Senedd building an entity of type: Thing

Le Senedd (littéralement le « Sénat » ou le « Parlement » en gallois), anciennement surnommé « le bâtiment de l’Assemblée » (de l’anglais Assembly building), est le siège du Parlement gallois. Situé à Cardiff Bay et à proximité immédiate du (en), il est construit à partir de 2001 et inauguré par Élisabeth II le 1er mars 2006. Le Senedd contient la chambre de délibérations du Parlement (anciennement nommé assemblée nationale), le Siambr (littéralement « la Chambre »), et trois chambres de commissions parlementaires (committee rooms). Le bâtiment, avec Pierhead et Tŷ Hywel, fait partie du domaine du Parlement. rdf:langString
L'edificio del Senedd (pronuncia gallese [sɛnɛð]. lett. "parlamento") ospita la camera dei dibattiti e tre sale per le commissioni del Parlamento gallese a Cardiff. La costruzione del Senedd occupa una superficie di 5.308 metri quadrati ed è stata inaugurata con la presenza dalla regina Elisabetta II il 1º marzo 2006. Il costo totale dell'opera è stato di 69,6 milioni di sterline, che comprendevano 49,7 milioni di sterline per i costi di costruzione. L'edificio è stato progettato da Richard Rogers e realizzato dalla Arup. rdf:langString
威爾士議會大廈,又称为希内德楼(英語:Senedd building、威爾斯語:Senedd)是威爾士議會的辦公場所之一,位於威爾士首府加迪夫,面積5,308平方米(57,100平方英尺)。這座建築開工於2001年3月1日,由英國女王伊麗莎白二世在2006年3月1日揭幕,修建總共耗資6,960萬英鎊。威爾士議會大廈、霍威楼及皮爾海德大樓共同組成了威爾士議會的办公地点。 rdf:langString
مبنى البرلمان "بالويلزية: "sɛnɛð" في كارديف، يتكون من غرفة مناظرات وغرف مجلس الشيوخ (برلمان المملكة المتحدة، بالويلزية: البرلمان، سابقاً الجمعية الوطنية لويلز). افتتحت الملكة اليزابيث مبنى البرلمان "حوالي 5308 متر مربع، (57000 قدم مربع)" بتاريخ 1 مارس 2006، يوم القدّيس ديفيد. تُقدّر التكلفة الكلية له حوالي 69.6 مليون جنيه إسترليني، من ضمنها حوالي 49.7 مليون جنيه إسترليني تكلفة مرحلة البناء. rdf:langString
The Senedd building (Welsh pronunciation: [ˈsɛnɛð]) in Cardiff houses the debating chamber and three committee rooms of the Senedd (Welsh Parliament; Welsh: Senedd Cymru, formerly the National Assembly for Wales). The 5,308-square-metre (57,100 sq ft) Senedd building was opened by Queen Elizabeth II on 1 March 2006, Saint David's Day, and the total cost was £69.6 million, which included £49.7 million in construction costs. The Senedd building is part of the Senedd estate that includes Tŷ Hywel and the Pierhead Building. rdf:langString
rdf:langString مبنى برلمان ويلز
rdf:langString Senedd (bâtiment)
rdf:langString Senedd
rdf:langString Senedd building
rdf:langString 威爾士議會大廈
rdf:langString Senedd building
rdf:langString Senedd building
xsd:float 51.46390151977539
xsd:float -3.162100076675415
xsd:integer 4215367
xsd:integer 1123533567
rdf:langString Welsh Parliament, Cardiff Bay, CARDIFF CF99 1SN
rdf:langString left
rdf:langString right
<second> 1970.0
rdf:langString Dark image with light coming from a circular opening at the top of the funnel
rdf:langString Neoclassical building
rdf:langString Victorian red brick building with clock tower to the right
rdf:langString Two covered bridges linking red brick building with glass building
rdf:langString Circular arrangement of chairs and tables with computers
rdf:langString Aerial view of a construction site
rdf:langString Aerial view of docks area
rdf:langString Art Deco building with lawns in foreground
rdf:langString Art deco style building with a clock tower
rdf:langString English and French renaissance style building
rdf:langString Front door of a Victorian red brick building
rdf:langString Large wooden funnel with chairs surrounding it
rdf:langString Line drawing of the floors and roof
