Super Bowl XXXVI an entity of type: Artifact100021939

Der Super Bowl XXXVI war der 36. Super Bowl, das Endspiel der Saison 2001 der National Football League (NFL) im American Football. Es fand am 3. Februar 2002 im Louisiana Superdome von New Orleans statt, Kontrahenten waren der Meister der American Football Conference (AFC), die New England Patriots, und der Meister der National Football Conference (NFC), die St. Louis Rams. Die Patriots gewannen 20:17, und zum Super Bowl MVP wurde der Quarterback der Patriots, Tom Brady, gewählt. rdf:langString
La Super Bowl XXXVI​ fue el nombre que se le dio al partido de fútbol americano que definió al campeón de la temporada 2001-2002 de la NFL. El partido se disputó el 3 de febrero de 2002 en el estadio Louisiana Superdome de la ciudad de New Orleans. Enfrentó al campeón de la NFC St. Louis Rams y al campeón de la AFC los New England Patriots. Ganaron los New England Patriots por 20-17 y de esta manera obtuvieron su primer título de Super Bowl, después de haber perdido en las 2 ocasiones anteriores que habían llegado al partido final los años 1986 y 1997. rdf:langString
Super Bowl XXXVI was de 36e editie van de Super Bowl, een American footballwedstrijd tussen de kampioenen van de National Football Conference en de American Football Conference waarin bepaald werd wie de kampioen werd van de National Football League voor het seizoen van 2001. De wedstrijd werd gespeeld op 3 februari 2002 in de Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans. De New England Patriots wonnen de wedstrijd met 20–17 van de St. Louis Rams. rdf:langString
第36回スーパーボウル(Super Bowl XXXVI)は2002年2月3日にルイジアナ州ニューオリンズのルイジアナ・スーパードームで行われた36回目のスーパーボウルで、NFL2001年シーズン決勝戦である。試合はAFC チャンピオンのニューイングランド・ペイトリオッツがNFC チャンピオンのセントルイス・ラムズを20-17の接戦で破りチーム史上初のスーパーボウル制覇を成し遂げた。MVPはペイトリオッツのQBトム・ブレイディが受賞し、QBとしてはNFL史上最も若いスーパーボウルMVPに輝いた。 rdf:langString
Super Bowl XXXVI var den 36:e upplagan av Super Bowl, finalmatchen i amerikansk fotbolls högsta liga, National Football League, för säsongen 2001. Matchen spelades den 3 februari 2002 mellan New England Patriots och St. Louis Rams. De kvalificerade sig genom att vinna slutspelet i konferenserna American Football Conference respektive National Football Conference. Värd för Super Bowl XXXVI var Louisiana Superdome i New Orleans i Louisiana. rdf:langString
O Super Bowl XXXVI foi a final da temporada de 2001 da NFL. O jogo, entre New England Patriots, vencedor da AFC, e o St. Louis Rams, vencedor da NFC, foi disputado em 3 de fevereiro de 2002, no Louisiana Superdome, Nova Orleans, Louisiana (Estados Unidos). A partida terminou com o placar de 20 a 17 para os Patriots que, assim, conquistaram o primeiro título de sua história (venceriam, depois, o Super Bowl XXXVIII, XXXIX e ainda o Super Bowl XLIX. Tom Brady, quarterback do New England, foi escolhido o melhor em campo (MVP). rdf:langString
Супербоул XXXVI (англ. Super Bowl XXXVI) — матч сезона НФЛ по американскому футболу между победителями Американской футбольной конференции (АФК) и Национальной футбольной конференции (НФК). Матч прошёл 3 февраля 2002 года между Нью-Ингленд Пэтриотс от АФК и Сент-Луис Рэмс от НФК. В присутствии 72 922 человек Нью-Ингленд победил со счётом 20-17. Лучшим был признан квотербек «Патриотс» Том Брэди. rdf:langString
第三十六届超级碗(Super Bowl XXXVI)是美国国家橄榄球联盟2001赛季的总决赛,由美联冠军新英格兰爱国者队对阵国联冠军圣路易斯公羊队。比赛于2002年2月3日在新奥尔良的路易斯安娜超级巨蛋举行。 最终,新英格兰爱国者队以20-17战胜圣路易斯公羊队,第一次夺得超级碗冠军。四分卫汤姆·布雷迪获得最有价值球员称号。 rdf:langString
Le Super Bowl XXXVI est l'ultime partie de la saison 2001 de la NFL de football américain (NFL). Le match s'est joué le 3 février 2002 au Louisiana Superdome de La Nouvelle-Orléans en Louisiane. Elle oppose les Patriots de la Nouvelle-Angleterre aux Rams de Saint-Louis. Le spectacle de la mi-temps rend notamment hommage aux victimes des attentats du 11 septembre 2001, U2 chantant Where the Streets Have No Name avec en fond le nom des victimes. rdf:langString
