Southwestern blot an entity of type: TopicalConcept
Der Southwestern Blot ist eine biochemische Methode zur Bestimmung von DNA-Protein-Interaktionen.
Le southwestern blot est une technique de biologie moléculaire permettant d'analyser les protéines interagissant avec l'ADN. Cette technique de transfert de molécules dérive des méthodes de transfert d'ADN et de protéines (Southern blot et western blot respectivement en anglais). Cette méthode fut développée par B. Bowen en 1980
サウスウェスタン法(Southwestern blot)とは、プローブにDNA断片やオリゴヌクレオチドを用い、塩基配列特異的にDNAに結合するタンパク質(主に転写調節因子)を検出する手法である。 一般的には、電気泳動によってタンパク質を分離し、メンブレンに転写(ブロッティング)する。その後、メンブレンに吸着したタンパク質にラベルしたプローブDNAを結合させ、特定の配列に結合するタンパク質を検出する。
El Southwestern blot es una técnica de laboratorio que permite la identificación y caracterización de proteínas por su capacidad de unión a fragmentos específicos de ADN. Para ello, se transfiere el resultado de una electroforesis a una membrana y se añaden oligonucleótidos para observar la unión a las proteínas. Fue descrito por primera vez en 1981 en el laboratorio de Brian Bowen.
The southwestern blot, is a lab technique that involves identifying as well as characterizing DNA-binding proteins by their ability to bind to specific oligonucleotide probes. Determination of molecular weight of proteins binding to DNA is also made possible by the technique. The name originates from a combination of ideas underlying Southern blotting and Western blotting techniques of which they detect DNA and protein respectively. Similar to other types of blotting, proteins are separated by SDS-PAGE and are subsequently transferred to nitrocellulose membranes. Thereafter southwestern blotting begins to vary with regards to procedure as since the first blotting’s, many more have been proposed and discovered with goals of enhancing results. Former protocols were hampered by the need for
Il Southernwester blot (interattomica) è un metodo per identificare proteine che legano DNA, basato sulla separazione elettroforetica delle proteine e successivo trasferimento su membrana - usa una combinazione di Western e Southern blotting, da cui il nome. Passaggi: Il legame DNA/PROTEINA viene rilevato con l'eventuale ottenuto con sistemi di rilevazione del segnale della sonda marcata (autoradiografia, chemioluminescenza). Dunque, southwestern blot indicano presenza di proteine capaci di legare una sequenza data, fornendo contempo, informazioni sul loro punto isoelettrico e peso molecolare.
Southwestern Blot
Southwestern blot
Southwestern blot
Southwestern blot
Southwestern blot
Der Southwestern Blot ist eine biochemische Methode zur Bestimmung von DNA-Protein-Interaktionen.
Le southwestern blot est une technique de biologie moléculaire permettant d'analyser les protéines interagissant avec l'ADN. Cette technique de transfert de molécules dérive des méthodes de transfert d'ADN et de protéines (Southern blot et western blot respectivement en anglais). Cette méthode fut développée par B. Bowen en 1980
El Southwestern blot es una técnica de laboratorio que permite la identificación y caracterización de proteínas por su capacidad de unión a fragmentos específicos de ADN. Para ello, se transfiere el resultado de una electroforesis a una membrana y se añaden oligonucleótidos para observar la unión a las proteínas. Fue descrito por primera vez en 1981 en el laboratorio de Brian Bowen. Su nombre se debe a la convergencia entre el Southern blot, que emplea sondas de ADN para detectar, en su caso, ADN fijado en una membrana, y el Western blot, en el cual se detectan proteínas fijadas a una membrana, aunque en este caso se realice con anticuerpos.
The southwestern blot, is a lab technique that involves identifying as well as characterizing DNA-binding proteins by their ability to bind to specific oligonucleotide probes. Determination of molecular weight of proteins binding to DNA is also made possible by the technique. The name originates from a combination of ideas underlying Southern blotting and Western blotting techniques of which they detect DNA and protein respectively. Similar to other types of blotting, proteins are separated by SDS-PAGE and are subsequently transferred to nitrocellulose membranes. Thereafter southwestern blotting begins to vary with regards to procedure as since the first blotting’s, many more have been proposed and discovered with goals of enhancing results. Former protocols were hampered by the need for large amounts of proteins and their susceptibility to degradation while being isolated. Southwestern blotting was first described by Brian Bowen, Jay Steinberg, U.K. Laemmli, and Harold Weintraub in 1979. During the time the technique was originally called "protein blotting". While there were existing techniques for purification of proteins associated with DNA, they often had to be used together to yield desired results. Thus, Bowen and colleagues sought to describe a procedure that could simplify the current methods of their time.
サウスウェスタン法(Southwestern blot)とは、プローブにDNA断片やオリゴヌクレオチドを用い、塩基配列特異的にDNAに結合するタンパク質(主に転写調節因子)を検出する手法である。 一般的には、電気泳動によってタンパク質を分離し、メンブレンに転写(ブロッティング)する。その後、メンブレンに吸着したタンパク質にラベルしたプローブDNAを結合させ、特定の配列に結合するタンパク質を検出する。
Il Southernwester blot (interattomica) è un metodo per identificare proteine che legano DNA, basato sulla separazione elettroforetica delle proteine e successivo trasferimento su membrana - usa una combinazione di Western e Southern blotting, da cui il nome. Passaggi: 1.
* un estratto proteico, in cui si presume esserci una DNA binding protein, viene separato su 2D PAGE isoelettrofocusing seguito da SDS/PAGE e successivamente elettrotrasferito su membrana; 2.
* il blot viene fatto rinaturare per rimuovere l'SDS e permette interazione DNA/PROTEINA; 3.
* infine, il blot viene ibridizzato con una sonda radioattiva e processato come al solito rimuovendo la sonda non legata o in eccesso, mediante lavaggi. Il legame DNA/PROTEINA viene rilevato con l'eventuale ottenuto con sistemi di rilevazione del segnale della sonda marcata (autoradiografia, chemioluminescenza). Dunque, southwestern blot indicano presenza di proteine capaci di legare una sequenza data, fornendo contempo, informazioni sul loro punto isoelettrico e peso molecolare.