Shanghai Fugu Agreement an entity of type: Abstraction100002137
Das Shanghaier Kugelfischabkommen ist eine fiktive internationale Übereinkunft, die, als Scherz gedacht, auf Initiative der Partei „Die Grünen“ am 4. Juni 1984 in die Tolerierungsvereinbarung zur Bildung der ersten rot-grünen Landesregierung in Hessen aufgenommen wurde.
The Shanghai Fugu Agreement (German: Shanghaier Kugelfisch-Abkommen) is a fictional document and was referred to in a successful 1984 political prank played on the Social Democrats in the German state of Hesse. In this agreement it is stated: "Die Fälle der Koppelung von Arbeits- und Aufenthaltserlaubnis werden übereinstimmend als erledigt betrachtet (Shanghaier Kugelfischabkommen vom 3.11.1974)." (page 108, section 2.4; engl. "The cases of coupling work and residence permits are considered to be resolved (Shanghai Fugu Agreement of 3.11.1974).")
Shanghaier Kugelfischabkommen
Shanghai Fugu Agreement
Das Shanghaier Kugelfischabkommen ist eine fiktive internationale Übereinkunft, die, als Scherz gedacht, auf Initiative der Partei „Die Grünen“ am 4. Juni 1984 in die Tolerierungsvereinbarung zur Bildung der ersten rot-grünen Landesregierung in Hessen aufgenommen wurde.
The Shanghai Fugu Agreement (German: Shanghaier Kugelfisch-Abkommen) is a fictional document and was referred to in a successful 1984 political prank played on the Social Democrats in the German state of Hesse. In 1984 the new Green Party prepared to enter into a German state government for the first time in its history. The first Green cabinet minister in German history was going to be Joschka Fischer who later became minister of Foreign Affairs in the German Federal Government under Chancellor Gerhard Schröder. The 1984 Hesse coalition under minister-president Holger Börner was to be based on an official policy agreement negotiated by both parties. In this agreement it is stated: "Die Fälle der Koppelung von Arbeits- und Aufenthaltserlaubnis werden übereinstimmend als erledigt betrachtet (Shanghaier Kugelfischabkommen vom 3.11.1974)." (page 108, section 2.4; engl. "The cases of coupling work and residence permits are considered to be resolved (Shanghai Fugu Agreement of 3.11.1974).") Later, the Green party provided an explanation how this text found its way into the official document: During a final night session of the negotiations the Greens presented a demand that Hesse join the "Shanghai Fugu Agreement". This was accepted by their tired Social Democratic counterparts and became official state policy. The Greens argued that the fugu fish were well known to be a dangerous delicacy requiring specialized chefs who mostly came from Asia. Due to expanding restrictions on work permits restaurants had found it difficult to employ such specialists. The "Shanghai Fugu Agreement" was supposed to provide special regulations for certified fugu chefs internationally. It is actually true that chefs in Japan must have certification to handle the fish. However, the agreement was absolutely fictional, as fugu is not served in Germany at all. However, neither was it discovered to be a joke by the Social Democrats during the nightly negotiations, nor later by civil servants or the press who went through the coalition contracts. It took years before the Agreement was revealed to be a joke.