Super Bowl XXXVI was an American football game between the National Football Conference (NFC) champion St. Louis Rams and the American Football Conference (AFC) champion New England Patriots to decide the National Football League (NFL) champion for the 2001 season. The underdog Patriots defeated the heavily favored Rams by the score of 20–17. It was New England's first Super Bowl championship, and the franchise's first league championship of any kind. The game was also notable for snapping the AFC East's long streak of not being able to win a Super Bowl championship, as the division's teams had lost eight Super Bowls between the Miami Dolphins' victory in 1974 and the Patriots' 2002 win. This was the last Super Bowl to feature the St. Louis Rams; after relocating to Los Angeles in 2016, th rdf:langString
Il Super Bowl XXXVI è stata la partita di finale della National Football League tra i vincitori della National Football Conference (NFC) e della American Football Conference (AFC) nella stagione del 2001 e venne giocata il 3 febbraio 2002 al Louisiana Superdome di New Orleans. La partita vide affrontarsi i vincitori della NFC, i St. Louis Rams ed i vincitori della AFC, i New England Patriots. I Rams, dati favoriti per 14 a 1, hanno perso negli ultimi istanti della partita. rdf:langString
Super Bowl XXXVI był trzydziestym szóstym finałem o mistrzostwo NFL w zawodowym futbolu amerykańskim, rozegranym 3 lutego 2002, na stadionie Louisiana Superdome, w Nowym Orleanie, w stanie Luizjana. Mistrz konferencji AFC, drużyna New England Patriots, pokonał mistrza konferencji NFC, drużynę St. Louis Rams, uzyskując wynik 20-17 po tym, gdy wykonał udany 48-jardowy kop na bramkę w końcówce spotkania. Mecz uważa się za jeden z największych przełomów w historii gier Super Bowl, gdyż drużynie Rams przepowiadano 14-punktową wygraną. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Super Bowl XXXVI
rdf:langString Super Bowl XXXVI
rdf:langString Super Bowl XXXVI
rdf:langString Super Bowl XXXVI
rdf:langString 第36回スーパーボウル
rdf:langString Super Bowl XXXVI
rdf:langString Super Bowl XXXVI
rdf:langString Super Bowl XXXVI
rdf:langString Super Bowl XXXVI
rdf:langString Супербоул XXXVI
rdf:langString Super Bowl XXXVI
rdf:langString 第三十六届超级碗
rdf:langString XXXVI
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xsd:integer 12
rdf:langString NE
rdf:langString Wilkins
rdf:langString Vinatieri
rdf:langString good
rdf:langString Warner
xsd:integer 1 2 3 4
rdf:langString STL
xsd:integer 2 8 26 37 47 48 50
rdf:langString true
rdf:langString center
rdf:langString right
rdf:langString Pat Summerall, John Madden, Pam Oliver and Ron Pitts
xsd:integer 72922
rdf:langString #eee
rdf:langString #FFFFF0
rdf:langString George H. W. Bush and Roger Staubach
<usDollar> 1900000.0
xsd:date 2002-02-03
xsd:integer 0 3 14
xsd:integer 0
xsd:integer 7
xsd:integer 14
xsd:integer 17
xsd:integer 20
rdf:langString Patriots
xsd:integer 11
xsd:integer 20
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rdf:langString XXXV
rdf:langString XXXVII
rdf:langString Rams by 14
<second> 1.3254192E9
rdf:langString Sitting behind me, an older Patriots fan had turned bright red -- I couldn't tell whether he was laughing, crying or both -- and he was screaming, "Fifty years! I've been waiting for this for fifty years!" and "They gave us no respect! None!" And he just kept screaming those things again and again. And again. And again. Meanwhile, the other Patriots fans in our section were hugging one another and carrying on -- none of us knew what to do. We were collectively incredulous. Total disbelief. Nobody could ever make jokes about the Patriots again. We had arrived.
