Sexuality and gender identity-based cultures

Queerkultur används som samlingsbegrepp för kulturella uttryck som avfärdar, dekonstruerar eller förhåller sig kritiska till heteronormativitet. Queerkulturen kan behandla frågeställning kring homo- och bisexualitet, transvestitism och transsexualitet, polyamori med mera. rdf:langString
酷儿文化是指酷儿人群通过他们相同的性取向实现的对他们文化、知识的传承。 这个概念是有争议性的。认为太多的酷儿并不参加到酷儿文化中以至于这个概念变得没有意义,或认为酷儿文化成为了老套。 认为酷儿文化是不可否认的事实,以及/或它组成了一个拥有共同理解和历史的酷儿群体(Queer nation)的基础。 酷儿文化包括很多元素,例如: * 酷儿名人的作品(例如米开朗基罗、奥斯卡·王尔德、莎孚(Sappho)、格特鲁德·斯坦(Gertrude Stein)等等) * 同性恋权利运动历史的理解 * 对同性恋固定形象相关讽刺性的认识 * 流行文化形象中的酷儿或有传统意义上支持酷儿的人(例如迪斯科(disco)、麦当娜(Madonna)、茱蒂·嘉蘭(Judy Garland)、女神卡卡(Lady Gaga)等等) * 与酷儿生活有关的艺术作品、文学、电影等等 * 在酷儿社区中的身份和特征,例如同性恋镇等等 酷儿社区组织了一系列的活动来庆祝酷儿文化,例如骄傲游行。最重大的一项是同志运动会。 rdf:langString
Sexuality and gender identity-based cultures are subcultures and communities composed of people who have shared experiences, backgrounds, or interests due to common sexual or gender identities. Among the first to argue that members of sexual minorities can also constitute cultural minorities were Adolf Brand, Magnus Hirschfeld, and Leontine Sagan in Germany. These pioneers were later followed by the Mattachine Society and the Daughters of Bilitis in the United States. rdf:langString
La cultura basata sul genere e sull'identità sessuale è una subcultura e comunità composta da persone che dividono esperienze (attuali e/o pregresse) o interessi in virtù di una comune identità sessuale o di genere. Tra i primi a discutere riguardo alla possibilità che membri di minoranze sessuali possano costituire minoranze culturali ci furono Adolf Brand, Magnus Hirschfeld e Leontine Sagan in Germania, i quali vennero poi seguiti negli Stati Uniti dalla Mattachine Society e dai Daughters of Bilitis. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Sexuality and gender identity-based cultures
rdf:langString Cultura basata sul genere e sull'identità sessuale
rdf:langString Queerkultur
rdf:langString 酷儿文化
xsd:integer 68264
xsd:integer 1119352900
rdf:langString April 2020
rdf:langString Extremely confusing, bordering on word-salad in last sentence
rdf:langString Sexuality and gender identity-based cultures are subcultures and communities composed of people who have shared experiences, backgrounds, or interests due to common sexual or gender identities. Among the first to argue that members of sexual minorities can also constitute cultural minorities were Adolf Brand, Magnus Hirschfeld, and Leontine Sagan in Germany. These pioneers were later followed by the Mattachine Society and the Daughters of Bilitis in the United States. Not all persons of various gender and sexual orientations identify or affiliate with a particular subculture. Reasons include geographic distance, unawareness of the subculture's existence, fear of social stigma, or personal preference to remain unidentified with sexuality- or gender-based subcultures or communities. Some have suggested that the identities defined by the Western heterosexualized cultures are based on sexuality, have serious flaws, and often leave no space for the public to discuss these flaws of gender and sexuality. This leaves many rejecting these identities in large numbers, often while disowning their own sexual needs and possibly subjecting them to be classified under what they may consider misclassified sexual identities.
rdf:langString La cultura basata sul genere e sull'identità sessuale è una subcultura e comunità composta da persone che dividono esperienze (attuali e/o pregresse) o interessi in virtù di una comune identità sessuale o di genere. Tra i primi a discutere riguardo alla possibilità che membri di minoranze sessuali possano costituire minoranze culturali ci furono Adolf Brand, Magnus Hirschfeld e Leontine Sagan in Germania, i quali vennero poi seguiti negli Stati Uniti dalla Mattachine Society e dai Daughters of Bilitis. Non tutte le persone con varie preferenze sessuali e di genere si identificano o affiliano con una subcultura; tale decisione può essere data da motivi di distanza geografica, ignoranza della sua esistenza, paura dello stigma sociale, o mera preferenza personale di restare non identificato.
rdf:langString Queerkultur används som samlingsbegrepp för kulturella uttryck som avfärdar, dekonstruerar eller förhåller sig kritiska till heteronormativitet. Queerkulturen kan behandla frågeställning kring homo- och bisexualitet, transvestitism och transsexualitet, polyamori med mera.
rdf:langString 酷儿文化是指酷儿人群通过他们相同的性取向实现的对他们文化、知识的传承。 这个概念是有争议性的。认为太多的酷儿并不参加到酷儿文化中以至于这个概念变得没有意义,或认为酷儿文化成为了老套。 认为酷儿文化是不可否认的事实,以及/或它组成了一个拥有共同理解和历史的酷儿群体(Queer nation)的基础。 酷儿文化包括很多元素,例如: * 酷儿名人的作品(例如米开朗基罗、奥斯卡·王尔德、莎孚(Sappho)、格特鲁德·斯坦(Gertrude Stein)等等) * 同性恋权利运动历史的理解 * 对同性恋固定形象相关讽刺性的认识 * 流行文化形象中的酷儿或有传统意义上支持酷儿的人(例如迪斯科(disco)、麦当娜(Madonna)、茱蒂·嘉蘭(Judy Garland)、女神卡卡(Lady Gaga)等等) * 与酷儿生活有关的艺术作品、文学、电影等等 * 在酷儿社区中的身份和特征,例如同性恋镇等等 酷儿社区组织了一系列的活动来庆祝酷儿文化,例如骄傲游行。最重大的一项是同志运动会。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 15865

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