meaning that granitic continental crust and probably supracrustal rocks formed during the Hadean, within 200 million years of Earth accretion. Most Hadean rocks were probably recycled into the mantle before the end of the eon, however, and such pre-4.0 Ga mineral inclusions, the only traces from the earliest rock formation on Earth, are rare. The Acasta orthogneisses of the Slave Craton, Canada, are regarded to be the oldest rocks on Earth, dated to 4.06 Ga, include protoliths such as TTGs, amphibolite, gabbro, granite, and diorite. It is possible that such early Hadean TTGs were a source of phosphorus for the first oceans and therefore contributed nutrients to the first abiogenic steps of life on Earth. No Hadean-aged zircon grains have been identified in the Nuvvuagittuq Supracrustal Belt in northern Quebec, but amphibolites have been dated to 4.28 Ga while 3.75 Ga-old banded iron formations indicate the minimum age of the belt. The Napier Mountains in Antarctica are of similar age. The Isua greenstone belt contains the oldest, well-preserved, supracrustals, dated at 3.8–3.7 Ga.
Ytbergart, eller suprakrustalbergart, är bergarter som avsatts på jordskorpan, på eller nära Jordens yta, till exempel vulkanisk bergarter och sedimentära bergarter.
Em geologia, rochas supracrustais são rochas do embasamento metamorfisadas de sedimentares ou vulcânicos.
表壳岩(英語:Supracrustal rock)是在已有的地壳基岩上堆积而成的岩石。它们可由沉积岩和火成岩经历进一步变质作用。 包含了最古老的表壳岩,年龄在37至38亿年。