St Patrick halfpenny an entity of type: Agent
El medio penique de San Patricio era una moneda acuñada en el siglo XVII en Inglaterra, Irlanda y Gales. El diseño del reverso muestra al rey David arrodillado tocando un arpa mientras contempla la corona real de Inglaterra. Una peculiaridad del arpa es que lleva una figura femenina alada semidesnuda en el pilar. La leyenda en el anverso dice FLOREAT REX («Que el Rey Florezca»).
The St Patrick halfpenny was a milled coin minted in the 17th century in England, Ireland and Wales. The reverse design shows King David kneeling playing a harp while gazing up at the royal crown of England. One peculiarity of the harp is that it bears a semi-nude winged female figure on the pillar, a feature which became common on English coins beginning in the second quarter of the 17th century. The legend on the obverse reads FLOREAT REX (May the King Flourish).
Medio penique de San Patricio
St Patrick halfpenny
El medio penique de San Patricio era una moneda acuñada en el siglo XVII en Inglaterra, Irlanda y Gales. El diseño del reverso muestra al rey David arrodillado tocando un arpa mientras contempla la corona real de Inglaterra. Una peculiaridad del arpa es que lleva una figura femenina alada semidesnuda en el pilar. La leyenda en el anverso dice FLOREAT REX («Que el Rey Florezca»).
The St Patrick halfpenny was a milled coin minted in the 17th century in England, Ireland and Wales. The reverse design shows King David kneeling playing a harp while gazing up at the royal crown of England. One peculiarity of the harp is that it bears a semi-nude winged female figure on the pillar, a feature which became common on English coins beginning in the second quarter of the 17th century. The legend on the obverse reads FLOREAT REX (May the King Flourish).