rdf:langString ...From the far hash mark, angle to the left for Adam Vinatieri - 48-yard field goal attempt. Snap, ball down, kick up. Kick is on the way and it is...Good! It's good! It's good! Adam Vinatieri boots a 48-yard field goal, and the game is over, and the Patriots are Super Bowl champions! The Patriots are Super Bowl champions - the best team in the National Football League!
rdf:langString Is it Adam Vinatieri or Scott Norwood? Placement down by Walter, Vinatieri's field goal try for the good! It's good! It's good! And the New England Patriots have won Super Bowl XXXVI!
xsd:integer 0 3 14
xsd:double 40.4
rdf:langString Rams
rdf:langString center
rdf:langString Howard David's call of the winning field goal on Westwood One
rdf:langString Patriots owner Robert Kraft accepting the Vince Lombardi Trophy
rdf:langString Bill Simmons, who watched the game live at the Superdome, in his postgame column for ESPN Page 2
rdf:langString Gil Santos' call of the winning field goal on the Patriots radio broadcast on WCBN in Boston
rdf:langString expanded
rdf:langString uncollapsed
rdf:langString STL
rdf:langString NE
<second> 0.0 190.0 31.0 330.0 529.0 571.0 78.0 90.0
rdf:langString Super Bowl XXXVI: NFL Full Game
rdf:langString Super Bowl XXXVI: New England Patriots 20, St. Louis Rams 17
rdf:langString text-align:center;background-color:#000;color:#fff
rdf:langString FG
rdf:langString IntTD
rdf:langString RecTD
rdf:langString RushTD
rdf:langString sb
xsd:integer 3 10 17
xsd:integer 14
xsd:integer 17
<perCent> 100.0 40.0
rdf:langString Rams: Isaac Bruce, Marshall Faulk, Orlando Pace, Kurt Warner, Aeneas Williams
rdf:langString Patriots: Ty Law, Richard Seymour
rdf:langString STL
xsd:integer 0 3 14
rdf:langString Howard David, Boomer Esiason, Lesley Visser, John Dockery and James Lofton
rdf:langString NE
xsd:integer 0 3 14
rdf:langString , played indoors, domed stadium
rdf:langString Der Super Bowl XXXVI war der 36. Super Bowl, das Endspiel der Saison 2001 der National Football League (NFL) im American Football. Es fand am 3. Februar 2002 im Louisiana Superdome von New Orleans statt, Kontrahenten waren der Meister der American Football Conference (AFC), die New England Patriots, und der Meister der National Football Conference (NFC), die St. Louis Rams. Die Patriots gewannen 20:17, und zum Super Bowl MVP wurde der Quarterback der Patriots, Tom Brady, gewählt.
rdf:langString La Super Bowl XXXVI​ fue el nombre que se le dio al partido de fútbol americano que definió al campeón de la temporada 2001-2002 de la NFL. El partido se disputó el 3 de febrero de 2002 en el estadio Louisiana Superdome de la ciudad de New Orleans. Enfrentó al campeón de la NFC St. Louis Rams y al campeón de la AFC los New England Patriots. Ganaron los New England Patriots por 20-17 y de esta manera obtuvieron su primer título de Super Bowl, después de haber perdido en las 2 ocasiones anteriores que habían llegado al partido final los años 1986 y 1997.
rdf:langString Le Super Bowl XXXVI est l'ultime partie de la saison 2001 de la NFL de football américain (NFL). Le match s'est joué le 3 février 2002 au Louisiana Superdome de La Nouvelle-Orléans en Louisiane. Elle oppose les Patriots de la Nouvelle-Angleterre aux Rams de Saint-Louis. Le spectacle de la mi-temps rend notamment hommage aux victimes des attentats du 11 septembre 2001, U2 chantant Where the Streets Have No Name avec en fond le nom des victimes. Les Patriots remportent le match 20 à 17. Au prix d'une partie très serrée en début de match puis totalement débridée, alors que les défenses des deux équipes craquent à tour de rôle, Adam Vinatieri, par un coup de pied dans les dernières secondes du match, donne la victoire aux Patriots.
