Sikeston, Missouri,_Missouri an entity of type: Thing

Sikeston és una població dels Estats Units a l'estat de Missouri. Segons el cens del 2007 tenia una població de 17.180 habitants. rdf:langString
سيكستون (بالإنجليزية: Sikeston city, Missouri)‏ هي مدينة تقع بولاية ميزوري في الولايات المتحدة. تبلغ مساحتها 46.78 كم²، وترتفع عن سطح البحر 100 م، بلغ عدد سكانها 16,318 نسمة في عام 2010 حسب إحصاء مكتب تعداد الولايات المتحدة وتصل الكثافة السكانية فيها 348.8 نسمة لكل كيلومتر مربع (903.4/ميل2). rdf:langString
Sikeston ist eine Stadt mit 16.992 Einwohnern (2000) im Bundesstaat Missouri in den Vereinigten Staaten. Der Ort gehört, da auf der Grenze gelegen, zum Scott County und New Madrid County. rdf:langString
Sikeston Missourieko hiri bat da. New Madrid konderrian kokatua dago. 2010ean 16.318 biztanle zituen, 44,86 kilometro koadrotan banatuta. rdf:langString
Sikeston es una ciudad ubicada en el condado de Scott en el estado estadounidense de Misuri. En el Censo de 2010 tenía una población de 16318 habitantes y una densidad poblacional de 360,37 personas por km².​ rdf:langString
Sikeston est une ville du Missouri, dans les comtés de Scott et New Madrid. rdf:langString
Sikeston is een plaats (city) in de Amerikaanse staat Missouri, en valt bestuurlijk gezien onder New Madrid County en Scott County. rdf:langString
Sikeston (/ˈsaɪkstən/) è una centro abitato degli Stati Uniti d'America, situata sia nella contea di Scott meridionale, sia nella Contea di New Madrid, entrambe nel Missouri.Il nome della città deriva da John Sikes, che la fondò nel 1860. Secondo i dati del censimento del 2010, la città ha una popolazione di 16.318 abitanti. rdf:langString
Sikeston – miasto w Stanach Zjednoczonych, w stanie Missouri, w hrabstwie Scott i New Madrid. Jest położone tuż nad choć wielu mieszkańców uważa, że jest to rzeczywista część regionu. Sikeston na autostradze międzystanowej 55 jest blisko w połowie drogi pomiędzy St Louis i Memphis. Nazwa pochodzi od Johna Sikesa, który założył miasto w 1860 roku. Jest to główne miasto Sikeston Micropolitan Stastistical Area, który składa się z całego hrabstwa Scott, a jego ludność wynosi 41 143. W roku 2000 ludność miasta wynosiła 16 992. rdf:langString
Sikeston är en ort i New Madrid County, och Scott County i Missouri. Orten fick sitt namn efter grundaren John Sikes. Sikeston var av strategisk betydelse under amerikanska inbördeskriget och ockuperades av både nord- och stydstaterna i olika skeden av kriget. rdf:langString
Sikeston é uma cidade localizada no estado americano de Missouri, no Condado de New Madrid e Condado de Scott. rdf:langString
赛克斯顿(Sikeston)是位于美国密苏里州斯科特县和新马德里县的一座城市,人口约1.7万(2000年)。 rdf:langString
Сайкстон (англ. Sikeston) — місто (англ. city) в США, в округах Скотт і Нью-Мадрид штату Міссурі. Населення — 16 318 осіб (2010). rdf:langString
Sikeston /ˈsaɪkstən/ is a city located both in southern Scott County and northern New Madrid County, in the state of Missouri, United States. It is situated just north of the "Missouri Bootheel", although many locals consider Sikeston a part of it. By way of Interstate 55, Interstate 57, and U.S. Route 60, Sikeston is close to the halfway point between St. Louis and Memphis and three hours from Nashville. The city is named after John Sikes, who founded it in 1860. It is the principal city of the Sikeston Micropolitan Statistical Area, which consists of all of Scott County, and has a total population of 41,143. rdf:langString
rdf:langString سيكستون (ميزوري)
rdf:langString Sikeston
rdf:langString Sikeston
rdf:langString Sikeston (Misuri)
rdf:langString Sikeston (Missouri)
rdf:langString Sikeston
rdf:langString Sikeston
rdf:langString Sikeston, Missouri
rdf:langString Sikeston
rdf:langString Sikeston
rdf:langString Sikeston
rdf:langString Sikeston
rdf:langString Сайкстон (Міссурі)
