Sissinghurst Castle Garden an entity of type: Thing

Sissinghurst Castle Garden je zahrada u hradu Sissinghurst ve Weald, v Kentu, v Anglii, v obci Sissinghurst. Zahradu vlastní a spravuje National Trust. Zahrada Sissinghurst Castle Garden je jednou z nejslavnějších zahrad v Anglii. Zahradu upravila Vita Sackville-West. Jde o jednu z romantických úprav inspirovanou dílem zahradnice a zahradní architektky Gertrude Jekyll. Zahrada byla vytvořena v první polovině 20. století (1930). Sissinghurst byl poprvé otevřen veřejnosti v roce 1938. rdf:langString
Sissinghurst Castle ist ein historischer Landsitz in der englischen Grafschaft Kent, etwa 40 Kilometer südwestlich von Canterbury. Berühmt geworden ist der Garten, der ab 1930 von Vita Sackville-West und ihrem Mann Harold Nicolson angelegt und in dieser Form erhalten wurde. Heute ist Sissinghurst im Besitz des National Trust. Die für die Öffentlichkeit zugängliche Anlage zählt mit mehr als 160.000 zahlenden Besuchern jährlich zu einer der beliebtesten Gartenanlagen der Welt.Die Wohnanlage besteht aus fünf einzeln stehenden Gebäuden: Dem Haupthaus, der langen Bibliothek, dem (Doppel-)Turm, dem South Cottage sowie dem Priest's House. rdf:langString
Ingalaterrako Sissinghursteko gaztelua Kent konderriko egoitza historikoa da, Canterburytik 40 km hego-mendebaldera. 1930. urtean, Vita Sackville-West-ek eta bere senarra Harold Nicolsonek eraiki zuten lorategiagatik ezaguna da. Gaur egun, Sissinghurst National Trust-en dago. Publikoarentzako erabilgarriak, urtean 160.000 bisitari baino gehiagorekin munduko lorategi ezagunenetako bat da. Etxebizitzak bost eraikin bereizi ditu: etxe nagusia, liburutegi luzea, dorrea (bikoitza), baserria eta apaizaren etxea (hegoaldean). rdf:langString
Il giardino del nel Kent (o meglio, "i giardini", poiché composto da più zone di giardino all'inglese, ognuna caratterizzata da un autonomo equilibrio formale ed estetico), nei pressi delle cittadine di Cranbrook, Goudhurst e Tenterden, è gestito e curato dal National Trust. rdf:langString
シシングハースト・カースル・ガーデン (Sissinghurst Castle Garden)は、イギリス、ケント州にある庭園。現在、ナショナル・トラストが所有し管理を行っている。 rdf:langString
Sissinghurst Castle is een landgoed in het graafschap Kent waar Harold Nicolson en Vita Sackville-West een veertigtal jaren woonden. Vooral de geslaagde tuinaanleg maakt het landgoed bekend bij tuinliefhebbers. rdf:langString
O Jardim do Castelo de Sissinghurst situa-se perto de Cranbrook, Goudhurst e Tenterden, em Kent, e é propriedade do National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty. É um dos mais famosos jardins de Inglaterra, e um dos mais visitados. rdf:langString
Sissinghurst Castle Garden, at Sissinghurst in the Weald of Kent in England, was created by Vita Sackville-West, poet and writer, and her husband Harold Nicolson, author and diplomat. It is among the most famous gardens in England and is designated Grade I on Historic England's register of historic parks and gardens. It was bought by Sackville-West in 1930, and over the next thirty years, working with, and later succeeded by, a series of notable head gardeners, she and Nicolson transformed a farmstead of "squalor and slovenly disorder" into one of the world's most influential gardens. Following Sackville-West's death in 1962, the estate was donated to the National Trust. It is one of the Trust's most popular properties, with nearly 200,000 visitors in 2017. rdf:langString
Le château de Sissinghurst en Angleterre est une résidence historique dans le comté du Kent, à environ 40 km au sud-ouest de Canterbury. Elle est célèbre par son jardin aménagé à partir de 1930 par Vita Sackville-West et son mari Harold Nicolson. Aujourd'hui, Sissinghurst appartient au National Trust. rdf:langString