rdf:langString Super Bowl XXXVI was an American football game between the National Football Conference (NFC) champion St. Louis Rams and the American Football Conference (AFC) champion New England Patriots to decide the National Football League (NFL) champion for the 2001 season. The underdog Patriots defeated the heavily favored Rams by the score of 20–17. It was New England's first Super Bowl championship, and the franchise's first league championship of any kind. The game was also notable for snapping the AFC East's long streak of not being able to win a Super Bowl championship, as the division's teams had lost eight Super Bowls between the Miami Dolphins' victory in 1974 and the Patriots' 2002 win. This was the last Super Bowl to feature the St. Louis Rams; after relocating to Los Angeles in 2016, the Rams returned to the NFL's championship game in Super Bowl LIII, in which they were again defeated by the Patriots. The game was played at the Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans, Louisiana, on February 3, 2002. Following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks earlier in the season, the NFL postponed a week of regular-season games and moved the league's playoff schedule back. As a result, Super Bowl XXXVI was rescheduled from the original date of January 27 to February 3, becoming the first Super Bowl played in February. The pregame ceremonies and the halftime show headlined by the Irish rock band U2 honored the victims of 9/11. Due to heightened security measures following the attacks, this was the first Super Bowl designated as a National Special Security Event (NSSE) by the Office of Homeland Security (OHS). The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which replaced the OHS in 2003, later established the practice of naming each subsequent Super Bowl an NSSE. Additionally, it was the last Super Bowl to be played in New Orleans before Hurricane Katrina ravaged the city on August 29, 2005; the first since then was Super Bowl XLVII in 2013. This game marked the Rams' third Super Bowl appearance in franchise history and the second in three seasons. St. Louis posted an NFL-best 14–2 regular season record, led by quarterback Kurt Warner and "The Greatest Show on Turf" offense. The Patriots clinched their third Super Bowl berth after posting an 11–5 regular season record, led by second-year quarterback and first-year starter Tom Brady and a defense that ended the regular season ranked sixth in scoring. Although the Rams out-gained the Patriots 427–267 in total yards, New England built a 17–3 third-quarter lead off three Rams turnovers. After a holding penalty in the fourth quarter negated a Patriots fumble return for a touchdown, Warner scored a 2-yard touchdown run and threw a 26-yard touchdown pass to tie the game, 17–17, with 1:30 remaining. Without any timeouts, Brady led his team down the field to set up kicker Adam Vinatieri's game-winning 48-yard field goal as time expired. Brady, who completed 16 of 27 passes for 145 yards and a touchdown, was named Super Bowl MVP. With the Rams being 14-point favorites, it was the biggest upset in a Super Bowl since Super Bowl III and, as of the 2021 season, one of the biggest upsets since the AFL–NFL merger. Many media outlets regard this Super Bowl as one of the best Super Bowls of all time, and one of the most historically significant Super Bowls due to its finale that launched the New England Patriots dynasty. During the NFL's 100th anniversary, this game was ranked as No. 20 of the NFL's Greatest Games of all time.
rdf:langString Il Super Bowl XXXVI è stata la partita di finale della National Football League tra i vincitori della National Football Conference (NFC) e della American Football Conference (AFC) nella stagione del 2001 e venne giocata il 3 febbraio 2002 al Louisiana Superdome di New Orleans. La partita vide affrontarsi i vincitori della NFC, i St. Louis Rams ed i vincitori della AFC, i New England Patriots. I Rams, dati favoriti per 14 a 1, hanno perso negli ultimi istanti della partita. Il quarterback Tom Brady fu nominato Super Bowl MVP dopo avere completato 16 passaggi su 27 tentativi, per un totale di 145 yard con un touchdown.
rdf:langString Super Bowl XXXVI was de 36e editie van de Super Bowl, een American footballwedstrijd tussen de kampioenen van de National Football Conference en de American Football Conference waarin bepaald werd wie de kampioen werd van de National Football League voor het seizoen van 2001. De wedstrijd werd gespeeld op 3 februari 2002 in de Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans. De New England Patriots wonnen de wedstrijd met 20–17 van de St. Louis Rams.