rdf:langString Outside view of television studios and offices
rdf:langString Red brick modern six-floor building
rdf:langString Semicircular slate bench-type seating
rdf:langString Silver coloured cowl
rdf:langString Steel map of the Welsh Government constituencies
rdf:langString Three parallel rows of see-through glass plates
rdf:langString Two rows of bench type seating in a semicircle
rdf:langString Victorian style building
rdf:langString View of apartment buildings
rdf:langString Wooden map of the Welsh Government constituencies
rdf:langString Steps leading up to the entrance of the Senedd building
rdf:langString Senedd building still being constructed but with main frame completed
rdf:langString Circular design with orange centre surrounded by white and blue dots splaying out
rdf:langString Reception area to the left with an upper floor to the right
rdf:langString A building with a flat wooden roof and a glass façade around the entire building
rdf:langString Two tinplates images of Aneurin Bevan and Margaret Thatcher
rdf:langString Chairs and tables surrounding a large wooden funnel
rdf:langString Victorian castellated mansion with a keep to the left and formal gardens in the foreground
rdf:langString Modern office block c.2000, with water feature in foreground
rdf:langString Country house in Gothic Revival architectural style
rdf:langString Welsh Parliament building
rdf:langString April 2004
rdf:langString September 2004
rdf:langString Public gallery
rdf:langString The Guildhall
rdf:langString Prospect Place
rdf:langString Debating chamber
rdf:langString Tŷ Hywel
rdf:langString The initial concept design by Richard Rogers Partnership. Richard Rogers said the idea "was that steps rise out of the water...where people... look down on the Assembly Members"
rdf:langString Link bridges connecting Tŷ Hywel ' with the Senedd building '
rdf:langString Assembly Field
rdf:langString Exterior view of the cowl
rdf:langString Heart of Wales
rdf:langString Inside the funnel and cowl viewed from the Siambr
rdf:langString Meeting Place on the Plinth
rdf:langString Site 1E
rdf:langString The Neuadd ' and the Oriel ' on the upper floor
rdf:langString The Swan chairs in the Oriel
rdf:langString The former Glamorgan County Hall
rdf:langString The funnel viewed from the Oriel
rdf:langString After construction, steps leading to the Senedd building
rdf:langString The former HTV studios in Culverhouse Cross, Cardiff
rdf:langString Tinplate portraits of Aneurin Bevan ' and Margaret Thatcher '
rdf:langString center
xsd:date 2006-02-07
<poundSterling> 6.96E7
rdf:langString horizontal
xsd:integer 3
rdf:langString The Pierhead Building
rdf:langString Three Maps of Wales,
rdf:langString with the 5 electoral regions ', the 40 constituencies ', and the Welsh landscape of mountains, hills and valleys .
rdf:langString center
rdf:langString Y Siambr
rdf:langString Commissioned artwork
rdf:langString Neuadd and Oriel
rdf:langString Progress during the second phase of construction
rdf:langString Proposed sites in the second selection process
rdf:langString Shortlisted sites in the first selection process
rdf:langString Shortlisted sites in the second selection process
rdf:langString Steps leading to the Senedd
rdf:langString The Senedd estate in Cardiff Bay
rdf:langString The cowl and funnel
rdf:langString center
xsd:integer 20025826
rdf:langString Flintshire Shire Hall, Mold.jpg
rdf:langString Stepped entrance to The Senedd 6411866 f20413ef.jpg
rdf:langString Senedd construction site - aerial view April 2004.jpg
rdf:langString -SeneddSwansea .jpg