Sissinghurst Castle Garden är en trädgårdsanläggning i byn Sissinghurst i grevskapet Kent i sydöstra England. Parken ligger nära Cranbrook och 70 km sydöst om London. Den anlades av författaren Vita Sackville-West och hennes make Harold Nicolson under 1930-talet och består av ett antal "rum" med olika karaktär. Ett av de mest berömda rummen är Vita trädgården som består av vitblommiga växter och prunkande grönska. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Sissinghurst Castle Garden
rdf:langString Sissinghurst Castle
rdf:langString Sissinghursteko gaztelua
rdf:langString Château de Sissinghurst
rdf:langString Giardino del Castello di Sissinghurst
rdf:langString シシングハースト・カースル・ガーデン
rdf:langString Sissinghurst Castle
rdf:langString Sissinghurst Castle Garden
rdf:langString Jardim do Castelo de Sissinghurst
rdf:langString Sissinghurst Castle Garden
rdf:langString Sissinghurst Castle Garden
rdf:langString Sissinghurst Castle Garden
xsd:float 51.11569976806641
xsd:float 0.5814999938011169
xsd:integer 493333
xsd:integer 1107297985
xsd:date 1952-06-09
xsd:integer 1346285
rdf:langString West Range at Sissinghurst Castle
rdf:langString Vita Sackville-West and Harold Nicolson
rdf:langString left
rdf:langString right
rdf:langString A group of loosely petaled white roses with a tint of pale pink, with the flowers at various stages from a closed bud to a fully open flower, green foliage behind.
rdf:langString Close-up of a cup-shaped white rose with a bit of green in the centre, with some pale pink rosebuds alongside.
rdf:langString View across garden to fields. Small redbrick cottage to left.
rdf:langString Close-up of a fully open rose with magenta-lavender petals and yellow stamens.
rdf:langString Clusters of flat-petaled white roses and deep pink rosebuds with green foliage
rdf:langString Close-up of a fully open rose with dark velvety red petals and yellow stamens
rdf:langString Close-up photo of a dark pink rose with a cuplike shape.
rdf:langString #c6dbf7
rdf:langString 'Félicité et Perpétue' is also grown in the Orchard.
rdf:langString Aerial view in 2009: "The most famous twentieth century garden in England"
rdf:langString 'Madame Plantier' is grown against trees in the Orchard.
rdf:langString 'Madame Alfred Carrière' was the first rose she planted at Sissinghurst.
rdf:langString 'Madame Pierre Oger' was one of Sackville-West's favourite roses.
rdf:langString Grade I
rdf:langString Grade II*
rdf:langString Historic garden
xsd:date 1986-05-01
xsd:integer 1000181
rdf:langString Sissinghurst Castle
rdf:langString The moss rose 'Nuits de Young' and the gallica rose 'Tuscany' have the "less familiar" colours typical of old roses at Sissinghurst.
rdf:langString Mme Alfred Carrière3.1 r.JPG
rdf:langString Mmeplantier.JPG
rdf:langString Rosa 'Felicite et Perpetue'.jpg
rdf:langString Rosa 'Mme Pierre Oger'.jpg
rdf:langString Rosa 'Nuits de Young' 2.jpg
rdf:langString Rosa 'Tuscany' J1.jpg
xsd:integer 260
rdf:langString Kent
xsd:integer 2
<second> 1.262304E9
rdf:langString Never, never, never! Au grand jamais, jamais. Never, never, never! ... so long as I live no National Trust ... shall have my darling. No, no. Over my corpse or my ashes, not otherwise. It is bad enough to have lost my Knole but they shan't take Sissinghurst from me. That at least is my own. They shan't, they shan't, I won't. They can't make me, I won't. They can't make me. I never would.
rdf:langString Formality is often essential to the plan of a garden but never to the arrangement of its flowers and shrubs.
rdf:langString Between the apple-blossom and the water –
rdf:langString Each flower her son and every tree her daughter.
rdf:langString She walks among the loveliness she made,
rdf:langString She walks among the patterned pied brocade,
rdf:langString One might reasonably have hoped to inherit century-old hedges of yew, some gnarled mulberries, a cedar or two, a pleached alley, flagged walls, a mound. Instead there was nothing but weed, rough grass, a shabby eyesore of a greenhouse in the wrong place, broken fencing, wired chicken runs, squalor and slovenly disorder everywhere.