rdf:langString 第36回スーパーボウル(Super Bowl XXXVI)は2002年2月3日にルイジアナ州ニューオリンズのルイジアナ・スーパードームで行われた36回目のスーパーボウルで、NFL2001年シーズン決勝戦である。試合はAFC チャンピオンのニューイングランド・ペイトリオッツがNFC チャンピオンのセントルイス・ラムズを20-17の接戦で破りチーム史上初のスーパーボウル制覇を成し遂げた。MVPはペイトリオッツのQBトム・ブレイディが受賞し、QBとしてはNFL史上最も若いスーパーボウルMVPに輝いた。
rdf:langString Super Bowl XXXVI był trzydziestym szóstym finałem o mistrzostwo NFL w zawodowym futbolu amerykańskim, rozegranym 3 lutego 2002, na stadionie Louisiana Superdome, w Nowym Orleanie, w stanie Luizjana. Mistrz konferencji AFC, drużyna New England Patriots, pokonał mistrza konferencji NFC, drużynę St. Louis Rams, uzyskując wynik 20-17 po tym, gdy wykonał udany 48-jardowy kop na bramkę w końcówce spotkania. Mecz uważa się za jeden z największych przełomów w historii gier Super Bowl, gdyż drużynie Rams przepowiadano 14-punktową wygraną. Amerykański hymn państwowy przed meczem zaśpiewała Mariah Carey, zaś w przerwie meczu na stadionie miał miejsce minikoncert U2. Tytuł MVP finałów zdobył Tom Brady, rozgrywający zespołu Patriots, po tym, gdy celnie podał 16 razy na 27 rzuty, co pozwoliło na uzyskanie 145 jardów pola i doprowadziło do jednego przyłożenia. Po wydarzeniach 11 września 2001 liga NFL przełożyła kalendarz spotkań o jeden tydzień i Super Bowl XXXVI także odbył się później, choć początkowo przewidziany był na 27 stycznia. Od tego czasu Departament Bezpieczeństwa Krajowego USA dopisywał kolejne finały Super Bowl do listy wydarzeń szczególnych dla bezpieczeństwa narodowego (National Special Security Event).
rdf:langString Super Bowl XXXVI var den 36:e upplagan av Super Bowl, finalmatchen i amerikansk fotbolls högsta liga, National Football League, för säsongen 2001. Matchen spelades den 3 februari 2002 mellan New England Patriots och St. Louis Rams. De kvalificerade sig genom att vinna slutspelet i konferenserna American Football Conference respektive National Football Conference. Värd för Super Bowl XXXVI var Louisiana Superdome i New Orleans i Louisiana.
rdf:langString O Super Bowl XXXVI foi a final da temporada de 2001 da NFL. O jogo, entre New England Patriots, vencedor da AFC, e o St. Louis Rams, vencedor da NFC, foi disputado em 3 de fevereiro de 2002, no Louisiana Superdome, Nova Orleans, Louisiana (Estados Unidos). A partida terminou com o placar de 20 a 17 para os Patriots que, assim, conquistaram o primeiro título de sua história (venceriam, depois, o Super Bowl XXXVIII, XXXIX e ainda o Super Bowl XLIX. Tom Brady, quarterback do New England, foi escolhido o melhor em campo (MVP).
rdf:langString Супербоул XXXVI (англ. Super Bowl XXXVI) — матч сезона НФЛ по американскому футболу между победителями Американской футбольной конференции (АФК) и Национальной футбольной конференции (НФК). Матч прошёл 3 февраля 2002 года между Нью-Ингленд Пэтриотс от АФК и Сент-Луис Рэмс от НФК. В присутствии 72 922 человек Нью-Ингленд победил со счётом 20-17. Лучшим был признан квотербек «Патриотс» Том Брэди.
rdf:langString 第三十六届超级碗(Super Bowl XXXVI)是美国国家橄榄球联盟2001赛季的总决赛,由美联冠军新英格兰爱国者队对阵国联冠军圣路易斯公羊队。比赛于2002年2月3日在新奥尔良的路易斯安娜超级巨蛋举行。 最终,新英格兰爱国者队以20-17战胜圣路易斯公羊队,第一次夺得超级碗冠军。四分卫汤姆·布雷迪获得最有价值球员称号。
xsd:integer 61
xsd:integer 2
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 77093

data from the linked data cloud