rdf:langString Bridges between Senedd and Crickhowell House.jpg
rdf:langString Callaghan Square Cardiff.jpg
rdf:langString Cardiff City Hall 2007.jpg
rdf:langString CardiffWAG2007.jpg
rdf:langString Coal Exchange, Cardiff.jpg
rdf:langString Cross Section of the Senedd.jpg
rdf:langString Cyfartha Castle.jpg
rdf:langString Floor of the Siambr .jpg
rdf:langString Glamorgan Building, Cathays Park, Cardiff.jpg
rdf:langString Margam Castle - - 1308540.jpg
rdf:langString National Assembly for Wales.jpg
rdf:langString Neuadd & Oriel, Senedd, Cardiff Bay.jpg
rdf:langString Pierhead Building - Cardiff Bay 01.jpg
rdf:langString Pierhead building-Cardiff Bay.jpg
rdf:langString Prospect Place flats near Cardiff Bay .jpg
rdf:langString Senedd Aneurin Bevan and Margaret Thatcher.jpg
rdf:langString Senedd September 2004.jpg
rdf:langString Senedd art wind break.jpg
rdf:langString Senedd meeting place on the plinth.jpg
rdf:langString SeneddFunnel.jpg
rdf:langString TV Centre Cardiff.jpg
rdf:langString The cowl on the Senedd.jpg
rdf:langString The public gallery at the Senedd building 2022.jpg
rdf:langString Three Maps of Wales .jpg
rdf:langString Welsh Assembly Senedd.jpg
rdf:langString Welsh National Assembly.jpg
rdf:langString Y Siambr The Chamber .jpg
rdf:langString Senedd construction site - aerial view 14-02-01.jpg
xsd:date 2006-03-01
rdf:langString Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
rdf:langString Adeilad y Senedd
xsd:integer 2
rdf:langString BDSP Partnership and MJN Colston
xsd:date 2001-03-01
rdf:langString National Assembly for Wales
xsd:integer 340 370 500
xsd:string 51.4639 -3.1621
rdf:langString مبنى البرلمان "بالويلزية: "sɛnɛð" في كارديف، يتكون من غرفة مناظرات وغرف مجلس الشيوخ (برلمان المملكة المتحدة، بالويلزية: البرلمان، سابقاً الجمعية الوطنية لويلز). افتتحت الملكة اليزابيث مبنى البرلمان "حوالي 5308 متر مربع، (57000 قدم مربع)" بتاريخ 1 مارس 2006، يوم القدّيس ديفيد. تُقدّر التكلفة الكلية له حوالي 69.6 مليون جنيه إسترليني، من ضمنها حوالي 49.7 مليون جنيه إسترليني تكلفة مرحلة البناء. بعد عمليتي اختيار، تقرّر أن تكون غرفة المناقشة في موقع جديد، يسمى موقع 1E، في كابيتال ووترسايد في كارديف. فاز المهندس المعماري الحائزعلى جائزة بريتزكر، ريتشارد روجرز، بمسابقة دولية للتصميم المعماري يُديرها المعهد الملكي للمعماريين البريطانيين، لتصميم مبنى البرلمان. صُمّم المبنى ليكون مُستداماً ويستخدم تقنيات الطاقة المتجددة. حصل المبنى على شهادة «ممتازة» على طريقة التقييم البيئي لمؤسسة أبحاث البناء (BREEAM)، وهي أعلى شهادة تُمنح على الإطلاق في ويلز، كما رُشّح المبنى لجائزة ستيرلينغ لعام 2006. شُيّد المبنى على مرحلتين، المرحلة الأولى في عام 2001 والثانية في أغسطس عام 2003 حتى تم تسليمها إلى الجمعية الوطنية لويلز آنذاك في فبرايرعام 2006. بين المراحل غيّرت الجمعية الوطنية المقاولين وهيكل إدارة المشروع، لكنّها احتفظت بريتشارد روجرز كمهندس مخطط للمبنى. كان المبنى يزيد عن الميزانية بستة أضعاف تقريباً وتأخّر أربع سنوات وعشرة أشهر مقارنةً بالتقديرات الأصلية للمشروع في عام 1997. ارتفع اجمالي التكاليف بسبب التدابير الأمنية غير المتوقعة بعد أحداث 11 سبتمبر، ولأنّ الجمعية الوطنية لم يكن لديها تقييم مستقل لتكاليف المشروع حتى ديسمبر 2000، أي بعد ثلاث سنوات من التقدير الأصلي؛ ارتفعت تكاليف المرحلة الثانية بنسبة تقل عن 6% عن الميزانية، وتأخّرت تلك المرحلة ستة أشهر. سُمّي المبنى على نطاق واسع وحصري باسم «البرلمان»، والذي تمّ استخدامه كمرادف للجمعية الوطنية لويلز الموجودة في المبنى. في عام 2020، تمّ تغيير اسم الجمعية الوطنية إلى «البرلمان الويلزي» وتبنّت البرلمان ليكون اسمها المختصر المشترك بين اللغتين الإنجليزية والويلزية. لذلك يُستخدم مصطلح «البرلمان» لتمييز المبنى عن الهيئة التشريعية التي يستضيفها، ويُستخدم مصطلح «خليج كارديف» (اسم الموقع) كمسار بديل للهيئة التشريعية.
