Stefano Gobatti an entity of type: Thing
Stefano Gobatti (Bergantino, 5 luglio 1852 – Bologna, 17 dicembre 1913) è stato un compositore italiano.Gobatti fu un indubbio protagonista sulla scena musicale ottocentesca tardoromantica, ma costituisce ancora oggi un caso clamoroso nella storia della musica. Molto acclamato in vita dal 1870, oggi è stato quasi del tutto dimenticato.
Stefano Gobatti fou un compositor italià del Romanticisme. Als vint-i-un anys estrenà a Bolonya la seva primera òpera (1873) que aconseguí un extraordinari èxit i que feu cèlebre al seu autor en pocs dies, sent sol·licitada la partitura pels principals teatres d'Itàlia. L'obra va tenir un èxit sense precedents i va despertar tants elogis com per ser recordada pels historiadors com un dels grans triomfs de la història del melodrama. Per aquesta òpera, Gobatti va ser proclamat l'èmul de Verdi i el competidor de Wagner, però de seguida va romandre arraconada en els prestatges del seu editor.
Stefano Gobatti (Bergantino, 5 July 1852 – Bologna, 17 December 1913) was an Italian opera composer. Gobatti was born in 1852 in the Province of Rovigo in a poor and humble peasant family. He passionately studied music and immediately had results, and was taught under and Lauro Rossi. At just eighteen, he composed the opera which was staged on 30 November 1873 at the Teatro Comunale di Bologna. The work was an unprecedented success. Within a short period he was the "Freeman of the City of Bologna" and appointed Member of Honor of the Accademia Filarmonica in Bologna and appointed Knight of the Crown of Italy granted by King Vittorio Emanuele II. Under pressure from music publishers and their purely economic interests, his later works such as Luce (1875) and Cordelia (1881), were inevitab
Stefano Gobatti
Stefano Gobatti
Stefano Gobatti
Stefano Gobatti fou un compositor italià del Romanticisme. Als vint-i-un anys estrenà a Bolonya la seva primera òpera (1873) que aconseguí un extraordinari èxit i que feu cèlebre al seu autor en pocs dies, sent sol·licitada la partitura pels principals teatres d'Itàlia. L'obra va tenir un èxit sense precedents i va despertar tants elogis com per ser recordada pels historiadors com un dels grans triomfs de la història del melodrama. Per aquesta òpera, Gobatti va ser proclamat l'èmul de Verdi i el competidor de Wagner, però de seguida va romandre arraconada en els prestatges del seu editor. Dos anys més tard estrenà la seva segona òpera, , que encara augmentà la seva reputació de jove compositor, però les seves obres següents no respongueren a les esperances que les dues anteriors havien fet concebre. El 1881 va estrenar Cordelia.
Stefano Gobatti (Bergantino, 5 July 1852 – Bologna, 17 December 1913) was an Italian opera composer. Gobatti was born in 1852 in the Province of Rovigo in a poor and humble peasant family. He passionately studied music and immediately had results, and was taught under and Lauro Rossi. At just eighteen, he composed the opera which was staged on 30 November 1873 at the Teatro Comunale di Bologna. The work was an unprecedented success. Within a short period he was the "Freeman of the City of Bologna" and appointed Member of Honor of the Accademia Filarmonica in Bologna and appointed Knight of the Crown of Italy granted by King Vittorio Emanuele II. Under pressure from music publishers and their purely economic interests, his later works such as Luce (1875) and Cordelia (1881), were inevitably marked by conflicting adversity. Gobatti, disappointed and embittered, increasingly sought refuge in a Franciscan convent in the hills of Bologna, and lived there as a monk in extreme poverty. He died on 17 December 1913 and was buried at the Cimitero Monumentale Della Certosa.
Stefano Gobatti (Bergantino, 5 luglio 1852 – Bologna, 17 dicembre 1913) è stato un compositore italiano.Gobatti fu un indubbio protagonista sulla scena musicale ottocentesca tardoromantica, ma costituisce ancora oggi un caso clamoroso nella storia della musica. Molto acclamato in vita dal 1870, oggi è stato quasi del tutto dimenticato.