Shura-e Nazar an entity of type: WikicatAnti-SovietFactionsInTheSoviet-AfghanWar
Shura-e Nazar est le nom d'une alliance créée entre les différents commandants moujahidines à la fin des années 1980, et dirigée par le commandant Ahmad Shah Massoud jusqu'à son assassinat le 9 septembre 2001. On le considère aujourd'hui comme une alliance politique et militaire d'anciens commandants du Front Uni et de hauts fonctionnaires (la plupart du Jamiat-e Islami) dirigés par le ministre de la défense Fahim, le ministre de l'éducation Qanooni, et le ministre des affaires étrangères Abdullah. Beaucoup d'Afghans considèrent les membres du Jamaat-e Islami et du Nahzat-e Mille, ainsi que d'autres groupes alliés, comme faisant partie du Shura-e Nazar.
The Shura-e Nazar (Persian: شوراء نظار) (known as the Supervisory Council of the North) was created by Ahmad Shah Massoud in 1984 at the northern provinces of Takhar, Badakhshan, Balkh and Kunduz, during the Soviet-Afghan War. It comprised and united about 130 resistance commanders from 12 northern, eastern and central regions of Afghanistan. Though operating autonomously, Shura-e Nazar was technically an offshoot of Rabbani's Jamiat-e Islami and hence operated within the framework of the Peshawar Seven against the Soviet-supported Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.
O Shura-e Nazar (em farsi: شوراء نظار, conhecido como Conselho de Supervisão do Norte) foi criado por Ahmad Shah Massoud em 1984 e operou nas províncias do norte do Afeganistão em Takhar, Badaquistão, Bactro e Kunduz, durante a invasão soviética do Afeganistão. Compreendeu e uniu cerca de 130 comandantes de resistência de 12 regiões do norte, leste e centro do Afeganistão. Embora operando de forma autônoma, Shura-e Nazar era tecnicamente uma ramificação do Jamiat-e Islami de Burhanuddin Rabbani e, portanto, operava no âmbito dos Sete de Peshawar contra a República Democrática do Afeganistão apoiada pelos soviéticos.
Shura-e Nazar
Syura-e Nazar
Shura-e Nazar
Shura-e Nazar
Shura-e Nazar
Major resistance forces against the Soviets 1985
December 2021
January 2018
February 2018
Supervisory Council led by Ahmad Shah Massoud and including 130 local commanders
- - - Hezb-e Islami Gulbuddin - Taliban - Al-Qaeda
The film on youtube does not mention Shura-e Nazar
There's no source defining Shura-e Nazar
What on earth is a “supervisory council” anyway ? What does it mean: “technically an offshoot…”? They were “autonomous”, but what did they really DO/’operate’?
guest paid
Shura-e Nazar est le nom d'une alliance créée entre les différents commandants moujahidines à la fin des années 1980, et dirigée par le commandant Ahmad Shah Massoud jusqu'à son assassinat le 9 septembre 2001. On le considère aujourd'hui comme une alliance politique et militaire d'anciens commandants du Front Uni et de hauts fonctionnaires (la plupart du Jamiat-e Islami) dirigés par le ministre de la défense Fahim, le ministre de l'éducation Qanooni, et le ministre des affaires étrangères Abdullah. Beaucoup d'Afghans considèrent les membres du Jamaat-e Islami et du Nahzat-e Mille, ainsi que d'autres groupes alliés, comme faisant partie du Shura-e Nazar.
The Shura-e Nazar (Persian: شوراء نظار) (known as the Supervisory Council of the North) was created by Ahmad Shah Massoud in 1984 at the northern provinces of Takhar, Badakhshan, Balkh and Kunduz, during the Soviet-Afghan War. It comprised and united about 130 resistance commanders from 12 northern, eastern and central regions of Afghanistan. Though operating autonomously, Shura-e Nazar was technically an offshoot of Rabbani's Jamiat-e Islami and hence operated within the framework of the Peshawar Seven against the Soviet-supported Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. Although many of the SCN leaders were affiliates of Rabbani's Jamiat-e-Islami, the SCN established deep ties with local communities and ran its affairs independently from the Jamiat leadership, based in Pakistan. Many former SCN commanders and fighters continue to exert influence and power at various levels throughout the Northern provinces.
O Shura-e Nazar (em farsi: شوراء نظار, conhecido como Conselho de Supervisão do Norte) foi criado por Ahmad Shah Massoud em 1984 e operou nas províncias do norte do Afeganistão em Takhar, Badaquistão, Bactro e Kunduz, durante a invasão soviética do Afeganistão. Compreendeu e uniu cerca de 130 comandantes de resistência de 12 regiões do norte, leste e centro do Afeganistão. Embora operando de forma autônoma, Shura-e Nazar era tecnicamente uma ramificação do Jamiat-e Islami de Burhanuddin Rabbani e, portanto, operava no âmbito dos Sete de Peshawar contra a República Democrática do Afeganistão apoiada pelos soviéticos. Embora muitos dos líderes do Shura-e Nazar fossem afiliados do Jamiat-e-Islami, o grupo estabeleceu vínculos profundos com as comunidades locais e dirigiu seus assuntos independentemente da liderança do Jamiat, sediado no Paquistão. Muitos ex-comandantes e combatentes do Shura-e Nazar continuam a exercer influência e poder em vários níveis nas províncias do norte.