rdf:langString 赛克斯顿 (密苏里州)
rdf:langString Sikeston, Missouri
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rdf:langString GNIS feature ID
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xsd:double 4.25
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rdf:langString Downtown Sikeston
rdf:langString Scott_County_Missouri_Incorporated_and_Unincorporated_areas_Sikeston_Highlighted.svg
rdf:langString Sikeston-downtown-area-mo.jpg
xsd:integer 250
xsd:double 44.2
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xsd:double 8.4
xsd:double 3.68
xsd:double 0.3
xsd:double 91.40000000000001
xsd:double 70.7
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xsd:double 88.8
xsd:double 67.90000000000001
xsd:double 8.4
xsd:double 4.26
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rdf:langString Greg Turnbow
rdf:langString Mayor
rdf:langString * Baker School was located on State Highway Y near Salcedo. * Boardman School was located near State Highway H and Scott County Highway 529, consolidated with Blodgett. * Chaney School was located on State Highway HH a mile from U.S. Highway 61. * Claypool School was located at the corner of Scott County Highway 448 and Scott County Highway 405, absorbed by Blodgett around 1922. * Crowder School was located near the community of Crowder on State Highway Z. * Dunaver School was located at the corner of Scott County Highway 541 and U.S. Highway 62. * Fairview School was located on U.S. Highway 61 about 1 mile south of U.S. Highway 60. * Greer School was located about 1 mile from State Highway BB, absorbed by Sikeston around 1946. * Hunter School was located near U.S. Highway 61. * Lemons School was located near Scott County Highway 511 and Scott County Highway 506. * Lennox School was located at the corner of Scott County Highway 450 and Scott County Highway 453. * McMullin School was located on Scott County Highway 450 near U.S. Highway 61. * Miner School was located on State Highway HH. * Morehouse High School was absorbed by Sikeston around 1968. * Mounds School was located at the corner of State Highway O and Scott County Highway 530, absorbed by Diehlstadt in 1922. * Pheasant Valley School was located on State Highway H, absorbed by Blodgett in 1922. * Sand Prairie School was located near County Highway 446. * Stringer School was located near State Highway Y. * Tanner School was located near the community of Tanner until it burned in 1947 and was consolidated with Sikeston around 1948. * White Oak School was located on Scott County Highway 524, absorbed by Blodgett in 1922.
rdf:langString Sikeston, Missouri
rdf:langString Location of Sikeston, Missouri
xsd:double 59.2
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xsd:double 4.2
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xsd:double 3.57
xsd:integer 0
rdf:langString Sikeston, Missouri
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rdf:langString green
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xsd:double 60.2
xsd:double 6.2
xsd:double 3.21
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rdf:langString Y
rdf:langString United States
rdf:langString CDT
rdf:langString Historic area public schools
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rdf:langString Imperial
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xsd:string 36.879444444444445 -89.58527777777778
rdf:langString Sikeston
rdf:langString Sikeston és una població dels Estats Units a l'estat de Missouri. Segons el cens del 2007 tenia una població de 17.180 habitants.
rdf:langString سيكستون (بالإنجليزية: Sikeston city, Missouri)‏ هي مدينة تقع بولاية ميزوري في الولايات المتحدة. تبلغ مساحتها 46.78 كم²، وترتفع عن سطح البحر 100 م، بلغ عدد سكانها 16,318 نسمة في عام 2010 حسب إحصاء مكتب تعداد الولايات المتحدة وتصل الكثافة السكانية فيها 348.8 نسمة لكل كيلومتر مربع (903.4/ميل2).
