Shoe leather cost
Metaphorically, shoe leather cost is the cost of time and effort (or opportunity costs of time and effort) that people expend by holding less cash in order to reduce the inflation tax that they pay on cash holdings when there is high inflation. These costs include, having to make additional trips to the bank, not being able to make change, or not being able to make unexpected purchases. The term comes from the fact that more walking is required (historically, although the rise of the Internet has reduced it) to go to the bank and get cash and spend it, thus wearing out shoes more quickly. A significant cost of reducing money holdings is the additional time and convenience that must be sacrificed to keep less money on hand than would be required if there were less or no inflation.
구두창 비용은 인플레이션 상황에서 화폐를 덜 보유하기 위해 드는 비용이다. 인플레이션 상황에서는 임금, 상품 값을 자국 화폐로 받았을 때 화폐의 가치가 계속 떨어지기 때문에, 현물 또는 외화로 가지고 있는 것이 유리하다.
Unter dem Schuhsohleneffekt oder auch Schuhsohlenkosten versteht man in der Volkswirtschaftslehre die Verschwendung von Ressourcen durch die Verringerung der Kassenhaltung bei einer Inflation. Der Name des Effekts leitet sich von der Vorstellung ab, dass durch häufige Wege zur Bank zur Verringerung der Kassenhaltung die Schuhsohlen rascher abgelaufen werden. Gemeint sind jedoch insbesondere die Kosten, die durch die Nachteile einer geringeren Bargeldhaltung entstehen.
구두창 비용
Shoe leather cost
Unter dem Schuhsohleneffekt oder auch Schuhsohlenkosten versteht man in der Volkswirtschaftslehre die Verschwendung von Ressourcen durch die Verringerung der Kassenhaltung bei einer Inflation. Der Name des Effekts leitet sich von der Vorstellung ab, dass durch häufige Wege zur Bank zur Verringerung der Kassenhaltung die Schuhsohlen rascher abgelaufen werden. Gemeint sind jedoch insbesondere die Kosten, die durch die Nachteile einer geringeren Bargeldhaltung entstehen. Die Schuhsohlenkosten sind ein Beispiel für die Kosten einer erwarteten Inflation. Ein anderes bekanntes Beispiel ist der Speisekarteneffekt, bei dem Kosten durch das Anpassen von Preisen entstehen, infolge einer Inflation.
Metaphorically, shoe leather cost is the cost of time and effort (or opportunity costs of time and effort) that people expend by holding less cash in order to reduce the inflation tax that they pay on cash holdings when there is high inflation. These costs include, having to make additional trips to the bank, not being able to make change, or not being able to make unexpected purchases. The term comes from the fact that more walking is required (historically, although the rise of the Internet has reduced it) to go to the bank and get cash and spend it, thus wearing out shoes more quickly. A significant cost of reducing money holdings is the additional time and convenience that must be sacrificed to keep less money on hand than would be required if there were less or no inflation.
구두창 비용은 인플레이션 상황에서 화폐를 덜 보유하기 위해 드는 비용이다. 인플레이션 상황에서는 임금, 상품 값을 자국 화폐로 받았을 때 화폐의 가치가 계속 떨어지기 때문에, 현물 또는 외화로 가지고 있는 것이 유리하다.