Solanum aethiopicum an entity of type: WikicatLeafVegetables
El fals tomàquet (Solanum aethiopicum) és una planta de la família de les Solanaceae nativa d'Àsia i de l'Àfrica tropical. Se'l coneix també com a albergina d'Etiòpia o nakati.
الحَدَق الأَثْيُوبِيّ (بالإنجليزية: mock tomato) نوع نباتات من الفصيلة الباذنجانية.
Die Äthiopische Eierfrucht (Solanum aethiopicum) ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung der Nachtschatten (Solanum) in der Familie der Nachtschattengewächse (Solanaceae). Ihre Sorten werden als Fruchtgemüse angebaut.
La Etiopia solano (Solanum aethiopicum) estas plantospecio en la genro Solano (Solanum) en la familio de la Solanacoj (Solanaceae). Ĝiaj kultivaroj estas kultivataj kiel fruktlegomo.
El nakatí (Solanum aethiopicum) es una planta de la familia Solanaceae nativa de Asia y África tropical. Se le conoce también como tomate amargo, berenjena etíope o africana (nombre preferido por la FAO), o también, berenjena escarlata.
La melanzana rossa (Solanum aethiopicum, L.) è una pianta d'aspetto simile alla melanzana (Solanum melongena L.) per portamento ma il suo frutto arrotondato si colora di rosso intenso come un pomodoro (Solanum lycopersicum L.), tanto da essere scambiata per quest'ultimo. La colorazione rossa è data dall'aumento del contenuto di carotene durante la maturazione della bacca. Viene coltivata essenzialmente in Africa e in Asia tropicale. Il clima ottimale per la melanzana rossa è un clima caldo e asciutto, come quello della savana africana. Frutto di melanzana rossa, Burkina Faso
O jiloeiro (antes Solanum gilo, hoje considerada um grupo de cultivares de Solanum aethiopicum) é uma planta herbácea, muito cultivada no Brasil, originária da África Ocidental. O fruto desta planta, de nome jiló, geralmente confundido com um legume, é famoso pelo gosto amargo.
Solanum aethiopicum, the bitter tomato, Ethiopian eggplant, or nakati, is a fruiting plant of the genus Solanum mainly found in Asia and Tropical Africa. It is also known as Ethiopian nightshade, garden eggs, pumpkin-on-a-stick, and mock tomato. It is a popular vegetable in north-east India, and is known as khamen akhaba in Manipuri and samṭawk in Mizo. They are called Titay bii or simply bii in Darjeeling, Sikkim and Nepal and are relished with meat, particularly pork. These names are a result of its varied morphology, with ripe fruit often looking like a cross between an eggplant and a tomato, which are also from Solanum. In fact, the Ethiopian eggplant was so much confused with the ordinary eggplant that this was considered by some a variety violaceum of S. aethiopicum.
Le gilo, jiló ou aubergine africaine (Solanum aethiopicum) est une plante proche de l'aubergine. Elle peut atteindre la hauteur de 1,5 mètre. Contrairement à l'aubergine, son fruit peut être consommé à un stade avancé de maturation – prenant une couleur rouge ou orange – car ses graines ne se développent pas. Toutefois, la maturation apporte une saveur amère peu agréable, faisant que le fruit est surtout consommé vert. Elle est principalement utilisée pour la confection de sauces.
حدق أثيوبي
Fals tomàquet
Äthiopische Eierfrucht
Solanum aethiopicum
Solanum aethiopicum
Solanum aethiopicum
Solanum aethiopicum
Solanum aethiopicum
El fals tomàquet (Solanum aethiopicum) és una planta de la família de les Solanaceae nativa d'Àsia i de l'Àfrica tropical. Se'l coneix també com a albergina d'Etiòpia o nakati.
الحَدَق الأَثْيُوبِيّ (بالإنجليزية: mock tomato) نوع نباتات من الفصيلة الباذنجانية.
Die Äthiopische Eierfrucht (Solanum aethiopicum) ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung der Nachtschatten (Solanum) in der Familie der Nachtschattengewächse (Solanaceae). Ihre Sorten werden als Fruchtgemüse angebaut.
La Etiopia solano (Solanum aethiopicum) estas plantospecio en la genro Solano (Solanum) en la familio de la Solanacoj (Solanaceae). Ĝiaj kultivaroj estas kultivataj kiel fruktlegomo.
El nakatí (Solanum aethiopicum) es una planta de la familia Solanaceae nativa de Asia y África tropical. Se le conoce también como tomate amargo, berenjena etíope o africana (nombre preferido por la FAO), o también, berenjena escarlata.
Le gilo, jiló ou aubergine africaine (Solanum aethiopicum) est une plante proche de l'aubergine. Elle peut atteindre la hauteur de 1,5 mètre. Contrairement à l'aubergine, son fruit peut être consommé à un stade avancé de maturation – prenant une couleur rouge ou orange – car ses graines ne se développent pas. Toutefois, la maturation apporte une saveur amère peu agréable, faisant que le fruit est surtout consommé vert. Elle est principalement utilisée pour la confection de sauces. Cette plante est originaire de l'Afrique occidentale, où elle est encore cultivée (par exemple au Nigéria) ; elle est également consommée en quantité significative au Brésil où elle est arrivée via la traite négrière.
Solanum aethiopicum, the bitter tomato, Ethiopian eggplant, or nakati, is a fruiting plant of the genus Solanum mainly found in Asia and Tropical Africa. It is also known as Ethiopian nightshade, garden eggs, pumpkin-on-a-stick, and mock tomato. It is a popular vegetable in north-east India, and is known as khamen akhaba in Manipuri and samṭawk in Mizo. They are called Titay bii or simply bii in Darjeeling, Sikkim and Nepal and are relished with meat, particularly pork. These names are a result of its varied morphology, with ripe fruit often looking like a cross between an eggplant and a tomato, which are also from Solanum. In fact, the Ethiopian eggplant was so much confused with the ordinary eggplant that this was considered by some a variety violaceum of S. aethiopicum. Ethiopian eggplant may have originated from the domestication of Solanum anguivi. The scarlet eggplant, also known as Gilo or jiló, was long held to be a distinct species (S. gilo) but is nowadays generally considered to be a cultivar group of S. aethiopicum. Ethiopian eggplant has been used as a source of disease resistance genes for several commercially grown Solanaceae crops, including Solanum melongena (eggplant). A lack of genomic resources has meant that breeding has lagged behind other vegetables, although a 1.02-Gb draft genome has been sequenced by BGI, with single-nucleotide polymorphisms identified for use by breeders.
La melanzana rossa (Solanum aethiopicum, L.) è una pianta d'aspetto simile alla melanzana (Solanum melongena L.) per portamento ma il suo frutto arrotondato si colora di rosso intenso come un pomodoro (Solanum lycopersicum L.), tanto da essere scambiata per quest'ultimo. La colorazione rossa è data dall'aumento del contenuto di carotene durante la maturazione della bacca. Viene coltivata essenzialmente in Africa e in Asia tropicale. Il clima ottimale per la melanzana rossa è un clima caldo e asciutto, come quello della savana africana. Frutto di melanzana rossa, Burkina Faso
O jiloeiro (antes Solanum gilo, hoje considerada um grupo de cultivares de Solanum aethiopicum) é uma planta herbácea, muito cultivada no Brasil, originária da África Ocidental. O fruto desta planta, de nome jiló, geralmente confundido com um legume, é famoso pelo gosto amargo.