Shun Fujimoto an entity of type: Thing
Shun Fujimoto (Japón, 11 de mayo de 1950) es un gimnasta artístico japonés, campeón olímpico en 1976 en el concurso por equipos.
Shun Fujimoto (Hiroshima (prefectuur), 11 mei 1950) is een Japans turner. Fujimoto nam deel aan de Olympische Zomerspelen 1976, tijdens zijn vloeroefening brak hij zijn knie maar hij turnde door en haalde met een gebroken knie een 9,5 op het paard voltige en een 9,7 aan de ringen. Na zijn ringoefening werd door artsen verboden om verder te turnen. Uiteindelijk won Fujimoto met de Japanse ploeg de gouden medaille met een voorsprong van 0,4 punt op de Sovjet-Unie.
藤本 俊(ふじもと しゅん、1950年5月11日 - )は、元体操競技選手、山梨大学教授。1976年モントリオールオリンピック体操男子団体金メダリスト。
Shun Fujimoto född den 11 maj 1950 i Hiroshima, Japan, är en japansk gymnast. Han tog OS-guld i lagmångkampen i samband med de olympiska gymnastiktävlingarna 1976 i Montréal.
Сун Фудзимото (яп. 藤本 俊, англ. Shun Fujimoto; род. 1950) — японский гимнаст, олимпийский чемпион.
藤本俊(日语:藤本 俊/ふじもと しゅん Fujimoto Shun,1950年5月11日-),生于广岛县,日本男子竞技体操运动员,毕业于日本体育大学。他曾获得1976年夏季奥运会体操比赛男子团体全能金牌。
Shun Fujimoto (藤本 俊, Fujimoto Shun), né le 11 mai 1950, est un ancien gymnaste japonais. Il participa aux Jeux olympiques d'été de 1976, sa première et dernière participation aux Jeux olympiques. Il y remporta une médaille d'or au concours général par équipes.
Shun Fujimoto (藤本 俊, Fujimoto Shun, born May 11, 1950) is a retired Japanese gymnast. He represented Japan at the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal, where he won gold in the team competition. Fujimoto won fame by continuing to compete in the team event right after severely injuring his right knee during his floor exercise. He scored 9.5 on the pommel horse and 9.7 on the still rings with the badly damaged knee, dismounting from the rings from eight feet above ground and keeping his balance after landing on his feet. One source has described the scene thus: that he "raised his arms in a perfect finish before collapsing in agony". That account, however, is erroneous.
Shun Fujimoto [em japonês 藤本 俊|Fujimoto Shun] (11 de Maio de 1950) é um ex-ginasta japonês, campeão olímpico por equipes nos Jogos Olímpicos de Montreal-76. É considerado um dos maiores heróis esportivos já produzidos, uma vez que, por conta da impossibilidade de ser substituido, teve de competir com uma perna quebrada e um joelho deslocado, e ajudou a equipe japonesa a conquistar a medalha de ouro olímpica.
Shun Fujimoto
Shun Fujimoto
Shun Fujimoto
Shun Fujimoto
Shun Fujimoto
Фудзимото, Сун
Shun Fujimoto
Shun Fujimoto
Shun Fujimoto
Shun Fujimoto (Japón, 11 de mayo de 1950) es un gimnasta artístico japonés, campeón olímpico en 1976 en el concurso por equipos.
Shun Fujimoto (藤本 俊, Fujimoto Shun), né le 11 mai 1950, est un ancien gymnaste japonais. Il participa aux Jeux olympiques d'été de 1976, sa première et dernière participation aux Jeux olympiques. Il y remporta une médaille d'or au concours général par équipes. Il acquit une certaine célébrité en continuant à participer aux épreuves du concours par équipes juste après s'être brisé le genou pendant l'épreuve au sol. Il obtint un score de 9,5 au cheval d'arçon et de 9,7 sur les anneaux avec un genou cassé, terminant cette dernière en lâchant les anneaux deux mètres et demi au-dessus du sol, atterrissant sur ses deux pieds et maintenant son équilibre. Il « leva les bras, une finition parfaite, avant de s’effondrer, agonisant ». Son atterrissage avait aggravé sa blessure, déboîtant sa rotule brisée et déchirant les ligaments de sa jambre droite. L'équipe médicale lui ordonna de se retirer de la compétition, pour éviter une infirmité permanente. L'un des médecins déclara : « Je ne comprends pas comment il a pu faire des roulades et se tordre et atterrir sans s’écrouler en hurlant ». Fujimoto expliqua qu'il n'avait pas voulu abandonner son équipe en révélant sa blessure. En menant à bien les épreuves du cheval d'arçon et des anneaux, il permit à son équipe de remporter la médaille d'or, devançant l'équipe soviétique par 0,4 point. Lorsqu'il lui fut demandé, plus tard, s'il serait prêt à refaire la même chose, Fujimoto répondit sans hésiter que non.