rdf:langString Sikeston ist eine Stadt mit 16.992 Einwohnern (2000) im Bundesstaat Missouri in den Vereinigten Staaten. Der Ort gehört, da auf der Grenze gelegen, zum Scott County und New Madrid County.
rdf:langString Sikeston Missourieko hiri bat da. New Madrid konderrian kokatua dago. 2010ean 16.318 biztanle zituen, 44,86 kilometro koadrotan banatuta.
rdf:langString Sikeston es una ciudad ubicada en el condado de Scott en el estado estadounidense de Misuri. En el Censo de 2010 tenía una población de 16318 habitantes y una densidad poblacional de 360,37 personas por km².​
rdf:langString Sikeston est une ville du Missouri, dans les comtés de Scott et New Madrid.
rdf:langString Sikeston /ˈsaɪkstən/ is a city located both in southern Scott County and northern New Madrid County, in the state of Missouri, United States. It is situated just north of the "Missouri Bootheel", although many locals consider Sikeston a part of it. By way of Interstate 55, Interstate 57, and U.S. Route 60, Sikeston is close to the halfway point between St. Louis and Memphis and three hours from Nashville. The city is named after John Sikes, who founded it in 1860. It is the principal city of the Sikeston Micropolitan Statistical Area, which consists of all of Scott County, and has a total population of 41,143. As of the 2010 census, the city population was 16,318, making it the fourth-most populous city in Missouri's 8th Congressional district behind Cape Girardeau, Rolla, and Poplar Bluff and just ahead of Farmington. Before the 2010 census, it had been the second-most populous city in the district.
rdf:langString Sikeston is een plaats (city) in de Amerikaanse staat Missouri, en valt bestuurlijk gezien onder New Madrid County en Scott County.
rdf:langString Sikeston (/ˈsaɪkstən/) è una centro abitato degli Stati Uniti d'America, situata sia nella contea di Scott meridionale, sia nella Contea di New Madrid, entrambe nel Missouri.Il nome della città deriva da John Sikes, che la fondò nel 1860. Secondo i dati del censimento del 2010, la città ha una popolazione di 16.318 abitanti.
rdf:langString Sikeston – miasto w Stanach Zjednoczonych, w stanie Missouri, w hrabstwie Scott i New Madrid. Jest położone tuż nad choć wielu mieszkańców uważa, że jest to rzeczywista część regionu. Sikeston na autostradze międzystanowej 55 jest blisko w połowie drogi pomiędzy St Louis i Memphis. Nazwa pochodzi od Johna Sikesa, który założył miasto w 1860 roku. Jest to główne miasto Sikeston Micropolitan Stastistical Area, który składa się z całego hrabstwa Scott, a jego ludność wynosi 41 143. W roku 2000 ludność miasta wynosiła 16 992.
rdf:langString Sikeston är en ort i New Madrid County, och Scott County i Missouri. Orten fick sitt namn efter grundaren John Sikes. Sikeston var av strategisk betydelse under amerikanska inbördeskriget och ockuperades av både nord- och stydstaterna i olika skeden av kriget.
rdf:langString Sikeston é uma cidade localizada no estado americano de Missouri, no Condado de New Madrid e Condado de Scott.
rdf:langString 赛克斯顿(Sikeston)是位于美国密苏里州斯科特县和新马德里县的一座城市,人口约1.7万(2000年)。
rdf:langString Сайкстон (англ. Sikeston) — місто (англ. city) в США, в округах Скотт і Нью-Мадрид штату Міссурі. Населення — 16 318 осіб (2010).
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rdf:langString −12
xsd:double 0.4
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rdf:langString −12
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rdf:langString −10
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xsd:integer 0
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<inhabitantsPerSquareKilometre> 367.01
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data from the linked data cloud