Senior secondary education
The senior secondary years are the years of later adolescence corresponding to the later part of secondary education. Although definitions vary, the senior secondary years are sometimes defined as being from approximately age 15 to age 18. The term generally includes eleventh grade and twelfth grade, and may sometimes also include tenth grade. The senior secondary years often involve a difficult transition from the world of the child to that of the adult. In many countries, school attendance is no longer compulsory in the senior secondary years.
Senior secondary education
The senior secondary years are the years of later adolescence corresponding to the later part of secondary education. Although definitions vary, the senior secondary years are sometimes defined as being from approximately age 15 to age 18. The term generally includes eleventh grade and twelfth grade, and may sometimes also include tenth grade. The senior secondary years often involve a difficult transition from the world of the child to that of the adult. In many countries, school attendance is no longer compulsory in the senior secondary years. The term "senior secondary" may also be used to refer to any institution that covers the upper part of secondary education, such as the High School in all National and State Boards in India and also as the Junior College in some State Boards in India.