Shun Fujimoto (藤本 俊, Fujimoto Shun, born May 11, 1950) is a retired Japanese gymnast. He represented Japan at the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal, where he won gold in the team competition. Fujimoto won fame by continuing to compete in the team event right after severely injuring his right knee during his floor exercise. He scored 9.5 on the pommel horse and 9.7 on the still rings with the badly damaged knee, dismounting from the rings from eight feet above ground and keeping his balance after landing on his feet. One source has described the scene thus: that he "raised his arms in a perfect finish before collapsing in agony". That account, however, is erroneous. Video of Fujimoto’s rings routine, including the dismount and immediate aftermath, is easily accessible on the internet, and it is unambiguously clear that, despite the physical agony of performing his routine and landing, he did not collapse after completing his dismount. Instead, immediately upon his landing, as Fujimoto’s knees bent to absorb the shock, his right knee started to give way, wobbling and almost collapsing. But he controlled his balance, taking a very slight hop on his left foot, bringing his feet together, straightening his legs and body to a fully upright position, and raising his arms to complete the landing posture. He then turned and walked from the apparatus, and down the steps from the competition platform. He was limping markedly, but made it back to his seat without ever collapsing. Nevertheless, the dismount aggravated his already serious injury, dislocating his broken kneecap and tearing ligaments in his right leg. Doctors ordered him to withdraw from further competition or risk permanent disability. One doctor stated: "How he managed to do somersaults and twists and land without collapsing in screams is beyond my comprehension." Fujimoto stated that he had not wanted to let his team down by revealing his injury. His completing of the pommel horse and rings events enabled the team to win gold, defeating the team from the Soviet Union by a narrow margin. Later, when asked whether he would do what he did again, he replied frankly, "No, I would not." Fujimoto's performing in spite of serious injury was humorously alluded to in The Simpsons episode, "Lisa's First Word". In 2017, Fujimoto was inducted into the International Gymnastics Hall of Fame.
Shun Fujimoto (Hiroshima (prefectuur), 11 mei 1950) is een Japans turner. Fujimoto nam deel aan de Olympische Zomerspelen 1976, tijdens zijn vloeroefening brak hij zijn knie maar hij turnde door en haalde met een gebroken knie een 9,5 op het paard voltige en een 9,7 aan de ringen. Na zijn ringoefening werd door artsen verboden om verder te turnen. Uiteindelijk won Fujimoto met de Japanse ploeg de gouden medaille met een voorsprong van 0,4 punt op de Sovjet-Unie.
藤本 俊(ふじもと しゅん、1950年5月11日 - )は、元体操競技選手、山梨大学教授。1976年モントリオールオリンピック体操男子団体金メダリスト。
Shun Fujimoto [em japonês 藤本 俊|Fujimoto Shun] (11 de Maio de 1950) é um ex-ginasta japonês, campeão olímpico por equipes nos Jogos Olímpicos de Montreal-76. É considerado um dos maiores heróis esportivos já produzidos, uma vez que, por conta da impossibilidade de ser substituido, teve de competir com uma perna quebrada e um joelho deslocado, e ajudou a equipe japonesa a conquistar a medalha de ouro olímpica. Ao ser entrevistado após a conquista, Fujimoto deu a seguinte declaração:"Sim, a dor atravessou o meu corpo como uma faca. Ela trouxe lágrimas aos meus olhos. Mas agora eu tenho a medalha de ouro...e a dor se foi."
Shun Fujimoto född den 11 maj 1950 i Hiroshima, Japan, är en japansk gymnast. Han tog OS-guld i lagmångkampen i samband med de olympiska gymnastiktävlingarna 1976 i Montréal.
Сун Фудзимото (яп. 藤本 俊, англ. Shun Fujimoto; род. 1950) — японский гимнаст, олимпийский чемпион.
藤本俊(日语:藤本 俊/ふじもと しゅん Fujimoto Shun,1950年5月11日-),生于广岛县,日本男子竞技体操运动员,毕业于日本体育大学。他曾获得1976年夏季奥运会体操比赛男子团体全能金牌。