rdf:langString –Sackville-West's first impressions of Sissinghurst
rdf:langString –Sackville-West's reaction to the suggestion that Sissinghurst might be gifted to the National Trust
rdf:langString –William Robinson, author of The English Flower Garden and a major influence on Sackville-West's planting style
rdf:langString –Sackville-West's reflections on Sissinghurst towards the end of her life
rdf:langString –Extract from Sackville-West's poem The Land, printed on the service sheet for her funeral
xsd:integer 300
rdf:langString Garden
xsd:integer 25
xsd:string 51.1157 0.5815
rdf:langString Sissinghurst Castle Garden je zahrada u hradu Sissinghurst ve Weald, v Kentu, v Anglii, v obci Sissinghurst. Zahradu vlastní a spravuje National Trust. Zahrada Sissinghurst Castle Garden je jednou z nejslavnějších zahrad v Anglii. Zahradu upravila Vita Sackville-West. Jde o jednu z romantických úprav inspirovanou dílem zahradnice a zahradní architektky Gertrude Jekyll. Zahrada byla vytvořena v první polovině 20. století (1930). Sissinghurst byl poprvé otevřen veřejnosti v roce 1938.
rdf:langString Sissinghurst Castle ist ein historischer Landsitz in der englischen Grafschaft Kent, etwa 40 Kilometer südwestlich von Canterbury. Berühmt geworden ist der Garten, der ab 1930 von Vita Sackville-West und ihrem Mann Harold Nicolson angelegt und in dieser Form erhalten wurde. Heute ist Sissinghurst im Besitz des National Trust. Die für die Öffentlichkeit zugängliche Anlage zählt mit mehr als 160.000 zahlenden Besuchern jährlich zu einer der beliebtesten Gartenanlagen der Welt.Die Wohnanlage besteht aus fünf einzeln stehenden Gebäuden: Dem Haupthaus, der langen Bibliothek, dem (Doppel-)Turm, dem South Cottage sowie dem Priest's House.
rdf:langString Ingalaterrako Sissinghursteko gaztelua Kent konderriko egoitza historikoa da, Canterburytik 40 km hego-mendebaldera. 1930. urtean, Vita Sackville-West-ek eta bere senarra Harold Nicolsonek eraiki zuten lorategiagatik ezaguna da. Gaur egun, Sissinghurst National Trust-en dago. Publikoarentzako erabilgarriak, urtean 160.000 bisitari baino gehiagorekin munduko lorategi ezagunenetako bat da. Etxebizitzak bost eraikin bereizi ditu: etxe nagusia, liburutegi luzea, dorrea (bikoitza), baserria eta apaizaren etxea (hegoaldean).
rdf:langString Le château de Sissinghurst en Angleterre est une résidence historique dans le comté du Kent, à environ 40 km au sud-ouest de Canterbury. Elle est célèbre par son jardin aménagé à partir de 1930 par Vita Sackville-West et son mari Harold Nicolson. Aujourd'hui, Sissinghurst appartient au National Trust. Accessible au public, il est, avec plus de 160 000 visiteurs par an, un des jardins les plus populaires du monde. L'habitation elle-même se compose de cinq bâtiments séparés : la maison principale, la longue bibliothèque, la tour (double), la maison de campagne et ainsi (au sud) que le Priest's House.