rdf:langString Le Senedd (littéralement le « Sénat » ou le « Parlement » en gallois), anciennement surnommé « le bâtiment de l’Assemblée » (de l’anglais Assembly building), est le siège du Parlement gallois. Situé à Cardiff Bay et à proximité immédiate du (en), il est construit à partir de 2001 et inauguré par Élisabeth II le 1er mars 2006. Le Senedd contient la chambre de délibérations du Parlement (anciennement nommé assemblée nationale), le Siambr (littéralement « la Chambre »), et trois chambres de commissions parlementaires (committee rooms). Le bâtiment, avec Pierhead et Tŷ Hywel, fait partie du domaine du Parlement.
rdf:langString The Senedd building (Welsh pronunciation: [ˈsɛnɛð]) in Cardiff houses the debating chamber and three committee rooms of the Senedd (Welsh Parliament; Welsh: Senedd Cymru, formerly the National Assembly for Wales). The 5,308-square-metre (57,100 sq ft) Senedd building was opened by Queen Elizabeth II on 1 March 2006, Saint David's Day, and the total cost was £69.6 million, which included £49.7 million in construction costs. The Senedd building is part of the Senedd estate that includes Tŷ Hywel and the Pierhead Building. After two selection processes, it was decided that the debating chamber would be on a new site, called Site 1E, at Capital Waterside in Cardiff Bay. The Pritzker Prize-winning architect Lord Rogers of Riverside won an international architectural design competition, managed by RIBA Competitions, to design the building. It was designed to be sustainable with the use of renewable technologies and energy efficiency integrated into its design. The building was awarded an "Excellent" certification by the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM), the highest ever awarded in Wales, and was nominated for the 2006 Stirling Prize. The Senedd building was constructed in two phases, the first in 2001 and the second from August 2003 until it was handed over to the then National Assembly for Wales in February 2006. Between phases, the National Assembly changed contractors and the project's management structure, but retained Lord Rogers of Riverside as the scheme architect. The building was nearly six times over budget and four years and 10 months late, compared to the original estimates of the project in 1997. Total costs rose due to unforeseen security measures after the 11 September attacks, and because the National Assembly did not have an independent cost appraisal of the project until December 2000, three years after the original estimate. Phase 2 costs rose by less than 6% over budget, and that phase was six months late.
rdf:langString L'edificio del Senedd (pronuncia gallese [sɛnɛð]. lett. "parlamento") ospita la camera dei dibattiti e tre sale per le commissioni del Parlamento gallese a Cardiff. La costruzione del Senedd occupa una superficie di 5.308 metri quadrati ed è stata inaugurata con la presenza dalla regina Elisabetta II il 1º marzo 2006. Il costo totale dell'opera è stato di 69,6 milioni di sterline, che comprendevano 49,7 milioni di sterline per i costi di costruzione. L'edificio è stato progettato da Richard Rogers e realizzato dalla Arup.
rdf:langString 威爾士議會大廈,又称为希内德楼(英語:Senedd building、威爾斯語:Senedd)是威爾士議會的辦公場所之一,位於威爾士首府加迪夫,面積5,308平方米(57,100平方英尺)。這座建築開工於2001年3月1日,由英國女王伊麗莎白二世在2006年3月1日揭幕,修建總共耗資6,960萬英鎊。威爾士議會大廈、霍威楼及皮爾海德大樓共同組成了威爾士議會的办公地点。
<squareMetre> 5308.0
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 87833
rdf:langString Welsh Parliament, Cardiff Bay, CARDIFF CF99 1SN
rdf:langString Welsh Parliament building
xsd:string 7 February 2006
<poundSterling> 6.96E7
xsd:double 5308.0
xsd:positiveInteger 3
xsd:date 2006-03-01
rdf:langString Adeilad y Senedd
<Geometry> POINT(-3.1621000766754 51.463901519775)

data from the linked data cloud