Stella Prize an entity of type: Thing
The Stella Prize is an Australian annual literary award established in 2013 for writing by Australian women in all genres, worth $50,000. It was originally proposed by Australian women writers and publishers in 2011, modelled on the UK's Baileys Women's Prize for Fiction (formerly the Orange Prize for Fiction). The award derives its name from the author Miles Franklin, whose full name was "Stella Maria Sarah Miles Franklin." The 2021 Stella Prize guidelines opened entries to books by non-binary as well as women writers.
Il Premio Stella (Stella Prize) è un riconoscimento letterario assegnato annualmente a scrittrici e scrittori non binari australiani per un'opera di narrativa, saggistica o poesia. È stato creato nel 2012 sul modello del Women's Prize for Fiction da un gruppo di donne che lavoravano nel mondo dell'editoria per contrastare la scarsa presenza delle scrittrici nei premi letterari e nelle riviste di settore.
Stella Prize – australijska nagroda literacka przyznawana corocznie za najlepszą książkę opublikowaną przez Australijkę. Nagrodę założono w 2012 roku, a przyznano po raz pierwszy w 2013 roku. Jej celem jest docenienie twórczości australijskich pisarek tworzących literaturę piękną i niefikcjonalną, przy nadreprezentacji mężczyzn wśród laureatów nagród literackich oraz ich przewadze w australijskim środowisku literackim. Nagrodę nazwano na cześć imienia australijskiej pisarki Miles Franklin, która pisała pod męskim pseudonimem. Laureatkom przyznawana jest nagroda pieniężna w wysokości 50.000 dolarów.
Premio Stella
Stella Prize
Stella Prize
The Stella Prize is an Australian annual literary award established in 2013 for writing by Australian women in all genres, worth $50,000. It was originally proposed by Australian women writers and publishers in 2011, modelled on the UK's Baileys Women's Prize for Fiction (formerly the Orange Prize for Fiction). The award derives its name from the author Miles Franklin, whose full name was "Stella Maria Sarah Miles Franklin." It was established by a group of 11 Australian women writers, editors, publishers and booksellers who became concerned about the poor representation of books by women in Australia's top literary prize, the Miles Franklin Award. "After a rapid acceleration in women's rights in the '70s and '80s, things have started to go backwards," Sophie Cunningham said in a keynote address at the 2011 Melbourne Writers' Festival. "Women continue to be marginalised in Australian culture and the arts sector – which likes to pride itself on its liberal values – is, in fact, complacent. Women are much less likely to win literary awards, to write reviews of books, or have their books reviewed. This, despite the fact they write about half the books published." Some commentators, such as Erin Handley writing in The Age, have said that fiction and non-fiction are different genres that should be judged separately, highlighting that this is an issue for the Stella Prize. But this is rejected by Dr. Kerryn Goldsworthy, the chair of the Stella judging panel, who stated that comparing fiction and non-fiction is "no harder than comparing books in general," and that "excellence is achievable in any form." The 2021 Stella Prize guidelines opened entries to books by non-binary as well as women writers.
Il Premio Stella (Stella Prize) è un riconoscimento letterario assegnato annualmente a scrittrici e scrittori non binari australiani per un'opera di narrativa, saggistica o poesia. È stato creato nel 2012 sul modello del Women's Prize for Fiction da un gruppo di donne che lavoravano nel mondo dell'editoria per contrastare la scarsa presenza delle scrittrici nei premi letterari e nelle riviste di settore. Chiamato così in omaggio alla scrittrice Miles Franklin, il cui nome completo era Stella Maria Sarah Miles Franklin, riconosce alla vincitrice un premio di 50000 $, diventati nel 2022 60000 grazie ad una donazione di 3 milioni di $ effettuata dal Fondo Stella Forever.
Stella Prize – australijska nagroda literacka przyznawana corocznie za najlepszą książkę opublikowaną przez Australijkę. Nagrodę założono w 2012 roku, a przyznano po raz pierwszy w 2013 roku. Jej celem jest docenienie twórczości australijskich pisarek tworzących literaturę piękną i niefikcjonalną, przy nadreprezentacji mężczyzn wśród laureatów nagród literackich oraz ich przewadze w australijskim środowisku literackim. Nagrodę nazwano na cześć imienia australijskiej pisarki Miles Franklin, która pisała pod męskim pseudonimem. Laureatkom przyznawana jest nagroda pieniężna w wysokości 50.000 dolarów. Pod szyldem Stella Prize prowadzone są literackie wydarzenia w księgarniach i na uniwersytetach, a także Stella Count – doroczny raport na temat liczby recenzji literackich w najważniejszych gazetach i magazynach literackich według płci autorów recenzowanych publikacji. Od 2014 roku prowadzony jest także program edukacyjny dla szkół.