rdf:langString Sissinghurst Castle Garden, at Sissinghurst in the Weald of Kent in England, was created by Vita Sackville-West, poet and writer, and her husband Harold Nicolson, author and diplomat. It is among the most famous gardens in England and is designated Grade I on Historic England's register of historic parks and gardens. It was bought by Sackville-West in 1930, and over the next thirty years, working with, and later succeeded by, a series of notable head gardeners, she and Nicolson transformed a farmstead of "squalor and slovenly disorder" into one of the world's most influential gardens. Following Sackville-West's death in 1962, the estate was donated to the National Trust. It is one of the Trust's most popular properties, with nearly 200,000 visitors in 2017. The gardens contain an internationally respected plant collection, particularly the assemblage of old garden roses. The writer Anne Scott-James considered the roses at Sissinghurst to be "one of the finest collections in the world". A number of plants propagated in the gardens bear names related to people connected with Sissinghurst or the name of the garden itself. The garden design is based on axial walks that open onto enclosed gardens, termed "garden rooms", one of the earliest examples of this gardening style. Among the individual "garden rooms", the White Garden has been particularly influential, with the horticulturalist Tony Lord describing it as "the most ambitious ... of its time, the most entrancing of its type." The site of Sissinghurst is ancient and has been occupied since at least the Middle Ages. The present-day buildings began as a house built in the 1530s by Sir John Baker. In 1554 Sir John's daughter Cecily married Thomas Sackville, 1st Earl of Dorset, an ancestor of Vita Sackville-West. By the 18th century the Baker's fortunes had waned, and the house, renamed Sissinghurst Castle, was leased to the government to act as a prisoner-of-war camp during the Seven Years' War. The prisoners caused great damage and by the 19th century much of Sir Richard's house had been demolished. In the mid-19th century, the remaining buildings were in use as a workhouse, and by the 20th century Sissinghurst had declined to the status of a farmstead. In 1928 the castle was advertised for sale but remained unsold for two years. Sackville-West was born in 1892 at Knole, the ancestral home of the Sackvilles. But for her sex, Sackville-West would have inherited Knole on the death of her father in 1928. Instead, following primogeniture, the house and the title passed to her uncle, a loss she felt deeply. In 1930, after she and Nicolson became concerned that their home Long Barn was threatened by development, Sackville-West bought Sissinghurst Castle. On purchasing Sissinghurst, Sackville-West and Nicolson inherited little more than some oak and nut trees, a quince, and a single old rose. Sackville-West planted the noisette rose 'Madame Alfred Carrière' on the south face of the South Cottage even before the deeds to the property had been signed. Nicolson was largely responsible for planning the garden design, while Sackville-West undertook the planting. Over the next thirty years, working with her head gardeners, she cultivated some two hundred varieties of roses and large numbers of other flowers and shrubs. Decades after Sackville-West and Nicolson created "a garden where none was", Sissinghurst remains a major influence on horticultural thought and practice.
rdf:langString Il giardino del nel Kent (o meglio, "i giardini", poiché composto da più zone di giardino all'inglese, ognuna caratterizzata da un autonomo equilibrio formale ed estetico), nei pressi delle cittadine di Cranbrook, Goudhurst e Tenterden, è gestito e curato dal National Trust.
rdf:langString シシングハースト・カースル・ガーデン (Sissinghurst Castle Garden)は、イギリス、ケント州にある庭園。現在、ナショナル・トラストが所有し管理を行っている。
rdf:langString Sissinghurst Castle is een landgoed in het graafschap Kent waar Harold Nicolson en Vita Sackville-West een veertigtal jaren woonden. Vooral de geslaagde tuinaanleg maakt het landgoed bekend bij tuinliefhebbers.
rdf:langString O Jardim do Castelo de Sissinghurst situa-se perto de Cranbrook, Goudhurst e Tenterden, em Kent, e é propriedade do National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty. É um dos mais famosos jardins de Inglaterra, e um dos mais visitados.
rdf:langString Sissinghurst Castle Garden är en trädgårdsanläggning i byn Sissinghurst i grevskapet Kent i sydöstra England. Parken ligger nära Cranbrook och 70 km sydöst om London. Den anlades av författaren Vita Sackville-West och hennes make Harold Nicolson under 1930-talet och består av ett antal "rum" med olika karaktär. Ett av de mest berömda rummen är Vita trädgården som består av vitblommiga växter och prunkande grönska. Runt Sissinghurst Castle Garden är det ganska tätbefolkat, med 199 invånare per kvadratkilometer. Närmaste större samhälle är Maidstone, 17 km norr om Sissinghurst Castle Garden. Trakten runt Sissinghurst Castle Garden består till största delen av jordbruksmark.
xsd:date 1952-06-09
xsd:integer 1084163
rdf:langString Tower and Walls 30 yards East of the West Range at Sissinghurst Castle
xsd:date 1967-06-20
xsd:integer 1346286
rdf:langString The Priest's House at Sissinghurst Castle
xsd:date 1967-06-20
xsd:integer 1084164
rdf:langString The South Cottage
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 112884
<Geometry> POINT(0.58149999380112 51.115699768066)

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